Leesa Rowland

Actress and Author

Leesa Rowland is an American actress, author, and philanthropist, whose diverse career has spanned across various facets of the entertainment and creative industries. Born on May 17, 1965, in Austin, Texas, Leesa grew up on a family ranch, where she developed a deep appreciation for nature and animals. This early connection laid the groundwork for her lifelong commitment to animal welfare and advocacy.

After graduating from Texas Tech University with a degree in broadcast journalism, Leesa’s passion for the arts led her to Los Angeles, where she studied acting at the prestigious Stella Adler Studios. Her dedication and talent quickly paid off, earning her notable roles in films and television. Leesa gained a significant cult following for her performances in Troma Entertainment’s “Class of Nuke ‘Em High” parts 2 and 3, and Starz Channel’s “Return to Nuke ‘Em High,” among others. Her on-screen presence, characterized by a unique blend of charisma and depth, showcased her versatility as an actress.

Beyond her acting career, Leesa is the author of “The Charisma Factor,” a book that explores the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. She is also the founder and president of Animal Ashram, a New York City-based nonprofit organization dedicated to animal welfare. Through her philanthropic efforts, Leesa has become a prominent figure in advocating for the rights and welfare of animals, as well as supporting various charitable causes.

Leesa Rowland’s multifaceted career exemplifies her dedication to artistic expression, personal growth, and compassionate activism, making her a distinguished figure in both the entertainment industry and the realm of philanthropy.

What is your typical day, and how do you make it productive?

My days usually blend acting, writing, and philanthropy. I start with a morning routine that includes meditation to set a positive tone for the day. Structuring my day with a to-do list helps me prioritize tasks and ensures productivity. I allocate specific times for creative work, meetings, and philanthropic efforts, ensuring a balanced approach to my diverse interests and responsibilities. Evening reflections on accomplishments and setting intentions for the next day are also integral to my productivity. This balance between active engagement and introspective planning keeps me grounded and focused.

How do you bring ideas to life?

Ideas come to life through collaboration, research, and persistent effort. Whether it’s a role I’m preparing for or a new project for Animal Ashram, I discuss it with trusted colleagues, research thoroughly, and then take actionable steps. Visualization and setting clear, attainable goals are also crucial in making ideas a reality. I also rely heavily on feedback from my inner circle and audience to refine and adapt my ideas, ensuring they resonate well and have a meaningful impact.

What’s one trend that excites you?

The increasing use of digital platforms for social activism excites me. It’s empowering to see how social media can amplify voices and mobilize support for causes, creating meaningful change at a rapid pace. This democratization of influence, where anyone can initiate change, underscores the power of collective action and community in addressing global challenges.

What is one habit that helps you be productive?

Daily meditation and mindfulness practice keep me centered and productive. They help me maintain focus on my goals and manage the stresses that come with a career in the public eye. Additionally, regular physical exercise, whether it’s yoga or a brisk walk, enhances my mental clarity and energy levels, further boosting my productivity and ability to tackle the day’s demands.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I’d tell my younger self to embrace every challenge as an opportunity for growth. Don’t fear making mistakes; they are invaluable lessons that shape your path to success. I would also emphasize the importance of self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, as nurturing your well-being is foundational to sustaining long-term success and happiness.

Tell us something you believe almost nobody agrees with you on?

I believe that every individual has the innate capability to manifest their own success and happiness through positive thinking and visualization, a concept some may find too simplistic or idealistic. This belief in the power of the mind to influence reality is often met with skepticism, but I’ve found it to be a transformative principle in both my personal and professional life, driving me toward my goals and shaping my approach to challenges.

What is the one thing you repeatedly do and recommend everyone else do?

I recommend regular self-reflection and journaling. It’s a powerful tool for personal growth, helping to clarify goals, acknowledge feelings, and track progress. This practice has not only heightened my self-awareness but also enhanced my decision-making and emotional resilience. Encouraging others to adopt this habit, I believe, can lead to profound personal insights and a more fulfilling life journey.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

I take a break and reconnect with nature. A walk outside or time spent with animals helps me clear my mind, refocus, and find new energy to tackle challenges. This reconnection acts as a reset button, reminding me of the world’s beauty and the simplicity that lies in being present. It’s a practice I find invaluable, especially in today’s fast-paced and often digitally dominated world.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business or advance in your career?

Networking and building genuine relationships have been crucial. Engaging with others in the industry, not just for personal gain but to share knowledge and support, has opened doors and created opportunities. This approach of fostering authentic connections rather than merely transactional relationships has enriched my career with collaborations and friendships that inspire and propel me forward.

What is one failure in your career,  how did you overcome it, and what lessons did you take away from it?

Early in my career, I faced rejection for a role I felt passionately about. I overcame this by focusing on personal growth and resilience, which taught me that rejection is not a reflection of my worth but a step towards the right opportunities. Embracing failure as part of the journey has instilled in me a perseverance and openness to learn from each setback, transforming them into stepping stones for future successes.

What is one business idea you’re willing to give away to our readers?

A platform that connects aspiring actors with industry mentors for guidance, feedback, and support. It’s a way to democratize access to valuable insights and opportunities in the entertainment industry. This idea stems from my belief in the power of mentorship and the positive impact it can have on individuals at the start of their careers, potentially opening doors and shortening the learning curve for many.

What is one piece of software that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

I rely on Trello for organizing projects and tasks. It helps me visualize my schedule, manage deadlines, and collaborate efficiently with my team. By creating boards for different projects and categorizing tasks with deadlines, I can maintain focus and ensure nothing falls through the cracks. This system has been instrumental in managing my varied commitments and maximizing my productivity.

Do you have a favorite book or podcast you’ve gotten a ton of value from and why?

“The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle has been incredibly valuable. It’s taught me the importance of living in the present moment, which has been crucial for my mental and emotional well-being. The principles discussed in the book have helped me navigate the pressures of the industry and personal challenges, fostering a sense of peace and clarity that enhances my creativity and productivity.

What’s a movie or series you recently enjoyed and why?

I recently enjoyed “The Queen’s Gambit” for its compelling storytelling and the way it showcases the strength and complexity of its female protagonist. It’s a brilliant example of empowering female roles in media. The series not only entertains but also inspires, highlighting the resilience and determination required to overcome personal and professional challenges, resonating deeply with my own experiences and values.

Key learnings:

  • Balanced Routine for Productivity: Leesa Rowland emphasizes the importance of a structured day, integrating meditation, to-do lists, and evening reflections to maintain productivity. This approach not only ensures a balance between her acting, writing, and philanthropic work but also keeps her grounded and focused, demonstrating the power of a well-organized routine in achieving daily goals and long-term success.
  • Collaboration and Visualization in Bringing Ideas to Life: Rowland highlights collaboration, research, and visualization as key strategies in realizing her ideas. By engaging with colleagues, setting clear goals, and relying on feedback, she effectively transforms concepts into tangible outcomes. This method underscores the value of teamwork and strategic planning in the creative process, offering a blueprint for others looking to bring their visions to fruition.
  • Digital Platforms for Social Activism: The trend towards leveraging digital platforms for social activism is a source of excitement for Rowland. She recognizes the potential of social media to amplify voices and mobilize support for causes, marking a shift towards a more democratized form of influence. This observation sheds light on the evolving landscape of activism, where technology plays a pivotal role in facilitating collective action and societal change.