Delivering Optimised Energy Solutions to Modern Businesses

Optimal Group is at the forefront of innovation and application in the energy sector, and prides itself of being "in the problem-solving business" for our customers and partners.

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Core Energy Solutions for Modern Businesses

Optimal products and technologies: Microturbines, Fuel Cells, Ultracapacitors, Renewable Gas and Microgrids.


Microturbines Installed

We have installed around 522 turbines for diverse applications from city office towers, industrial to remote coal seam gas well heads.


Optimised Energy Sites

We have worked on over 80 sites in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific utilising technologies such as Capstone microturbines, RBE ECHO2s, ITM electrolysers, etc.


Installed Capacity (kW)

There is over 42 MW of installed capacity covering the needs of various businesses in various industries such as protected cropping, oil and gas, food, and leisure, just to name a few.

APA East Coast

This project reflects APA Group's ongoing commitment to the comprehensive modernisation of their gas grid.

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Fiji Water Remote Factory

With most of the power generated in the South Pacific being via diesel, this project is a fantastic example of how the region can move towards a greener, cleaner future for everyone.

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AGL Wallumbilla Facility

Reducing emissions by utilising gases with little or no commercial value such as Butane to produce power.

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Client Partners

Ann Turnbull (CEO, Lynden Aged Care)

It's the uninterrupted power supply as much as the power usage that we thought was of great benefit to us. I do tours of prospective residents probably every day of the week and one of things I say is that we generate our own electricity and people are just blown away.

– Ann Turnbull (CEO, Lynden Aged Care)