We have all gone through the wobbly tooth experience as kids. You get obsessed with your tooth for days, persistently pushing it around with your tongue, wobbling it all the time and God help you when you decide to eat eclairs with that loose tooth. And that amazing sense of accomplishment you feel, when you finally succeed in knocking out the tooth.
Well parents are all for helping you out in situations, big or small. They will come up with various solutions like tying a thread to your loose tooth and slamming the door but Rick Rahim beat all other parents at parenting by coming up with this solution for his son’s loose tooth.

Just pull it out using a helicopter.

Rick Rahim is a commercial helicopter pilot and a firm believer in having fun. The idea of fun in this case being extremely subjective.

Rick Rahim’s son must be used to having fun because even during his tooth-pulling process he remained unfazed.

And glorious success!

Though he looked a little confused by the space the tooth left behind.

The tooth fairy better really pile on the gifts for this boy. Watch the whole process below.
Source – Rick Rahim