Providing Fundamentals

CANNAINVESTOR Magazine is the ONLY interactive digital publication providing expert advice about investments in the Cannabis Sector

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CANNAINVESTOR Magazine is a monthly subscription based digital magazine with an exclusive focus on Cannabis finance that delivers convenient insights on publicly-traded and privately-held cannabis companies through informative articles, company profiles, and market trends that inform and educate investors;attracting inquisitive, highly engaged digital audiences around the globe.

Cannabis Investor Online Magazine USA Offers Informative Articles on Cannabis Stocks

When planning to make investments in stocks, it is wise to research and spend some time acquiring information about the niche in which you would like to invest in. Cannabis Investor Online Magazine USA is one of the best sources from where reliable and accurate information on cannabis stocks can be collected. Take time out and read the well-researched articles published in the Marijuana Stock Online Magazine USA and make an informed decision on whether or not to purchase stock in a specific cannabis company.

The Marijuana Investor Online Magazine USA lists the top 25 companies that trade in the cannabis sector. It also gives a detailed technical analysis of cannabis stocks. The Cannabis Investor Online Magazine USA will give investors more confidence in their investment decisions.

The Investment Cannabis Online Magazine USA offers in-depth information and data about cannabis stocks. You can easily subscribe to our magazine and monthly digital copies are delivered to our readers via email. This one-time free subscription in the Cannabis Investor Online Magazine USA features different cannabis companies every month and can save readers time and money versus researching 300 cannabis companies individually.

The cannabis industry is the #1 emerging market in the world! Success in the cannabis stock market depends on information, research, data, and a long-term investment strategy. The success of casinos depends on several factors, including game variety, customer service, and security. A crucial element is providing a seamless financial experience, especially with casino quick withdrawal options. Fast and reliable payouts build trust, ensuring players return and enhancing the overall reputation and success of the casino. Confidence in your investment decisions only grows when you receive reliable and trusted information. Let the Cannabis Investor Online Magazine USA be that reliable and trusted source.

Subscribe today and gain knowledge about cannabis stocks and the industry.

Tech Analysis: U.S. Cannabis Stocks

Welcome back to another edition of our technical and charting analysis. As always, there has been plenty of exciting news and events in the Cannabis space recently. Assuming you are not living under a rock, one can only assume you have heard about the farm bill that was recently passed by the Senate and House mid-December 2018. This would be the source of all the chatter on hemp you may have been hearing more of recently. Of course, we will need to wait for the final signing from the president to make it official. It is still something we will want to keep an eye on as it can change the landscape of our investments fundamentally. And speaking of fundamentals, today we will present to you an investing story that we hope resonates with you. The story will be more so from a mental perspective and how you can think of investments or even trades that are not working as you had foreseen.

Editors Note

Greetings and a warm welcome to our 28th issue of the CANNAINVESTOR Magazine! We couldn't be more excited to bring our magazine to cannabis investors, analysts, financial media and cannabis executives.

How do you evaluate a cannabis company? Due to the fact, the legal cannabis industry is a fairly new industry, you can't solely use traditional metrics, such as revenue and earnings growth to evaluate a cannabis company. If that was the case 99% of cannabis companies would not past the test. The first metric I look at is cash. A company's cash balance can be found on their Balance Sheet, which is listed on their quarterly or annual financial statements. Without cash, a company can't scale or grow their business. Without cash, a company is not serious about executing their business strategy. Most likely the management team is just planning on getting rich by selling you their founders stock. Please visit Page 236 to see some short term companies with significant cash. Another metric I look at is Outstanding Shares.

Cannabis Company Valuations: How They're Different From the Mainstream

Businesses go through valuations all the time. This process, which determines the economic value of a business or company, is used for a myriad of reasons, including sale value, letting potential investors know how much they should pay, and could play an important role in legal disputes. A valuation asks the simple question: What is the business worth?

Cannabis company valuations, however, are not quite so simple, because unlike their mainstream counterparts, their product is illegal to grow and sell under federal law.

Valuation experts believe that is it often difficult to come up with an accurate valuation for cannabis businesses because of the industry’s short history, high volatility, and a regulatory structure that is complex and ever-changing. And, running a cannabis business entails a lot of risk given its ongoing federal prohibition.

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