2023 Philanthropic Impact Report | Northern Trust 2023 Philanthropic Impact Report | Northern Trust
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2023 Philanthropic Impact Report

Creating better futures

We are committed to supporting our communities through time, talent and financial assistance.

Note from Northern Trust Chief Social Impact Officer

Building on our long and distinguished history of giving back to the communities in which we live and work, I’m thrilled by the significant and memorable milestones in philanthropy and volunteerism that we achieved in 2023.

Collectively and as individuals, Northern Trust has always been deeply committed to being a positive force in the world. As we continue to focus our philanthropic efforts in four areas proven to make the greatest long-term impact—food security, affordable housing, quality education and accessible healthcare—we’ve seen tremendous results from our cumulative efforts. Our employees were back in the office, and volunteering in our communities, with renewed excitement to give back alongside their teams and coworkers.

In 2023, that interest, and the ability to put it into action, rose dramatically, with a record-setting year for volunteer participation and the number of organizations that benefitted from this service to the communities. We were also thrilled to launch our inaugural Anchor Award, a $1 million capacity-building grant to support an innovative organization in Chicago, our headquarter city.

I’m excited and humbled by these accomplishments, and look forward to an even more impactful future.

Shana Hayes
Chief Social Impact Officer
Northern Trust




Nourishing Hope earns inaugural Anchor Award
The capacity-building award enables food pantry Nourishing Hope to make a greater impact on South and West side Chicago youth in need of food, mental health services and more by increasing online markets and delivery models, growing their physical presence, and co-locating within existing community-based organizations.
Making a difference around the world

Food Security

From those who rescue quality food to organizations that prepare meals and provide nutrition education, we support those helping to end food instability.

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Affordable Housing

Whether people lack affordable housing due to financial constraints or social issues, we work closely with organizations that help ensure their safety and shelter.

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Quality Education

Access to quality education can help level the playing field, whether the need is supplies, support or mentorship, we work to increase opportunities to feed the mind.

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Accessible Healthcare

Healthcare is a basic need—for mind and body—and we work with organizations that provide support for the whole person.

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Global Volunteerism

Northern Trust employees are integral to their communities, aiding in a wide variety of causes near and dear to their hearts year-round, including during Achieving Greater Together, our global month of service each October.