




Girls and boys

Danelia Díaz
2nd grade teacher, Rey Juan Carlos 1 school Chinandega, Nicaragua
The course “viaje hacia la educación virtual” have helped to get closer to my students. Seeing their faces full of joy when they finally see and meet each other again, was very memorable, they seemed very happy.
Trixalia Mercado
2nd grade teacher at the school San Francisco de Asís, Carazo, Nicaragua.
Through the courses and consultancies I have learned to interact better with my students; make forums, consultancies, feedback and exams. This has favored the closeness between my students through a little screen. Educating virtually has let me maintain the enrollment at 100% and be able to achieve the most important thing which is being able to make the education reach to all my students.
Rosa Estela López
2nd grade teacher, hogar de Nazareth school Honduras
I had the opportunity to put in practice the different strategies that FZT has offered me. In class I have a student that has difficulty in reading and writing but thanks to FZT he has shown improvement, achieving the attention and interest of the child, and obtaining significant results in his learning.
Luz Amanda Benavides
FZT Pedagogical Advisor
I have been a part of the transformation during these last six years, guiding my teachers have been the best experience during those times . Where in the both part we bet to better the education of the region. To continue with the company, I had to re-in invite myself and go hand in hand with my teachers through a digital screen and continue with the amazing adventure of changing life.
Job Samuel Reyna
1st grade student, San Pablo school, Nicaragua.
I find amazing this program “hogares digital”, because it is very educational. My mom has helped me to improve my reading with new techniques that they had shared with her through WhatsApp, and now I can read better. Every time I practice with my mom those techniques we have a lot of fun because we have to look for the materials and I feel like I’m playing but at the same time learning more how to read.
Innovative girls and boys
Innovative girls and boys
Information managers
Students with an active role
Unidos para transformar la región
Unidos para transformar la región
Los hogares, las nuevas escuelas

La llegada del COVID 19 nos ha obligado a reinventarnos, modificando y creando nuevos procesos que satisfagan las necesidades educativas del siglo XXI, dicho contexto requiere que los padres y madres de familia se involucren en el aprendizaje en casa, transformando los hogares en las nuevas escuelas

Fundación Zamora Terán expone su modelo y visión en evento regional sobre colaboraciones para el futuro.
Fundación Zamora Terán expone su modelo y visión en evento regional sobre colaboraciones para el futuro.
¡Desafío Hacktívate! Conectando la mente con el cambio

Frente al avance de la pandemia de COVID-19 en Nicaragua y los riesgos que podría generar una propagación del virus a mayor escala, UNICEF y Fundación Zamora Terán han centrado su respuesta en apoyar la continuidad de los servicios esenciales (educación, salud y protección) para niñas niños, adolescentes y mujeres y la mitigación del impacto de la epidemia.

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