Our Participants Include the Vast Majority of Full-Time Atlantic Scallop Fishermen from Maine to North Carolina.
Our Work
The Atlantic sea scallop fishery is the most valuable federally-managed wild caught fishery in the United States.
The Atlantic sea scallop fishery is the most valuable federally-managed fishery in the United States, worth $570 million in ex vessel value and $746 million in total processed value in 2019. The fleet is primarily based in New Bedford, MA, thereby making the port of New Bedford the most valuable fishing port in the United States.
Learn More About Our Work
Scallop News From

- New England scallopers face a tough 2025
- Council advances plan to cut Northeast US scallop quota 28 percent
- Scallops: NEFMC Signs Off on Framework 39 with Measures for Fishing Year 2025; May 15th Delayed Opening for Access Areas
- Could offshore wind plan hurt scallop fishermen? New Bedford official has ‘grave concerns
- 2025 Scallop RSA Program Funding Opportunity Open Through September 30, 2024; Join August 8th Informational Webinar
Press Releases
June 26, 2024 -- The following was released by the Fisheries Survival Fund: Recent Advisory Panel and Joint Scallop and Habitat Committee meetings have underscored the need…
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Winds of Change
Two fishermen traveled to the United Kingdom to learn how fisheries have adapted to wind farms. The Farms have impacted ecosystems and changed their way of life. Leases have already been awarded for wind farms off the East Coast of the United States. The economic impact on coastal communities could amount to billions of dollars.