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American Forest Foundation

The American Forest Foundation (AFF) is a national non-profit conservation organization that protects and measurably increases the clean water, wildlife habitat and sustainable wood supplies that come from family-owned forests. AFF works with landowners, partners, leading businesses and policymakers to address key issues such as conserving biodiversity, reducing risk of catastrophic wildfire, and addressing the threat of climate change. To learn more about the American Forest Foundation, visit


American Forest Foundation Expands Access to Carbon Markets for Underserved Landowners
Bank of America provides $230,000 grant to help the Family Forest Carbon Program Washington, D.C. (October 4, 2022) - The American Forest Foundation...

American Forest Foundation Expands Access to Carbon Markets for Underserved Landowners
The American Forest Foundation Expands Access to Carbon Markets for Underserved LandownersBank of America provides $230,000 grant to help the Family...