Wealth is Personal,

And so is Whittier Trust

Wealth is Personal,

And so is Whittier Trust

Protect Your Loved Ones. Ensure a Lasting Legacy.


Home Means Nevada: 4 Key Reasons Nevada Should Be Home For You—And Your Wealth

Home Means Nevada-those are three words that every Nevadan knows. Aside from being the title of our state anthem, these words are plastered on bumper stickers, t-shirts and souvenirs across the Silver State. Nevada is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes and bustling entertainment scene and it continues to attract new residents drawn by its unique opportunities and lifestyle. Regardless of whether you’re a seasoned local, a recent arrival, or a resident of another state, Nevada assures a wealth of […]

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Why Whittier?

From Investments to Family Office to Trustee Services and more, we are your single source solution. Just like you, we're independent and unique. And that's how we treat your needs.

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