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The Avante Institute Bahamas

The Avante Ibogaine Treatment Center


The Leading Ibogaine Clinic for Alcohol & Opiate Addiction

The Avante Institute in Nassau Bahamas is proud to be a leader in Clinical Ibogaine and Therapeutic Psilocybin Treatments for addiction, alcoholism, depression, PTSD and GAD. Our expert clinical staff, top-tier safety protocols, luxury facility and the relaxation of the Bahamas Caribbean environment ensure our clients receive the finest treatment experience available.

Are you or someone that you love seeking an effective treatment solution for drug or alcohol addiction? Is Post-Traumatic Stress, depression, or anxiety hindering your happiness and quality of life? Have you heard the extraordinary accounts of the therapeutic results achieved through Clinical Ibogaine Treatment and Therapeutic Psilocybin Treatment? If so, The Avante Institute Bahamas may be the solution for you!

Ibogaine Treatment Center Bahamas

The Best Ibogaine Treatment Programs

For Veterans Suffering From PTSD & Depression

The Avante Veterans Treatment Program is intended to aid those who have served in the U.S. Armed Services, First Responders, and rescue and recovery workers who suffer symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD) and concussive and sub-concussive neurological injuries (mTBI).

Clinical Ibogaine Therapy has demonstrated exceptional efficacy in treating the neurological effects associated with these conditions, including behavioral and emotional effects such as depression and anxiety that can arise from traumatic and hazardous life experiences.

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How Does an Ibogaine Treatment Work?

An Ibogaine Success Story

The best way to illustrate how our treatments work is through real-life experiences from past patients. Dylan attended The Avante Institute to undergo ibogaine addiction treatment to finally end his 20-year drug and alcohol addiction.

“When I arrived at The Avante Ibogaine Institute, I was completely hostage to my addiction. It controlled every day of my life. As soon as I got there I knew that I was in the right place. They immediately stabilized me and I never felt any withdrawals. Literally none. These people heal people. That’s what they do. They save people. I wish I had found them sooner, but I am thankful that I finally did.” Corey L., Winchester, MA.

Is The Avante Ibogaine Clinic Right for You?

In determining if clinical psychedelic treatment at The Avante Institute is the right choice for you, you should ask yourself some candid questions:

  • Is alcohol, drugs or addictive prescriptions having an adverse effect on your life?
  • Does trauma-related stress, depression, and anxiety prohibit you from leading a life of peace, happiness and productivity?
  • Are you ready to be free from the captivity of addiction and depression?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions …

Clinical Ibogaine Treatment at The Avante Institute

May Be The Right Choice FOR YOU!

Ibogaine Treatment Can Help With…

Addictive Behaviors

Addictive Behaviors

Ibogaine treatment can lift the veil on those deeply seeded habitual tendencies that, over time, have become default mechanisms in dealing with life’s turbulences, past traumas and fears. This healing journey can provide the critical guidance necessary to break free from addictive behaviors.

Alcohol and Drug Addiction

For those challenged by addiction to drugs or alcohol, Ibogaine Assisted Detox Treatment is an addiction interrupter that can eliminate (or drastically reduce) post-acute withdrawal symptoms to offer you the opportunity to begin a sober lifestyle absent the cravings, anxiety, depression and guilt that often plague newly sober individuals.

Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Post Traumatic Stress

Have traumatic events infiltrated your life and hindered your happiness? Do you feel captive in continually reliving the experiences? Ibogaine treatment has consistently shown to strengthen neural pathways and re-establish neuron connections in the brain (neurogenesis) that can help shift flawed perspectives into sound and reliable reasoning; restoring a balanced emotional state that can alleviate the burdens of guilt and shame.

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing

For those seeking spiritual guidance, from expanded enlightenment to a completely divine transformation, ibogaine treatment at The Avante Institute clinic can help to invoke the honesty and truth necessary to nourish and renew the soul. Our ibogaine treatment therapy has been characterized as “receiving a large financial deposit into an otherwise bankrupt spiritual account.”

Pre-Treatment Emotional Preparation

We encourage all guests to prepare in advance for their clinical psychedelic therapy experience

  • It is beneficial to carefully identify what you wish to achieve through your experience.
  • In the days leading up to your treatment, attempt to restore as much peace and balance in your life as possible.
  • If you are chemically dependent, it is best to arrive for therapy as “in control” of your addiction as possible (“maintenance-mode”) and to be committed to your new journey with a strong fundamental mindset to attack recovery head on.
  • For those seeking spiritual refinement, we ask that you work in advance of your treatment to identify those issues you wish to resolve through your psychedelic therapy experience.

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