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How to Find Someone’s Email Address: 15 Recommended Methods

April 22, 2024 Social Media Marketing
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How to Find Someone's Email Address

Email marketing is on a rapid rise, predicted to reach a value of $17.9 billion by 2027, up from $7.5 billion in 2020. Maximizing this growth opportunity often involves finding someone’s email address using their phone number.

But, getting email addresses from phone numbers can be tricky. People’s contact information isn’t always available publicly. And privacy concerns sometimes get in the way. 

So, how do you find email addresses by phone number? 

You can find email addresses from phone numbers by using email finder tools like Swordfish AI, which offers reverse search features. Other strategies include Google searches, checking social media platforms (such as LinkedIn and Facebook), visiting company websites, or utilizing reverse phone lookup services.

However, there’s more to this. We’re here to guide you through the top 12 methods to simplify your search for email addresses. Our aim is to help you effectively expand your contact list and leverage the booming potential of email marketing. Let’s dive in!

Importance of Finding The Right Email Address

You must always contact the correct email address for an effective lead generation strategy, whether through cold emails or re-engaging with warm leads. A valid email address is an active profile, verified, and deliverable.

Valid email IDs are crucial for email marketing because your outreach needs to reach the correct targets if you want your message to have the desired impact and generate more leads. You could be wasting time sending your carefully crafted emails to inactive or outdated contacts.

Knowing the correct email address boosts your chances of getting a response and reaching important business contacts before your competitors to foster better client relationships. Your teams can consistently move qualified leads through your sales funnel and close more deals.

Why Is It Important To Use Someone’s Personal Email Address?

Finding someone’s email address can work in more ways than you know. Here’s how it can be handy – 

  • Direct Communication: Personal email addresses allow you to reach someone directly, ensuring your message is seen by the intended recipient without getting lost in general or corporate inboxes.
  • Higher Response Rates: People are more likely to respond to emails sent to their personal address, increasing the chances of engaging in meaningful conversations.
  • Personal Touch: Using a personal email address can add a personal touch to your communication, making it more likely for the recipient to feel a connection and respond.
  • Avoid Corporate Filters: Emails sent to personal addresses are less likely to be caught by corporate spam filters, increasing the chances your email will be read.
  • Better for Sensitive Information: Personal emails are often more secure for sending sensitive information, as they are less likely to be monitored or accessed by others within a company.
  • Long-term Contact: People may change jobs or roles within a company, but their personal email addresses are likely to remain the same, making it a reliable way to keep in touch over time.

Top 15 Methods of Finding Someone’s Email Address

Now that you understand why you need correct email IDs for your contacts to reach out to, here’s how to find someone’s email address using our top 15 recommended methods for B2B professionals:

Top 15 Methods of Finding Someone's Email Address

1. Use an Email Lookup Tool

If you can’t find email addresses for potential clients, an email address lookup tool is the quickest solution. This tool searches public sources for contact details using specific criteria.

These services use social media profiles, publicly available records, and company websites or leverage extensive databases they manage to match the credentials you input and try to provide you with a list of accurate email addresses and other data.

Suppose you know details like names and company websites of the prospects. In that case, you can input them into the email lookup tool and receive complete contact information, like emails for a specific contact, or do bulk searches on some services.

  • Swordfish AI 

While there are several free and paid email lookup services, our recommendation for the best email lookup service is Swordfish AI. Swordfish AI hosts a contact database for 3.5+ billion verified profiles that you can access to find accurate email addresses.

Features like Reverse Search let you acquire information like social profiles, names, current employment, residential addresses, and email addresses after you input one credential related to your contact. 

Here’s what you need to do use reverse email lookup–

Step 1: Visit Swordfish AI.

Swordfish AI

Step 2: From the drop down option “Products” in the top left corner of the site, select “Reverse Search.” 

Swordfish AI Products

Step 3: Among the 5 categories of searches given, Select the last option, “Email.” 

Reverse Search

Step 4: When you want to search email addresses, you have to enter their email address and a full name. 

Remember that you need to sign up to view the full results. You can find email addresses free of charge with limited features with our free trial, too.

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  • Hunter 

Hunter helps you find business email addresses using the Email Finder feature. You can input the prospect’s full and company domain names to find their valid email ID. You can also use their Chrome Extension to find emails.

Users can make a free account by signing up for 25 free searches and 50 monthly verifications. Upgrade to a paid account with prices starting at $49 per month for 500 searches.

  • Voila Norbert 

Voila Norbert 

Voila Norbert functions similarly to Hunter, where you can input a person’s full name and company domain to find email addresses associated with them. The service requests the mail host to verify the email address.

Voila Norbert offers 50 searches for their free trial, with premium plans starting at $49 per month for 1,000 searches.

  • lets you conduct bulk and individual searches based on full names and company domains. Users get 150 free searches, while premium membership costs $39 monthly for 1,000 single domain searches and 500 bulk domain searches.

2. Utilize Google Search 

Utilize Google Search 

People worldwide head to Google instinctively to search for various queries. B2B users trying to figure out how to find email addresses can do the same using simple searches with keywords or advanced search operators.

Basic Search Queries

You can narrow down the list of potential email addresses for priority business contacts by using keywords like “email” and “contact” in various combinations to find the correct match. Examples include:

  • [firstname] + [lastname] + email/email address
  • [firstname] + [lastname] + contact/contact info/contact me
  • [firstname] + [lastname] + LinkedIn
  • [firstname] + [lastname] + [company]
  • [firstname] + [lastname] + [website]
  • [firstname] + [lastname] + [company] + contact

Advanced Search Operators

If you don’t find any luck with the above search combinations, you can narrow your search intent further by using advanced search operators like quotation marks (“ ”) to specify your query.

Users with more information on your prospects, like the website for their current company, can use the query string “” along with their searches. Examples of these searches can look like this:

  • [full name] + “email”
  • + [fullname] + email
  • + [fullname] + contact
  • + [firstname].[lastname] @
  • + [firstname]_[lastname] @

Gmail Email Finder by Name

If you’re wondering how to find email address in gmail, here is how to figure out someones email –

  • Open Gmail: Log into your Gmail account.
  • Use the Search Bar: At the top of the Gmail page, you’ll find a search bar.
  • Enter the Name: Type the name of the person whose email address you’re trying to find into the search bar.
  • Review Results: Press “Enter” or click the search icon. Gmail will display all emails related to the name you entered.
  • Find the Email Address: Browse through the search results. The person’s email address should be visible in the sender or recipient field of the emails listed.

3. Look Up on Facebook

Search Facebook Profiles

Prospects often leave contact details on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. You can navigate to their profiles and search for email addresses to reinforce your interactions with them.

People usually include their updated email addresses in the “About” section of their Facebook profile. You can click on this section from your prospect’s profile to find their email address.

While you can do the same by opening a prospect’s Twitter bio, the method is unreliable as it isn’t guaranteed that your business contact will add an email address to this section. You need the Twitter Advanced Search to dig deeper and find the email.

4. Use Twitter Advanced Search

The first approach to finding anyone’s email address on Twitter is to send your contact a direct message (DM) or mention them in a Tweet to get their attention and follow you back.

However, this method can often feel intrusive. Since some users hide their email addresses on their bios using a dot or an “at,” you must use Twitter Advanced Search to find exact phrases from select accounts.


Try searching for words and phrases like “email,” “email at,” “contact,” “reach,” etc., for specific profiles to find every instance the account has mentioned the keyword you provided.

5. Use LinkedIn


LinkedIn is a popular social media platform for industry professionals operating in various niches. Prospects often place their email address in their “Contact Info” section to contact interested business partners directly.

You can first request to connect with your prospect on LinkedIn and open their profile to view their “Contact Info” once they accept your request.

Alternatively, you can export your connections to find email addresses for connected prospects. Here’s how to find someones email address by exporting LinkedIn connections:

  1. Click “Me” on the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Select “Settings and Privacy.”
  3. Click “Data Privacy” and scroll down to “Getting a copy of your data.”
  4. Select Connections > Request archive to receive a spreadsheet of your connections with their verified email addresses.

6. Search On Company and Personal Websites

While searching the company website seems like an obvious place to start, most people often overlook this method. Companies often have an “About Us” page with contact details for team members, executives, and stakeholders.

The “Contact Us” page is often presented as a form to communicate directly with the organization’s representatives, who can help you connect to key decision-makers in the company.

If the page you’re viewing is a blog or a self-owned website, you can find the required email address in the “About the Author” section.

7. Use DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo is a privacy-oriented search engine people often use as an alternative to Google. You can conduct an exact search by using the “” format on DuckDuckGo to view all the publicly available email addresses associated with the domain.


You can also include full names to narrow down your search. This method works on DuckDuckGo and not search engines like Google or Bing because the latter uses the “@” symbol for social media tags.

8. Subscribe to Your Prospect’s Email Lists

Most companies include an option for website visitors to join their weekly newsletters. You can search through the company website or the blogs prospective companies publish to enroll for their email campaigns and be a part of their mailing list.

A significant benefit of subscribing to your prospect’s email list is receiving updates and content from personal email addresses. These often come from the prospects whose contact information you’re looking for.

If they aren’t, you can still build rapport with your target company’s team members or stakeholders with casual conversations and eventually ask them to introduce you to the person you want to connect with to add them to your sales funnel as a qualified lead.

9. Crawl Through WHOIS Data

WHOIS Lookup

WHOIS is a domain lookup tool that documents publicly available information for domain owners whenever they register new domains and websites. You can find basic information about the domain owner, like email addresses, company details, etc.

However, WHOIS is effective for finding contact information for smaller companies reliably. Larger organizations often register for a domain but assign its maintenance to their technical teams, so you might not be connecting with your target stakeholder.

10. Automate Guessing with Email Permutator

If none of the above methods help you find the email address you’re looking for, you can try guessing your prospect’s email address using a combination of their name and company with the most common email structures.

Email Permutator

Instead of putting in several hours of manual effort, you can use the Email Permutator tool to automatically create a list of possible emails based on the inputs you provide.

Here’s how to find someone’s email address using MetricSparrow’s Email Permutator:

  1. Input the first and last name with the domain address of your prospect.
  2. Select “Permutate!”
  1. Select “Copy to Clipboard.”
  2. Paste the list on an Excel spreadsheet or check it using Gmail by pasting it on the subject line. Hover over the possible email addresses till information for a verified profile shows up on an email account.

However, using an Email Permutator can get tedious when you’re trying to search for email addresses in bulk. There is also no guarantee that you’ll find the exact prospect you want.

11. Connect with the Company’s Support Chat

Reaching out through a company’s support chat is a clever, indirect way to find someone’s email address. When you’re on their website, look for a chat bubble—usually in the bottom right corner. 

Start a conversation with the support team by asking general questions about their services or products. Gradually, steer the conversation towards requesting the email address of someone specific in the company you need to contact for more detailed information. 

Be polite and explain why emailing them directly could benefit both parties. Remember, the support team is there to help, and if you make a reasonable request, they might just provide you with the contact information you need.

12. Use Ahrefs Content Explorer

Ahrefs Content Explorer is a powerful tool for digital marketers and SEO professionals, but it can also be used creatively to find email addresses. Start by searching for topics, articles, or blogs related to the company or individual you’re interested in. 

This tool shows you content that has performed well on social media or has a high number of backlinks. Once you find relevant articles, check the author’s bio or the contact information within the article for an email address. 

Authors often include their contact details for further communication. If the email isn’t there, look for links to the author’s personal blog or website, where you can find more direct ways to contact them.

13. Find Contacts of Media Employees with Pressfarm

Pressfarm is a tool designed to help businesses connect with journalists and media professionals, but it can also be a great way to find email addresses. 

By signing up for Pressfarm, you gain access to a database of media contacts across various industries. Use the search function to find journalists or bloggers who cover topics related to the individual or company you’re interested in. 

Once you find a relevant contact, their email address is usually listed along with their profile. This method is especially useful if you’re looking to get in touch with someone for PR purposes, interviews, or to share your story with a broader audience.

14. Search Online Directories for Contact Information

Online directories can be gold mines for finding email addresses. Websites like Whitepages, Spokeo, or even professional directories specific to an industry, hold vast amounts of contact information. Start by entering the name of the person or company you’re interested in. 

These directories often return a list of potential matches, including email addresses, phone numbers, and sometimes even physical addresses. 

Keep in mind the information might not always be up-to-date, and accessing detailed contact information might require a subscription or a fee. Always use this information responsibly and with respect to privacy laws.

15. Using Phone Number 

If you are on lookout on how to find someone email address by phone number, here are few ways – 

  • Use a Contact Syncing App: Install a contact management app that syncs with your phone contacts and can integrate with email accounts. Many smartphones have built-in functionality or third-party apps like Google Contacts on Android. 
  • Sync Your Contacts: Ensure your phone contacts are synced with the app. This process usually happens automatically if you give the app permission to access your contacts.
  • Link to Email Account: Connect the contact management app with your email account, allowing it to sync contact information, including email addresses that are associated with phone numbers.
  • Search for the Contact: Once syncing is complete, use the app’s search feature to find the contact by their phone number. If their email address is linked to their phone number and has been shared with you previously, it should appear in their contact details.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Email Searching


  • Verify the authenticity of the email address to ensure it’s active and belongs to the person you’re trying to reach.
  • Use reputable email lookup tools that respect privacy laws and data protection.
  • Keep your search focused by using specific keywords and operators to narrow down results.
  • Respect privacy by not invading personal space or using the email for spam.
  • Follow up if you don’t receive a response initially, but give it some time before doing so.


  • Don’t rely solely on one method; use a combination of tools and strategies for the best results.
  • Avoid using found email addresses for spamming or unauthorized marketing.
  • Don’t ignore privacy laws and regulations regarding email searches and outreach.
  • Refrain from guessing email addresses, as this can lead to sending emails to wrong or non-existent addresses.
  • Avoid overloading the recipient with multiple emails or too much information in the initial contact.

Tips to Make an Email Search More Efficient

  • Narrow your search parameters by including location, industry, or specific keywords related to the person or company.
  • Utilize social media platforms where individuals might have listed their email address publicly.
  • Keep an organized list of where and how you found email addresses to track effectiveness and avoid duplication.
  • Use email verification tools to check the validity of an email address before sending a message.
  • Leverage networking sites like LinkedIn, where professionals are more likely to share contact information.
  • Consider using browser extensions related to email finding and verification for quicker searches.


Lead generation strategies are an extensive but rewarding process B2B companies want to perfect to draw more attention to their brand offerings and convert leads into loyal customers. 

While email marketing is still a prominent lead generation method, finding the correct email is the first crucial step before you begin drafting your message. You could risk sending your outreach emails to the wrong or inactive contacts.

Knowing how to find someone’s email address helps you connect with prospects and sales-ready leads faster to ensure your message always reaches the proper communication channels and drives the most impact.

For businesses seeking accurate prospect information, Swordfish AI stands out with a vast database of 3.5+ billion verified profiles. You can try our features risk-free with a free trial or talk to us about your company’s specific data requirements.

Optimize your lead generation strategy by reaching prospects faster with Swordfish AI today!


How to find an email address for free

To find an email address for free, you can utilize social media profiles, search through online directories, use Google search with specific queries, or try free versions of email lookup tools like Voila Norbert.

What precautions should I take when using email lookup methods?

When using email lookup methods, ensure that you’re compliant with data protection laws, respect privacy settings, and never use obtained contact details for spamming or unauthorized purposes. Always seek explicit consent when necessary.

How do you approach someone after finding their email address?

When approaching someone after finding their email address, be respectful and concise. Introduce yourself, state the purpose of your email clearly, and explain how you found their address. Always offer them an easy way to opt out of further communication.

Is it legal to use email lookup tools to find someone’s contact details?

Yes, using email lookup tools is legal as long as you adhere to privacy regulations and obtain consent when required. Always use such tools responsibly and for legitimate purposes.

How do I ensure my outreach emails are GDPR-compliant when using email lookup tools?

To ensure GDPR compliance, obtain explicit consent from individuals before reaching out via email. Additionally, respect opt-out requests and offer an easy way for recipients to unsubscribe from further communications.

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