A single, accurate patient record.

Working from spreadsheets and outdated workflows?

Are Epic identity error queues weighing you down?

Everything starts with finding the right patient.

Duplicate records can hinder access to portals, cause improper billing and collections, and create a great deal of inconvenience for patients to track down a solution. Even worse, they can increase the likelihood of medical errors and unnecessary duplicate procedures.

Whether sending or receiving patient data, it is crucial for systems to accurately connect to the right patient record every time. Without reliable datasets, AI advancements and interoperability cannot function, and health IT operations cannot scale to meet growing demand.

With many health systems operating on razor-thin margins, revenue integrity and efficient revenue cycle management are more crucial than ever. Duplicate patient records and overlays can cause costly denials, increase days in A/R, and hinder debt collections.

Resolving patient identity issues consumes time and money for hospitals – an average of $1.3M per year, not including lost revenues. Duplicate records cause workflow inefficiencies, disrupt operations, and distract from the ultimate purpose of delivering quality patient care.

Our industry-leading identity authentication systems and EMPI make it easy for healthcare organizations to select the right patient record and personalize each patient experience, based on a comprehensive medical history, regardless of location.

We go beyond duplicate record elimination to help you set up the processes and systems necessary to prevent future patient identification errors from entering the EMPI.

Best-in-class, industry-leading data integrity software and services