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Best CBD Oil | Compare CBD Brands

Cannabidiol (CBD) has caught the attention of millions around the world. So, it’s only natural that you would want to buy the BEST CBD oil for yourself and experience the remarkable health benefits. The tough decision is which brand is right for you. We have rigorously tested and reviewed the top CBD brands and below is our list of the best CBD oil brands for 2019.

For more info about Cannabidiol check out the Ultimate Guide of CBD Oils

The companies with low quality products will be difficult to reach out to and get in contact with a representative. They would rather hide under the cloak of darkness that the internet provides. Before ordering, try to reach out to the company and make some prior inquiry, maybe about some fruity cannabis strains they provide—however trivial it might be. If someone receives your call and gets back to you in a timely manner, you’ve got yourself an accountable company. They are more likely to take care of their customers and the quality of their products.

When it comes to the best CBD oil products, cheap is never the best. In fact, you should try to stay away from products that are sold cheap. This is because the extraction process is simply isn’t cheap and takes high-end equipment and expertise. Cheap products will most probably have toxic residues left in them. So, if the product you’re buying is cheap, it definitely is compromising on its quality, which means you will not get the benefits out of the products you’re buying.

best cbd oil bioMDplus

bioMD+ CBD Oil

1356 Reviews
  • Terpene Enhanced Oils
  • 3rd Party Lab Testing
  • Great Flavors & Price
  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Supercritical CO2 Extraction

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How Did We Pick the Best CBD Oils?


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best cbd oil bioMDplus

bioMDplus CBD Oil

9.9Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)

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  • Terpene Enhanced Oils
  • 3rd Party Lab Testing
  • Great Flavors & Price
  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Supercritical CO2 Extraction
  • Only ships to USA


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9.9Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)


Pinnacle CBD Oil

Pinnacle CBD Oil

9.3Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)

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  • Transparency of Lab Results
  • Wide Variety of Products
  • Full Spectrum Products
  • Fair Pricing
  • Strict Return Policy
  • “Natural” Taste
  • No Free Shipping Until You Spend $50 or More


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9.3Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)


fab cbd oil

Fab. CBD Oil

9.4Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)

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  • Excellent Customer Service & loyalty program
  • Honest and respected ownership
  • Great Taste
  • Mid level pricing
  • Limited product line
  • Lackluster product design


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9.4Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)


Lazarus Naturals CBD

Lazarus Naturals CBD Oil

9.2Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)

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  • Transparent 3rd party testing
  • Most competitive pricing
  • Fast shipping & tracking
  • Limited flavors
  • Poorly designed website
  • No loyalty program


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9.2Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)


Savage CBD Tincture

Savage CBD Oil

9.1Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)

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  • Strong Quality Control
  • Excellent reviews
  • Meticulous testing
  • High-quality ingredients
  • Terpene outline is not shown
  • Alcohol extraction method


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9.1Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)


cbd pure bottles

CBD Pure CBD Oil

8.9Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)

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  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Run by experts
  • Great Taste
  • High Prices
  • Limited customer service
  • Limited product line


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8.9Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)



CBDistillery CBD Oil

8.8Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)

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  • USA-grown hemp
  • THC-free CBD isolate
  • Vegan gummies; no gelatin
  • Returns accepted (unopened products only)
  • Not full-spectrum CBD; no terpenes
  • Website does not specify extraction method
  • Lab analysis does not include testing for heavy metals, pesticides or solvents


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8.8Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)


EIR CBD Health

EIR Health CBD Oil

8.7Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)

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  • Premium and Effective Oil
  • Ships to 33 Countries (USA and EU)
  • Sleek Branding
  • Strong Hemp Flavor
  • Limited Product Line


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8.7Expert Score

Quality Control
Value (cost per mg)

How to find the best CBD oil (First-time buyers)

The countless benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD) have caught the attention of millions around the world. It is only natural that you would want to buy the best CBD oil for yourself and experience the remarkable health benefits. However, before doing so, read this guide carefully and consider the points before you decide what the best CBD oil for your needs is.

Where was the hemp grown?

You might be aware that hemp is a bio-accumulator, which means it is capable of absorbing both the good and bad from the air, water, and the soil in which it is grown. This makes it really important that you know whether your hemp is grown organically which can be determined by looking for information about the source of their hemp. Currently, the US is known for high-quality hemp grown in either Colorado or Kentucky.

Look at the Concentration of Actual CBD in the Product

There are a lot of sellers out there who are duping buyers into thinking that they are getting more for less. It is of utmost importance that you pay due attention to the concentration level of the CBD you are buying. This will make sure that you’re getting what you’re paying for. A quality CBD oil will have a concentration level somewhere between 250mg to 1,500mg per fluid ounce. If you’re buying anything less than that then it would hardly be enough to reap the full benefits of the product you’re buying.

Young Living CBD Oil

Look for CBD Companies that Use CO2 Extraction

How do you get orange juice? You squeeze the oranges. How do you get almonds? You shake the almond tree. How do you get CBD oil? Well, that’s a complex process.

The easiest way to extract CBD oil from hemp involves using harsh solvents which might leave a chemical residue in the CBD oil. The most reliable, and preferably the best method of extraction uses carbon dioxide (CO2) under high pressure and extremely low temperature to exact as much CBD as possible without introducing contaminants into the product. Once the intense pressure is removed, the CO2 simply evaporates—leaving virtually no traces on the CBD oil.

Look for Third Party Lab Results

The only guarantees that we have in life are death and taxes. So make sure that the CBD oil that you are buying is free from any contaminants. Do not take the company’s word for it when they say it is 100% pure until and unless you have gotten the CBD tested in a third-party accredited laboratory away from the watchful eye of the company president. This is the only way you can be cent % sure of the quality, safety, and potency of the product. After all, you very well know you can never be too careful these days.

CBD Oil Vs Hemp Seed Oil: The Difference

Even though people like to assume that CBD oil and Hemp seed oil is both the same thing with different names, they are actually very different products.

It is true that both CBD oil and hemp seed oil are derived from the hemp tree but they are derived from very different parts of this plant. While the CBD oil uses the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant in its production, hemp seed oil comes from the seeds of a Cannabis sativa plant which doesn’t contain any CBD in them. The hemp oil is rich nutrients, fatty acids, and other types of useful bioactive compounds that offer several health benefits to the users.

Another notable difference between these two oils is that while the CBD is used for different medical and healthcare sectors, the hemp seed oil is mostly used for industrial and nutritional purposes.

Does CBD Make You High

CBD is taking the medication world by storm. It is surely becoming more popular with each passing day because of its several health and skincare benefits. However, even after offering so many benefits to its users, people are still skeptical about whether CBD would make them high or not.
The most straightforward answer to this question is that CBD in any form or shape (gummies, creams, or oils) won’t get you high. Even though this component comes from cannabis (the same plant species that brings us marijuana), CBD products contain zero to none THC (a compound known for its psychoactive effects) and therefore, don’t make you high or euphoric.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD or Cannabinoids, however you call it, has a surprising capability of interacting with your body and brain. This interesting component uses your endocannabinoid system (ECS) to work wonders in your body for better health.

Endocannabinoid system naturally produces its own endocannabinoids to support this system and run your body. But whenever it cannot produce a sufficient amount of endocannabinoids the CBD comes into play. This cannabinoid produces phytocannabinoids that interacts with your ECS and helps to operate so that your body remains healthy and active.

The most basic thing CBD does in your body is that it prevents the breakdown of any additional endocannabinoids to ensure that your body doesn’t fall deficient of this component. CBD also allows your body to use the endocannabinoids it is already naturally producing.

Why Should You Use CBD Oil

CBD (Cannabidiol) oil is a product derived from cannabis. Even though it comes from marijuana plants, it won’t make you high or let you lose control. Because this amazing oil is organic and derived from natural sources, it offers you numerous health and skin benefits and you cannot overlook. And as this oil provides your several health and skin benefits, you should use CBD oil on a daily basis rather than adopting any other form of traditional medicines.

Some of the most prominent advantages of CBD oil for which you should use it are:

  • It helps you to relieve pain. No matter what type of pain you are suffering from, a drop or two of this incredible oil on a regular basis would help you to get rid of the pain and lead a healthy life.
  • This oil is an excellent option for relieving anxiety. Research shows that CBD has the potential to change the way your brain acts while stressed and helps you to chill even in the most stressful situation.
  • CBD oil can remove acne and reduce skin inflammation. As this incredible oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce the production of oil in your skin, it can actively reduce the appearance of acne from your skin and fight signs of aging effectively to present you with a very youthful and clear face.

What are the Benefits of CBD Oil

CBD oil (also known as Cannabidiol) is a type of natural oil that is derived from cannabis. Even though it comes from marijuana plants, CBD is not known to make you high or cause any form of intoxication, instead, this magical oil offers you a handful of health and skin benefits to make you even more active and dynamic.

Some of the most common and effective benefits of CBD oil that are also backed by science are:

  • Can Relieve Pain One of the greatest benefits that CBD oil offers to its users is to relieve pain. It doesn’t matter what type of pain you are experiencing and what is the extent of the pain, this wonder oil promises to help you always. From chronic pain to arthritis pain, sore muscles, and simple headache, this oil can reduce every type of pain.In recent years, scientists have discovered that CBD oil has potential pain-relieving effects; it gets involved in the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and regulates varieties of body functions including the feeling of pain and ache. When you use CBD in any way, whether you intake it or massage it on your pain area, it will combine with the endocannabinoids produced by the ECS and start working immediately to reduce the pain you are experiencing.
  • Has the Potential to Reduce Anxiety and Depression Even though CBD oil won’t make you high and give you a euphoric feeling, it still manages to fight anxiety and depression actively. Studies have shown that this magic component reduces anxiety and depression in both humans and animals by several notches when taken correctly. And because of its natural and organic profile, more people are gravitating towards this oil rather than getting any prescription drugs. Several studies have shown that CBD oil has the potential to safely treat insomnia and anxiety in children with post-traumatic stress disorder when administered in the correct dosage.Now, you might wonder, how a plant derivative can do such things. Well, according to scientists, CBD has the ability to act on the brain’s receptors for serotonin which is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and social behavior.
  • Might Alleviate Cancer-Related Pain Another benefit of CBD that is considered as a blessing for cancer patients is its ability to alleviate cancer-related pain and other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and uncomfortableness.A recent study has proved that CBD has significantly reduced cancer-related pain in patients who did not experience relief from regular pain medications.In addition to reducing cancer pain and symptoms, CBD also reduced the aftereffect of chemotherapy significantly to comfort the patient by several notches.
  • Can Benefit Your Heart Activity One surprising benefit of CBD is that it has shown a significant positive effect on your heart activity and blood circulatory system. As this oil gets involved with your endocannabinoid system (ECS) fully, it has the ability to regulate a number of your body functions including your blood pressure.People who are suffering from high blood pressure and heart problem particularly benefit from taking CBD as it controls high blood pressure and brings it back to normal point to make sure that you don’t suffer from a sudden heart attack due to such high BP.
  • Can Erase Acne and Fight Signs of Aging In addition to several health benefits, CBD oil has also proven itself as an ally to numerous of your skin problems. This natural oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that not only soothe your skin but at the same time also helps to fight unsightly acne and various signs of aging.This organic component also helps to control the excessive sebum production and gives you a glowy skin that you have always wanted.

How to use CBD Oils

In a simple sense, how you will use your CBD largely depends on the form it comes with. In the case of CBD oil, as it is in liquid form, there are quite a few methods of using it. Let’s discuss these methods for better understanding.

  • Inhalation (Smoking/Vaping) Even though it might sound a bit odd, you can actually inhale your CBD oil through smoking or vaping. This is one of the fastest and easiest ways to enjoy its effects since it goes straight into your lungs and mixes in your bloodstream while smoking.However, before adopting this method, remember that inhalation can be harsh on your throat and lungs.
  • Oral Ingestion One great yet discreet way to try out your CBD oil is by taking it through edibles. You can either take the CBD gummies or can ingest the oil directly by mixing it with your food. Just mix your intended amount of CBD oil into your desired food and take it to enjoy the best benefit of this organic product.
  • Sublingual (Under the Tongue) If you want faster results, you can always take the CBD oil directly. Place a few drops of this oil under your tongue and swallow it after a few seconds. When taken sublingual, CBD oils show results super-fast. Also, the results are long-lasting and discreet.
  • Topical Application You can also apply your CBD oil directly over the skin to enjoy various skin benefits. Aside from making your skin soft and beautiful, this magical potion can also treat skin irregularities like eczema effectively.

How to use CBD Oil for Sleep and Insomnia

CBD oil is a type of cannabinoids that are derived from the mighty marijuana plant. Even though it is extracted from the marijuana plant, this oil is completely safe and won’t make you high or euphoric. It is known to provide a number of health benefits to keep you active and healthy.

In addition to its several health and skin benefits, the CBD oil is also known to aid in your sleeping disorder and insomnia. When tried on 100 people, 66.7 percent reported that they had better sleep after using CBD.

Then again, the question remains-how you should use this oil for sleep and insomnia?

Well, there are a number of ways to use CBD oil to treat your sleeping disorder, which are:

  • Vape or Smoking
  • Oils and tinctures
  • Pills and capsules
  • Gummies or lollipops

The way you will use CBD is entirely your decision. But remember that some of the methods are more effective than the others and you must prefer the one that acts effectively on you.

How to use CBD Oil for pain

One of the main reasons people have gravitated towards the mighty CBD oil is that it is exceptionally good in relieving numerous types of pain and aches without the possibility of getting high and hampering your daily lifestyle.

But before discussing how to use this oil, first, we must understand the kind of pain and ache CBD oil can treat. This organic oil can treat almost all common pain that people experience. From relieving simple headache to treating chronic pain, arthritis, and the pain from chemo, this oil is helpful in every situation.

Now, let’s discuss how to use this wonder oil precisely so that it relieves pain faster and provides you the relief you have been yearning for.

It’s a common knowledge that CBD oil is available in both liquid and capsule form. The one you will choose entirely depends on your preference. While you can take the capsule only by ingesting it, the oil can be used in various ways to fight back the pain in your body.

To start with, you can massage the CBD oil onto the pain area to reduce the uncomfortableness. You can also intake it through your food or beverage or by the sublingual way to get relief almost immediately.

How to use CBD Oil for Anxiety

CBD oil (Or Cannabidiol, however, you call it), is a special type of component found naturally in marijuana plants. It is organic, safe to use, and doesn’t make you high as pot does. Several pieces of research show that other than numerous health benefits, CBD oil also has the potential to relieve anxiety and help you to chill.

However, remember that, even though this oil helps you to chill, it doesn’t cause any feelings of intoxication or make you euphoric.

Now that we know CBD oil is a safe way to get rid of anxiety, let’s now discuss how to use it so that relieving anxiety becomes easier than ever.

As CBD oil comes in both liquid and capsule or gummies form, you can take it in many ways. From chewing the gummies to mixing the oil to your food and using it in a sublingual (placing a few drops under the tongue), there are more than a few ways to use this oil for anxiety treatment. But remember that how quickly and effectively it will work depends on the dosage rather than the using method. Therefore, don’t forget to talk to your doctor before start using this amazing oil.

Jacob Daniels

Chief Editor at Popular CBD Brands
Jacob Daniels

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9.6 Total Score

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User Rating: 4.13 (61 votes)

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