IIBR Homepage


IIBR leads na​tional efforts to counter any and all biological threats from intentional attacks as well as naturally-emerging diseases. Using a multi-disciplinary project strategy, combined with cutting edge technologies, we develop methods for the identification of various bio-threats; forensic investigation of bio-terror agents and pathogenesis mech​anisms; design of new strategies for vaccine development, as well as evaluation of novel modalities of therapeutics. IIBR biotechnology cGMP multi-product facility, is designed for the development and production of bio-pharmaceuticals and unique vaccines for national preparedness. ​


Environmental science

IIBR research and development concerning environmental sciences ranges from numerical mod​eling to laboratory and field​​​​ experiments in the areas of meteorology and atmospheric contaminants. IIBR has developed capabilities that enable detection and identification of hazardous materials, weather and dispersion prediction, physical protection and evaluation of potential risks.



Toxicological eval​uation at IIBR is followed by the generation of novel treatment protocols and drugs, rapid and effective solutions for damage prevention and control. These are g​ained by a combination of cutting-edge synthetic capabilities and an advanced analytical toolbox. All are based on comprehensive pharmacological and pathophysiological understanding and advanced experimental means.​





Women In Science


Fields of scientific knowledge


Scientific Publications

​IIBR's latest Scientific Publications in the fields of biology, chemistry and the environmental sciences​.

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