GNSS and EO Market Report

The EO & GNSS market report is a comprehensive source of knowledge and information on the dynamic, global EO & GNSS market. This report is periodically updated and released every two years to reflect the latest trends, developments, and innovations in the fields essential to the users of the EO and GNSS technologies. 

The report categorizes applications into several market segments, addressing diverse stakeholders ranging from citizens and businesses to governments, industries, international organisations, NGOs, and researchers. General overview of the EO and GNSS market introduces an overview of the downstream space application market, main EO and GNSS trends, market size and revenues of both EO and GNSS (as well as shipments and installed base in the case of GNSS). A global industry overview, main trends, and a general description of what Copernicus and EGNSS encompass are then explained. Finally, it presents how EO and GNSS play a role across general policy and market trends.

The 2024 edition presents 15 market segments. The Editor’s Special explores how EU Space, particularly EGNSS and Copernicus, contribute to building a more resilient society – a timely topic considering today’s global context of rapid technological advancement, climate-related changes and ongoing geopolitical tensions.

As showcased throughout the report, the flagship components of the EU Space Programme covered in this report, Galileo, EGNOS, and Copernicus are key enablers in the downstream space application market. The added value and key differentiators of European GNSS and EO are showcased across each market segment displayed in this report, separately and in synergy.

For main findings and market values, please read the executive summary.

Methodology and sources of information

The Market Report applies the EUSPA’s Market Monitoring and Forecasting Tool (MMFT). The model utilises advanced forecasting techniques applied to a wide range of input data, assumptions, and scenarios to forecast the size of the GNSS and EO markets. The GNSS market is quantified according to shipments, revenues and installed base of GNSS devices, while the EO market is defined by purchase of data and services. All revenues are measured from the demand point of view, i.e., in which part of the world the data, services, and devices are purchased. This methodology attributes the size of the EO and GNSS market to the region where, devices, data or services are sold and used. For more details on the methodology and sources of information go to Annex 1.


The EUSPA EO and GNSS Market Report issue 2 was carried out by the European Union Agency for the Space Programme in cooperation with the European Commission and with the support of EY Belgium, Egis, Evenflow, FDC and LE Europe.

The present document is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either express or implied in relation to its content and/or use and the views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinions or the stated policy of either EUSPA or the European Union. To the extent permitted by the applicable law, the EUSPA shall not be liable for any damages arising from the content and use of the present document.

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