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Text Message Marketing Strategies to Generate More Sales (Updated 2024)

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(312) shared a great video called “Text Message Marketing Strategies to Generate More Sales” and provided 7 tips to use and implement.

Below are the main points Marketing360 shared in their video.

Here are 7 Powerful Text Message Marketing Strategies to Generate More Sales in 2024:

1. Decide What Information You Want to Text

This is key. Think of your text campaigns as VIP type content for your best and most loyal followers and customers. 

What do they really want? 

Is it hot deals, such as with an eCommerce store or Restaurant? Maybe important news/alerts/updates, such as with a dance club’s class schedule changes or snow closure reports? 

What kind of VIP deals can you send on slow days or at the end of the month to help you reach your sales goals? 

Write them down.

2. How Will You Build Your Subscriber List?

Once you understand what kind of messages you’d like to send and when, think about how you’ll build your subscriber list. 

We recommend posting how to join your list everywhere your customers are: in-store signs, on social media, in email blasts, on your website, etc.. 

Also make sure your team asks your clients to do this. The more that opt-in and the bigger your list, the better results you’ll get.

3. Sign Up For an SMS Marketing Tool

Sign up for an SMS marketing tool built for small businesses that’s easy to use. 

Be sure it has the support you need to do things like build your campaigns, segment your lists into different buckets, and more. 

There are lots of these tools out there, including Marketing 360’s easy to use SMS marketing software available at

4. Get Your Short Code and Opt-in Keyword

Set up your account. 

Get your short code and opt-in keyword, create your campaigns, and start to build your subscribers lists. 

Create an automated message that gives new subscribers some form of value instantly, such as an instant coupon or offer. 

Make sure your messages are 140 characters or less. Use URL shorteners to link to offers or landing pages with more info. 

Also dynamically pull in the user’s name if possible to make it more personal. If you use YouTube links in your message, it will actually pull the entire video into your text message directly.

5. Keep Track of Your Subscriber Growth and Make Adjustments

Keep track of your subscriber growth. 

Make changes to your opt-in campaigns if needed so you’re seeing good growth. 

Without a list to text there is no value. So it all starts there. 

6. Send Your Messages at The Right Time

Send your messages at the right time when you feel your users are ready to take action.

Remember, text is real time and 97% of subscribers see it within 1-15 minutes. 

Send the message when you feel they are most ready to take action, such as just before lunch for a restaurant or in the evening shopping time for an eCommerce store. 

7. Send Only The Most Valuable Content

Send ONLY the most valuable content and don’t over do it.

If you do this, you’ll see few users opt-out and more list growth. 

Plus, you build a positive brand experience. Only text what you say you’re going to text. 

Be sure to watch’s “Text Message Marketing Strategies to Generate More Sales” full video presentation.

How Will You Use These SMS Text Message Marketing Strategies to Generate More Sales in 2024?

Pro Text SMS Tip: Before you start your personalized text messaging sms campaign, be sure you have the correct B2B lead generating and sales prospecting tool to find the cell or mobile phone numbers for the prospects and decision makers you are targeting for your texting outreach.

Swordfish AI provides the most accurate B2B and B2C contact information, including cell phone numbers and email addresses of executives, managers, and key decision-makers. Try Swordfish AI now.

Cover Image Licensed from: / Zofot.

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