Full Body Scan

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Early detection is critical to successfully treating many forms of cancer, yet most cancers remain undetected until they have advanced and are too often incurable. Along with cancer, early detection of aneurysms and organ abnormalities can be game changers. Detecting and treating these life-threatening issues early saves lives and money, so potential problems can be identified and addressed before they become a problem.

Studies have shown that Full Body Scans (MRI) detect cancer between 2-10% of the time, but the number is more likely to be 1.5%.  Understandably, the government would not wish to afford such a cost for every citizen every 3 to 5 years. However, when heart disease, non-lethal but significant tumors, vertebral disc injuries, and aneurysms are included in the findings, the value to the general population surges.

Early detection techniques such as MRI, CT scans, and ultrasounds are commonly used. Full-body CT scans aren’t ideal due to the high levels of radiation exposure involved, and full-body MRIs pose several challenges, mainly due to high costs (more than $35,000 at hospitals). Not only that, but MRIs also produce sub-par results for air-filled organs like the lungs compared to CTs which excel when examining both lungs and hearts encased by them.

To ensure a comprehensive health evaluation, MDLifespan suggests a combination of MRIs for assessing your brain, arteries of the brain, abdominal and pelvic organs, ultrasounds to evaluate the carotid arteries and the thyroid gland, and low-dose helical CT scans to examine the chest, including lungs and the arteries of the heart. Advanced full-body scans can capture detailed images of the abdominal and pelvic organs allowing a comprehensive assessment for early detection of cancer and major vascular diseases such as aneurysms and narrowing.

Standard Preventative Testing

Early detection techniques such as MRI, CT scans, and ultrasounds can detect abnormalities in organs and tissues. From these images, doctors can identify potential risks of cancer or other serious diseases. However, there are a few additional diagnostic tests required to round out the whole picture that is paid for by insurance companies, including:

  • Colonoscopy for Colon Cancer
  • Skin Exam for Skin Cancer
  • Prostate Specific Antigen for Men
  • Mammogram for Breast Cancer in Women
  • Pap Smear for Cervical and Uterine Cancer in Women

Advanced Preventative Testing

Thanks to the revolutionary advancements in technology, we can gain deeper insight into our bodies and detect even life-threatening ailments before they become unmanageable. Early action allows us to effectively treat these issues and ensure a healthier future.

Utilizing a combination of techniques such as MRI, CT scans, and ultrasounds for the assessment of arteries and thyroid activity, an advanced full-body scan (3T Imaging) offers a comprehensive evaluation of our health.

Brain MRI

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) utilizes magnetic fields and radio waves to generate detailed pictures of the brain and the brain stem. Unlike CT scans, MRI does not use radiation. An MRI can detect signs of several conditions, such as tumors in the brain, traumatic head injury, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and even dementia.

Brain MRA

Magnetic resonance angiograms (MRA) utilize magnetic fields and radio wave energy to produce pictures of the blood vessels in the brain. This technology aids in detecting plaque buildup on the brain arteries, reducing blood flow to the brain and increasing stroke chances. In addition, MRAs can expose aneurysms or arteriovenous malformations – both potential causes for premature death if not detected quickly enough.

Thyroid Ultrasound

Ultrasounds of the thyroid use sound waves instead of radiation to generate images of the thyroid gland, making it possible to detect cancers.

Carotids Ultrasound

Carotid ultrasounds evaluate your neck’s carotid arteries and their capacity to shuttle blood from your heart to your brain. This test lets you determine if you have plaque build-up, which can increase your stroke risk before it is too late.

Low Dose Helical Lung CT

We can minimize radiation exposure thanks to high-speed, low-radiation spiral CTs. The lung is the only organ MRI cannot evaluate due to lack of organ tissue as the lung is basically a balloon filled with air. Low Dose CT scans allow us to screen for the early stages of lung cancer, which is often missed on regular chest X-rays.

Coronary artery calcium score CT

Cardiac computed tomography (CT) with Calcium Scoring uses advanced X-ray imaging to take pictures of your coronary arteries, allowing doctors to determine if they are narrowed or blocked by plaque buildup—a sign of atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease. The resulting score can help you understand how much risk you have for a heart attack.

MRI Abdomen

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), magnetic field, radio waves, and a computer-generated image combine to provide an incredibly detailed visual representation of abdominal organs and other soft tissues without radiation exposure. Furthermore, MRI abdomen scans can uncover cancers in internal organs such as the pancreas or liver while detecting potential issues with your aorta.

MRI Pelvis

This non-invasive testing procedure uses magnetic fields and radio waves to generate intricate images of the body’s internal structures – including organs, soft tissue, and bone. Even more impressive is its ability to detect certain types of cancer; in men, it can diagnose prostate cancer, while women can be scanned for uterine and ovarian cancers.

A Useful Add-on

MRI Breast (for women)

This non-invasive testing procedure uses a magnetic field and radio waves to generate intricate images of the body’s internal structures – including organs, soft tissue, and bone. Even more impressive is its ability to detect certain types of breast cancer in women. MRI Breast is the most sensitive method of detecting breast cancer in its earliest stage. MRI Breasts are optimal for women with a strong family history of breast cancer or those with dense breasts.

Which Cause of Aging Does the Full Body Scan Help Treat?

Our centers do Full Body Scans by 3T Imaging on our patients to evaluate: