Institutional Grade
Market News & Data APIs

The largest news vendor to North American Brokerages

Trusted by Our Partners


API Product Suite

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Develop for any platform -
just like we did for Benzinga Pro

Benzinga News and data APIs give you the tools you need to
to build any platform in any operating system, in the coding language
which fits you best.

What is Benzinga?

The Benzinga team gives investors access to actionable, market-moving news and insightful financial data. Through our in-house proprietary content and established partner network, Benzinga licenses information covering the entire financial data spectrum, from standard financial data to alternative datasets.

Our news and databases power many of the world's largest online brokerage platforms and data aggregators

Benzinga has been breaking
actionable financial news and
curating high-quality financial


Datasets Since

Accurate, Fast, and Reliable

Complete redundancy, horizontally
scalable, built on proven and reliable

Ultra low latency APIs

Less than
0.1 seconds

Historical News archive of

84 Terabytes


Amazon AWS

Breadth of Coverage

Wilshire 5000 Data

real-time APIs

We offer powerful, easy to use APIs that allow you to manage every stage of the investing journey, from customer onboarding, account funding and trading to digital statements and tax reporting.

Hottest Datasets

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Why is it Moving? (WIIM)

The one sentence reason an asset is trading higher or lower on any given day...

Stock Market Newswire

Newswires like Benzinga originate content in-house...

Analyst Ratings

Professional analysts can provide novel insights for investors of any level...

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