When the pandemic began this spring, an unprecedented number of people in the Ottawa community were faced with food insecurity while at the same time local restaurants were struggling to keep their doors open. From these simultaneous crises, the Cooking for a Cause Ottawa program was born.

Every week, restaurants from across the city prepare 4,000 hot meals for 25 social service agencies to distribute to vulnerable members in the community. Cooking for a Cause Ottawa helps these restaurants cover their operating costs while also providing consistent healthy meals to those who cannot cook themselves or do not have the means to do so.

Photography by Jeff Radbourne

Carleton Dining is proud to partner with Parkdale Food Centre and the Ottawa Community Food Partnership to promote Cooking for a Cause Ottawa. This fall Carleton Dining donated more than $6,500 to the Cooking for a Cause Ottawa program. These funds will help cover food, transportation, and labour costs for the program. Programs like Cooking for a Cause Ottawa advance Carleton Dining’s commitment to combat food insecurity while also protecting the local food landscape we love.

Learn more about Cooking for a Cause Ottawa.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 in
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