Opportunities come from Change.

The Energy Transition will bring Immense Change.

Current– Quartz Projects

transition.inc has two projects with excellent, high-quality quartz. With NI-43101 Resources at Snow White in Ontario and Silicon Ridge / La Crête de Silicium in Québec. The silica in high-quality quartz can be used to make silicon metal, a key component in solar energy panels.

Current– Aurora Nickel Project

The transition to cleaner energy will depend on critical energy transition minerals. Minerals – such as copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt – are essential components in many of the new clean energy technologies and required infrastructure- from wind turbines and grid refurbishment to electric vehicles. transition.inc is looking for low-carbon production opportunities in critical minerals.

The Company has acquired the Aurora Nickel Project, a ~905 hectare Mining Lease, ~25kms southeast of Timmins Ontario. The Aurora Nickel Project has an Historical Resource with 10M Indicated tonnes, averaging 0.41% Ni.  Micon is currently updating the Resource. (see November 12, 2024 release for more detail)

Potential - Additional Opportunities across the Energy Transition

To profit from change, you should focus energy not on fighting for the old, but on helping build the new.


Let's work together or, Let's Hear from you

For further info, to share Potential Opportunities- either Critical Minerals or more broadly, from across the Energy Transition OR to ask questions of Management