About Us
Freedom of the press and humanity are the foundation of The Epoch Times.
The Epoch Times was born out of a great need to provide uncensored news to a people immersed in propaganda and censorship in China. Having witnessed events like the Tiananmen Square massacre and the persecution of the spiritual group Falun Gong, and at great risk to themselves and their loved ones, a group of Chinese Americans started publishing The Epoch Times in the Chinese language in the United States.
When we launched in 2000, we had reporters and editors in China; they were soon arrested, and some suffered severe torture. To this day, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been relentless in its efforts to assault our operations and stop us from pursuing our mission—including by ransacking our offices, attacking our websites, and setting our printing press on fire in Hong Kong.
In English, our first edition was published online in 2003, followed by the first print edition in 2004. Our beginnings have instilled in Epoch Times staff an unwavering commitment to integrity, truthfulness in reporting, and respect for human rights and freedom.
The Epoch Times was founded by followers of Falun Gong from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. The Epoch Times is an independent nonprofit organization and does not—and indeed could not—speak on behalf of Falun Gong or the followers of the spiritual practice.
Falun Gong is a spiritual practice that emphasizes universal moral values such as truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. Followers come from a variety of nationalities, backgrounds, and political persuasions.
As an independent media organization, The Epoch Times is free from the influence of any government, corporation, or political party. Our aim is to give you the information you need to make up your own mind.
We remain committed to our founding mission to expose the CCP’s human rights abuses in China and its ongoing campaign to subvert Western societies and fundamental freedoms and values. We regard the CCP as the gravest threat to the Chinese people, and the world’s people, and highlight in our reporting the distinction between the CCP and the people of China, as well as the nation’s profound cultural heritage. 
Our motto of Truth, Tradition, Hope is our guiding light. We highlight in our reporting the best of humanity, valuable lessons from history, and traditions that benefit society.
The Epoch Times has received numerous awards for our reporting and design, including from the New York Press Association, the Society of Professional Journalists, and the Society for News Design.
Our Outlook
The EpochTimes Banner
To serve the public by relentlessly pursuing truth with impartial, independent, and rigorous reporting and to honor the inherited traditions, wisdom, and values that have allowed humanity to flourish.
To be recognized as the most trusted and admired media company in the world, and the organization that will instill, by its example, the best practices and highest principles of journalism.
Our Values
  • Trustworthiness
    Maintain factual accuracy, impartiality, and transparency in communication. Uphold ethical principles, and avoid compromising on truth, accuracy, fairness, and justice in all actions.
  • Caring
    Show empathy, avoid personal attacks, engage in respectful dialogue, and offer constructive solutions. Prioritize readers' well-being and dignity by addressing the topics that matter most to them.
  • Social Responsibility
    Promote content that showcases the best of the human experience, the pinnacles of human cultural achievement, and the well-being and flourishing of our readers.
  • Our Editorial Team
    The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 with a clear purpose: to uncover and share the truth amid a human rights catastrophe in communist China. Since then, our focus has expanded internationally and our editorial team has grown and strengthened around a shared goal, to provide high-quality, unbiased news and information.
    Learn more about us below.
    Our Story
    (Left) Staff at the print shop that prints the Hong Kong edition of The Epoch Times react to a fire started by four masked men on Nov. 19, 2019. (Right) A CCTV screenshot shows intruders dressed in black, one wielding a sledge-hammer, damaging printing press equipment at the print shop of the Hong Kong edition of The Epoch Times on April 12, 2021.
    Why do millions of people trust The Epoch Times to report the news truthfully and fairly? Our subscribers and followers tell us that our coverage is honest, brave, and uncompromising. We refuse to allow political or ideological bias to tarnish our reporting. That’s why The Epoch Times is the world’s fastest-growing, most dependable media company.
    Our stories strive to reestablish truth and tradition as the essential pillars of authentic journalism. Telling the truth is what prompted a few Chinese Americans in an Atlanta basement to start up The Epoch Times.
    We’ve grown into a well-respected institution while sticking to our roots, delivering you news and information that you're unlikely to see from our peers in the legacy media.
    But beyond just reporting the news, our team is cultivating a return to positive balance and hope for the future. We envision a world where people are truly informed and free, and where the scourge of Marxist ideology has been eliminated. 
    During the pandemic, we all experienced a multi-year lockdown of our basic liberties—including free speech.
    Since our earliest days, we have been targeted by the CCP for our reporting on the regime’s crimes against humanity. Our reporters have been attacked, jailed, and defamed. Our Hong Kong press was set on fire in 2019, while beyond China’s borders, communist thugs have assaulted our staffers and vandalized our newsstands.
    We continue to overcome routine censorship, deplatforming, and targeting by the legacy media and Big Tech.
    Our 2004 editorial series “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” inspired a grassroots movement for Chinese people to quit the CCP. To date, about 410 million have quit. Despite being banned in China, The Epoch Times is the premier news source for millions of Chinese who use VPNs to circumvent the Great Firewall.
    Amid the CCP's constant violation of the rights of Chinese citizens, our dedication to the truth has earned us a network of underground informants in China who relay accurate information to us. In spite of the full force of the CCP apparatus working against us, The Epoch Times has become a multinational media company that spans 35 countries and 22 languages.
    Every subscriber who joins us moves us along the road of freeing America from the snares of communism using its most potent adversary: truth. We are holding the line against destructive agendas that encroach upon your liberty, fighting for you and for future generations. Knowing that there are people like you out there, people who understand the value of free speech and a free press—is what keeps us going.
    We don’t take marching orders from any government, corporate entity, or special interest—and we never will. We answer only to our readers—those people who yearn for freedom and who value our commitment to truth and tradition. We are proud to cover the issues that you care about most, every day—most importantly, we want you to know that you're not alone. We listen to our readers and present to them the kind of real discourse that can only be found in a free society. We believe you have the right to evaluate objective, nonpartisan reporting and then form your own opinions.
    Our story is your story too, and we hope you’ll turn the page of the next chapter with us as we work together to restore truth and tradition.
    Why Readers Trust The Epoch Times
    Editorial Independence
    1. Truly Independent
    The Epoch Times is a totally independent nonprofit organization. We're not affiliated with any of the six major corporations that own the vast majority of media in the United States.
    Our mission is inspired by our founders’ personal experiences in communist China and their efforts to bring honest, uncensored news in the face of oppression and violence.
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    You can read more about that here and here.
    2. Rated as 'Center' in the Allsides Blind Bias Survey
    In September 2021, Allsides released the findings of its August 2020 Blind Bias Survey, in which more than 2,000 people across the political spectrum rated the media bias of five different news outlets blindly, seeing only their content and editorial choices.
    The Epoch Times was rated against four major media outlets: The New York Times, The Associated Press, the BBC, and Bloomberg.
    Final bias ratings are typically arrived at via a combination of methods, including surveys, editorial reviews (conducted by a team that includes a balance of people from the left, center, and right of the political spectrum), third-party data, and independent research.
    Below are visualizations of the data collected.
    3. The Epoch Times Has Never Endorsed a Political Candidate
    The Epoch Times has built a team of reporters who are dedicated to seeking and reporting the truth regardless of whether what they find conflicts with their personal biases.
    The Epoch Times is so committed to this principle that it has never endorsed a political candidate for office.
    Journalistic Credibility
    The Epoch Times practices traditional journalism.
    Our reporters are required to get all sides of a story and allow someone who is being criticized to respond.
    Our reporters are guided by the highest code of conduct and ethics in their reporting.
    The Epoch Times’ commentary can only be found in a distinct “Opinion” section.
    The Epoch Times strives to maintain accuracy and uphold journalistic integrity by following our editorial guidelines on source verification and our editing process. When errors are discovered after publication, The Epoch Times promptly issues corrections or clarifications.
    Recognition and Awards
    Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Sigma Delta Chi Awards:
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    The Epoch Times won this prestigious award in 2012 in the category of "Non-Deadline Reporting" for its work on a series of reports on the Chinese Communist Party's atrocity of forced, live organ harvesting.
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    New York Press Association (NYPA) Awards
    The Epoch Times has been recognized by NYPA for its excellence in various categories.
    Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) Awards:
    The Epoch Times has received recognition from the AAJA for its contributions to journalism.
    CONTENT 2020 Awards
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    The Epoch Times and EpochTV's "Crossroads" program won awards in the News & Journalism category—the Truth in Journalism Award and the Best Video Magazine Award, respectively—at the CONTENT2020 media summit.
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    Readership and Audience Trust
    The Epoch Times receives constant feedback from grateful readers. Here are some examples:
    Tony Robbins Profile
    Knowing the truth and having something like Epoch Times that brings it forward to people I think is fantastic, and I subscribe.
    –Tony Robbins, Author, coach and speaker
    Jeff Ballabon Profile
    I think your coverage is thoughtful and balanced in a way that I haven’t seen elsewhere, and I say this, by the way, as a former senior vice president of CBS News. I would say that I know a lot about media and journalism.
    –Jeff Ballabon, Former SVP, CBS News
    Chris Widener Profile
    They are the folks who are out there promoting the truth. [...] They are real news. They are what we used to call journalists. They are not asserting their opinions. They are telling you what it is and letting you make your own decisions. [...] We not only enjoy The Epoch Times, we also want to support The Epoch Times because they are real journalists who are taking the truth and bringing it to the masses, [...] not just here in America but around the world.
    –Chris Widener, NYT & WSJ Bestselling Author, Motivational Speakers Hall of Fame
    Our Reach
    Epoch Media Group is a global media company. Besides our media products in English, it has other 22 language editions distributed in 36 regions and countries. Our branches or news centers are located in
    United States
    Manhattan, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington D.C.
    Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver
    Latin America
    Mexico, Brazil
    Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan (Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung)
    Australia (Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Queensland), New Zealand
    France, Germany, Nordic region (Sweden, Denmark, Norway), UK
    Our Products
    Epoch News
    EpochNews Content Image
    The Epoch Times is the fastest-growing independent news media in America. We are nonpartisan and dedicated to truthful reporting.
    We are free from the influence of any government, corporation, or political party—and this is what makes us different from other media organizations. Our goal is to bring our readers accurate information so they can form their own opinions about the most significant topics of our time.
    We don’t follow the unhealthy trend of agenda-driven journalism prevalent in today’s media environment.
    Instead, we use our principles of Truth and Tradition as our guiding light. We highlight in our reporting the best of humanity, the valuable lessons of history, and traditions that are beneficial for society.
    right arrow iconTheEpochTimes.com
    Epoch TV
    Epochtv channels image
    EpochTV is a streaming platform for our exclusive programming, which covers not only investigative news analysis, in-depth interviews, award-winning documentaries, but also lifestyle and entertainment videos.
    Epoch Health
    Epoch Health's mission is to “H.E.A.L. individuals and society through a holistic, empowering, accessible, and leading approach to health.”
    H stands for "Holistic." We recognize the interconnections of the mind, body, and spirit, and take a whole-person approach to health. This involves addressing all aspects of an individual's well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
    EpochHealth Content Image
    E stands for "Empowerment." We aim to empower individuals to take control of their own health and well-being. Knowledge has power. By spreading the truth of life science, we empower people. This involves providing accessible and evidence-based information, tools, and resources to help people make informed decisions about their health.
    A stands for "Accessibility." We are committed to providing health resources that are accessible and inclusive to all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.
    L stands for "Leading." We also aim to be leaders in the health media industry by promoting evidence-based practices and innovative approaches to health and well-being.
    Epoch Health sorts through an endless mass of conflicting research and questionable claims to bring our readers content that is trustworthy, well-researched, and uplifting
    We also aim to be leaders in the health media industry by promoting evidence-based practices and innovative approaches to health and well-being.
    EpochHealth Authors ImageEpochHealth Authors ImageEpochHealth Authors Imageright arrow iconTheEpochTimes.com/health
    Epoch Newspaper Content Image
    In addition to dedicated news and opinion sections, which are separate categories in our daily and weekly newspapers, we also feature sections covering Life and Tradition, Mind and Body, and Home.
    Mind & Body
    Sharing the expertise and successful protocols of a large pool of researchers and doctors for information, the Mind & Body section provides readers with key insights into their bodies, mental acuity, and well-being.
    Life & Tradition
    We feature stories of individuals who work toward enhancing our communities, as well as provide helpful tips to support your family and improve your quality of life throughout the year.
    From DIY projects to gardening guides, money management advice, and clever household hacks; this section offers practical tips, expert advice, and ideas to help you cultivate a peaceful, comfortable, and contented living space.
    American Essence Magazine
    Epoch Newspaper Content Image
    This is a magazine for Americans who love their nation. It is a magazine that focuses on traditional American values and great American stories. It tells the stories of real Americans who take individual initiative to make their lives and the lives of others better. It offers stories of heroes and regular folks from the past and the present who took the high road. These are stories of generosity and goodness that inspire us to look at things in a better light.
    The magazine’s main content focuses on the best of America. Regular features include stories of the Founding Fathers, great Americans, small farms, beautiful landscapes, small-town living, American artists, historical buildings, Made in America products, and people who exemplify achievement, creativity, and enterprise.
    Leadership & Governance

    Board of Directors

    • Chin-Hua Chang, Ph.D.
      Emeritus Professor & Chair of Journalism, National University of Taiwan
    • F. Christina Yuan, CFA
      Retired VP, Morgan Stanley Investment Management
    • Alejandro Centurion, M.D.
      Neurology, American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology
    • Janice Trey, CPA
      CEO of The Epoch Times

    Officers and Editor-in-chief

    • Janice Trey, CPA, Chief Executive Officer
    • Samuel Zhou, Ph.D., Executive Vice President
    • William Cheung, CPA, Chief Financial Officer
    • Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief
    Ownership & Funding

    The Epoch Times is a nonprofit organization dedicated to delivering independent and trustworthy news. As a nonprofit, it is not owned by any individual or group but is governed by a Board of Directors that provides strategic oversight, and an executive team that manages daily operations. The organization’s funding comes primarily from its readers, with more than 90 percent of revenue generated through its news subscription business. This model ensures that The Epoch Times remains accountable to its mission of serving the public with factual and unbiased reporting, supported by the people it serves.

    Q & A