Top 10 Mommy Makeover Plastic Surgery Questions Mothers Should Ask

NEWPORT BEACH, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 9, 2023 / A Mommy Makeover refers to a suite of cosmetic surgery procedures aimed at restoring a woman's body after the changes from pregnancy and childbirth. Women often experience various physical alterations during this life phase, such as changes in the breasts, abdomen, and overall body contour. The desire to regain pre-pregnancy appearance often leads women to consider a "Mommy Makeover", which can increase self-confidence and satisfaction with body image. There are key questions mothers should be asking when considering this type of plastic surgery.

Mommy Makeovers dramatically help mom's recover their pre-baby body shape. Image Credit: Lopolo / 123RF.

"A mommy makeover is a personalized cosmetic surgery custom-tailored to a woman's post-pregnancy body. These custom-tailored procedures typically involve a combination of breast surgery (such as a lift, augmentation, or reduction), along with a tummy tuck, liposuction, and other body contouring techniques. Each patient's treatment plan is personalized to their specific goals," said Dr. Brandon Richland, MD.

Dr. Richland is a well-known and respected Board-Certified Licensed Newport Beach Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in Orange County / Southern California that specializes in cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. He is dedicated to helping both women and men look and feel their absolute best.

Here are the Top 10 Mommy Makeover Plastic Surgery Questions Mom's Should Be Asking Before Selecting a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon:

1. What Is a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a comprehensive suite of cosmetic procedures that aim to address the physical changes mothers often experience due to childbirth and aging. These transformations are tailored to rejuvenate a woman's body post-pregnancy and restore it closer to its pre-pregnancy appearance.

The #1 Question Mothers Ask

Mothers frequently inquire about what constitutes a Mommy Makeover. Typically, this makeover may include procedures like breast augmentation, abdominoplasty (also known as a tummy tuck), and liposuction. After undergoing the stress of childbirth, women might notice lasting changes in their bodies, from stretched skin to altered breast size, which these procedures aim to rectify.

Breast procedures can range from lifts to enhance the body's contour to augmentations that restore fullness. Similarly, abdominoplasty directly targets the abdominal region to tighten muscles and reduce excess skin. Liposuction complements these by removing stubborn fat deposits. Collectively, these procedures comprise a strategy that tackles the aesthetic concerns of the body after pregnancy, reflecting a woman's desire to regain her sense of self and body confidence.

For many women, the changes induced by pregnancy and aging can affect their well-being, and a Mommy Makeover offers a path to reclaiming their pre-baby body silhouette. By addressing multiple areas, from the breasts to the waistline, these procedures can produce a harmonious and satisfying result.

It's vital to have realistic expectations and understand that while a Mommy Makeover can offer significant improvements, it's a personal decision that requires careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits.

2. How Much Is a Mommy Makeover?

Understanding the financial aspect of a mommy makeover helps individuals plan and make informed decisions regarding this transformative journey.

Cost and Pricing

The cost of a mommy makeover can widely vary, typically ranging from $9,000 to $20,000. This broad range accounts for the combination of procedures tailored to the individual's needs, including but not limited to breast augmentation or lift, tummy tuck, and liposuction. It's essential for patients to consider the financial commitment, which encompasses:

  • Surgeon's Fees

  • Anesthesia

  • Operating Facility Costs

  • Post-surgery Garments

  • Medical Tests and Prescriptions

Many plastic surgeons offer financing plans that enable patients to pay for the procedures over time, making the makeover more accessible to a broader demographic.

Varies Depending on the City and Plastic Surgeon

The geographical location is a significant determinant in the overall pricing of a Mommy Makeover. Cities with a higher cost of living tend to have higher surgery costs. Additionally, choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon might affect the price, as their expertise and experience are often reflected in their fees. However, their qualifications can provide peace of mind and assurance of quality care and results. It is recommended for prospective patients to research and compare providers and to not compromise on quality for cost.

3. What Does a Mommy Makeover Consist Of?

A mommy makeover typically involves a combination of surgical procedures tailored to help women restore their body's appearance post-pregnancy. These procedures often focus on enhancing the abdomen and breast areas which are most affected by childbirth.

Procedures Included

  • Breast Augmentation: Often a key element, breast augmentation helps to restore volume and fullness to breasts that may have changed due to pregnancy or breastfeeding. Utilizing breast implants, this can effectively enhance breast size and shape.

  • Breast Lift: For those experiencing sagging or loss of firmness, a breast lift is designed to raise and firm the breasts. This is achieved by removing excess skin and reshaping the breast tissue.

  • Tummy Tuck: Known medically as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. This procedure also involves tightening of the abdominal muscles for a smoother, firmer belly.

  • Liposuction: To address unwanted fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise, liposuction can contour and slim various areas of the body.

  • Labiaplasty: For women seeking to address physical discomfort or aesthetic concerns with the labia, labiaplasty reduces and reshapes the external vaginal structure.

Each procedure in a mommy makeover is selected based on individual goals and physical considerations. Collectively, these cosmetic procedures work to reverse some of the physical changes women experience during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

4. How Long Does a Mommy Makeover Take?

A Mommy Makeover typically involves various plastic surgery procedures tailored to restore a person's body after pregnancy and childbirth. The duration of the surgery can vary greatly depending on the individual's customized plan.


The length of a Mommy Makeover surgery depends on the number and type of procedures involved. Most surgeries take several hours to complete. For instance, it can be a combination of breast augmentation or lift, tummy tuck, and liposuction conducted in a single session. A patient should consult with their surgeon for a personalized estimate, as each person's case can significantly alter the time spent in the operation room. It's crucial to have a clear understanding of the surgical plan to set realistic expectations for the duration of the procedure.

5. How Long Does it Take to Recover From a Mommy Makeover?

The recovery journey after a mommy makeover varies, but patients generally need ample time for healing and rest. Careful planning can help ease the recovery process.

Image Credit: Lanak / 123RF.

Being Comfortable While Healing

Recovering from a mommy makeover typically involves rest and the use of compression garments which aid in reducing swelling and supporting the body's new contours. Comfort can be greatly enhanced by arranging a restful environment with plenty of pillows and accessibility to essential items, reducing the need to strain or reach out.

Medications prescribed by the surgeon will aid in managing discomfort and reducing the risk of infection. Following post-operative instructions meticulously is crucial for a smooth recovery, which includes how to care for the treated areas and appropriate use of bandages or support garments.

Is it Painful?

Pain levels post-surgery can vary greatly from person to person, but pain management is a critical component of the recovery process. It commonly includes prescription pain medications as well as over-the-counter options to manage discomfort. It's essential for patients to communicate with their healthcare providers regarding pain levels to adjust pain management strategies accordingly.

While the recovery process can be challenging, understanding what to expect and the necessary care required can ease the journey. Typically, short-term recovery can span between 7 to 10 days, with long-term healing taking several weeks to months. Strenuous activities should be avoided for at least 6 weeks to ensure proper healing and the best possible results.

6. What Is a Full Mommy Makeover?

A full mommy makeover is a comprehensive cosmetic surgery plan that aims to rejuvenate areas of the body most affected by pregnancy and childbirth. This procedure focuses on the abdomen, breasts, genitalia, and buttocks. It's designed to address aesthetic concerns and can be customized to suit the unique needs of each individual.

The abdomen often undergoes significant changes during pregnancy. To restore the abdominal area, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is performed, which removes excess skin and tightens the underlying muscles. This helps in achieving a smoother, firmer midsection.

For the breasts, options include an augmentation, lift, or in some cases, a reduction. These procedures aim to restore the volume and shape that may have been lost after breastfeeding or due to natural aging.

Rejuvenation of the genitalia might involve a labiaplasty, which reshapes and refines the labial tissue, often for comfort or aesthetic purposes.

Improving the buttocks can be achieved through a buttock lift. This process addresses sagging skin and may involve grafting to enhance shape and volume.

Some women opt to include additional procedures like a thigh lift to remove excess skin and fat from the thighs for a more contoured appearance.

It's important for anyone considering a mommy makeover to consult with a certified plastic surgeon to discuss goals, potential risks, and to develop a tailored surgical plan. An individual's overall health, medical history, and recovery ability are crucial factors in determining candidacy for this combination of procedures.

7. How Long Does a Mommy Makeover Last?

The longevity of Mommy Makeover results can vary significantly based on several factors, including the extent of the procedures performed, individual body characteristics, lifestyle choices, and adherence to post-operative care instructions.

  • Surgical Treatments and Longevity: Surgical treatments involved in a Mommy Makeover, like tummy tucks and breast lifts, typically have a lasting impact that can range from several years to over a decade. Non-surgical options like fillers, in contrast, tend to have shorter-lasting results.

  • Influence of Lifestyle Choices: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, is crucial for preserving the aesthetic benefits of a Mommy Makeover. Weight fluctuations can significantly alter the outcomes of the surgery, so staying within a healthy weight range is advised to extend the benefits of the procedure.

  • Impact of Age and Skin Elasticity: Age at the time of surgery and skin elasticity can influence how long the results last. Younger skin, with better elasticity, tends to prolong the effects of the makeover.

  • Post-Operative Care: Adhering to post-operative care guidelines is essential for optimal recovery and result longevity. This includes proper wound care, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending follow-up appointments.

  • Specific Procedures and Their Durability:

    • Breast Procedures: Breast lifts or augmentations offer long-lasting results, but factors like age, gravity, and future pregnancies can alter breast shape over time.

    • Tummy Tuck: This procedure removes excess skin and helps keep the abdomen flat and firm for years, especially when a stable weight is maintained.

    • Liposuction: While it removes fat cells from targeted areas, significant weight gain post-surgery can alter results, highlighting the importance of a balanced lifestyle.

  • Effect of Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations due to pregnancy, menopause, or medications can affect body shape and skin, impacting the longevity of Mommy Makeover results.

  • Quality of Surgical Care: The skill and expertise of the plastic surgeon play a vital role in the durability and natural appearance of the results. A well-executed procedure lays the foundation for more enduring outcomes.

"While the exact duration varies, Mommy Makeover results are generally long-lasting, often extending for several years to over a decade. However, their longevity is significantly influenced by lifestyle choices, age, skin quality, adherence to post-operative care, hormonal changes, and the quality of surgical care. To maximize the longevity of the results, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, follow all aftercare instructions, and attend regular follow-up appointments," said Dr. Richland.

8. How to Sleep After a Mommy Makeover?

After a Mommy Makeover, adequate rest is crucial for recovery and healing. Post-surgery, the body requires comfortable sleeping positions to avoid strain and promote a smooth healing process. Here's how one can optimize comfort during sleep in the recovery phase:

  1. Elevate the Upper Body: Use pillows to raise the upper body. This reduces swelling and eases tension on the incisions.

  2. Reclined Position: A semi-seated position, such as sleeping in a recliner, helps with breast support and can be easier for movement in and out of the resting place.

  3. Support for Legs and Knees: Slightly bend the legs at the hips and place a pillow under the knees to reduce tension on the abdomen, especially after a tummy tuck.

  4. Side-Lying (with Caution): If lying on the side, one should take care to avoid pressure on the hips and breasts. Using body pillows for extra support may be beneficial.

One should follow their surgeon's specific guidance on sleeping positions, as personal needs may vary depending on the details of the surgery. Dr. Richland highlights the importance of following post-operative instructions to enhance the healing process and ensure a more comfortable recovery phase.

For those who have undergone procedures as part of their Mommy Makeover, such as breast augmentation or a tummy tuck, it's imperative to maintain proper sleep positions to avoid complications. Always consult with the healthcare provider before making any changes to post-surgery routines.

9. What Is a Mini Mommy Makeover?

A Mini Mommy Makeover is a more focused and often less invasive version of the traditional mommy makeover, which is designed to address specific areas of the body that have been affected by pregnancy and childbirth. This procedure typically involves a combination of cosmetic enhancements but on a smaller scale, meaning it can often result in a quicker recovery time.

Typical components of a Mini Mommy Makeover might include:

  • Breast Lift: To address sagging and improve breast contour without necessarily increasing size.

  • Liposuction: Targeting stubborn fat areas for contouring, rather than overall weight reduction.

The mini version is recommended for those who need subtle refinements and not a complete overhaul. Not every woman will need extensive work done; some may only require small tweaks to feel more confident in their appearance after having children.

Key advantages are:

  • Quicker Recovery: Less invasive techniques mean a shorter downtime.

  • Less Extensive Surgery: Often local anesthesia can be used, which is less taxing on the body than general anesthesia.

The mommy makeover goal is to rejuvenate the body with as little stress as possible, making it an appealing option for those with minor concerns or tight schedules. It's important to discuss with a qualified surgeon to determine if a mini mommy makeover aligns with one's personal goals and the expected outcomes.

Image Credit: Milkos / 123RF.

10. How to Prepare for a Mommy Makeover?

When a woman decides to undergo a mommy makeover, there are several key preparation steps to consider to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Consultation: Prior to surgery, she should schedule a comprehensive consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss goals and options. This is a vital step in understanding the procedure, the recovery process, and setting realistic expectations.

Health: Optimal health is crucial. Women should aim to be at a stable weight, as significant fluctuations after surgery can affect the results. A balanced diet and regular exercise are beneficial in the months leading up to surgery. They should also complete any required lab testing or medical evaluations.

Lifestyle Adjustments: It's advisable for patients to cease smoking at least six weeks prior to the procedure, as smoking can hinder healing and increase the risk of complications. They should avoid taking medications like aspirin or certain herbal supplements that can increase bleeding.

Post-Surgery Planning: Arranging for help with childcare and household responsibilities is crucial for a stress-free recovery. Having someone available to assist with children and daily tasks will allow her to rest and recuperate.

By thoroughly preparing for a mommy makeover, women can help ensure a smoother surgery and recovery. A commitment to following the surgeon's pre- and post-operative instructions is essential to achieve the desired results.

Mommy Makeover Patient Success Story of Dr. Brandon Richland, MD

Mommy Makeover Surgery Patient Google 5-Star Review of Dr. Brandon Richland, MD. Image Credit:

"A few months ago I walked into Dr. Brandon Richland's office with an abdominal wall separation, deflated breasts and a saggy tummy after having three children. I lived my life in stretch pants and baggy t-shirts. Hearing the doctor's plans for a tailor made mommy makeover gave me hope for the first time in years.

His stellar staff held my hand and walked me through the entire process step by step. They assisted with everything from the consultation, setting up a surgery day, speaking with my insurance, and choosing, as well as scheduling an after care facility.

On surgery day I was not at all nervous, the entire staff kept me completely at ease. Dr. Richland was amazing at every post-op visit. All of my questions and concerns were addressed with care.

My results are AMAZING! It's more than I ever expected, and way more than I was hoping for. In addition to being ecstatic with my new body, my back pain disappeared and my pelvic floor is now strong again!

I feel like I finally have my life back. Dr. Richland and his staff are second to none!"

Read the patient's full Mommy Makeover Five-Star Google Review here.

An experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Brandon Richland, MD (pictured above) is the best option for achieving transformational mommy makeover surgery results. Image Credit:

About Dr. Brandon Richland, MD:

Dr. Brandon Richland, MD is a respected Board Certified Licensed Plastic Surgeon in Orange County / Southern California specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. Driven by his passion for medicine, Dr. Richland obtained his Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree from the prestigious program at Saint Louis University (SLU) School of Medicine in 2013. His exceptional skills were recognized when he received the McGraw Hill / Lange Medical Student Academic Achievement Award, and graduated top of his class with Honors. For his undergraduate degree, he attended University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and graduated with Honors in 2009.

To further enhance his surgical expertise, Dr. Richland completed his Residency in Plastic Surgery at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) from 2013 to 2019 earning the Academic Achievement Award twice during this period. A total of 14 years in dedicated schooling and medical residency. Dr. Richland is actively involved with healthcare and medical societies, as a Diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery, a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, and the California Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Located in one of these Orange County (OC) / Southern California cities?

Aliso Viejo, Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Coto de Caza, Cypress, Dana Point, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Irvine, La Habra, La Palma, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Ladera Ranch, Lake Forest, Los Alamitos, Mission Viejo, Newport Beach, Orange, Placentia, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Santa Ana, Seal Beach, Stanton, Tustin, Villa Park, Westminster, or Yorba Linda?

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Brandon Richland, MD and his Cosmetic Aesthetics Team are ready to help you look and feel your absolute best. Elevate your confidence and self esteem levels to unfathomable new heights. A warm and engaging Team of carefully selected Aesthetics Professionals will make you feel calm, cool, collected, and right at home throughout your entire consultation and surgery process.

Schedule your in-person consultation in our modern and luxurious offices in either Fountain Valley, CA (Main HQ) or our Newport Beach, CA office. Live outside of Southern California or short on time? For your convenience, Virtual Consultations are also available.

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Summer Mariorenzi
Media Relations

For Your Personalized First-Class Cosmetic and Aesthetics Experience, Schedule Your In-Person or Virtual Consultation:

Medical Disclaimer: The information shared is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Every individual and patient is different. Before considering any treatments or surgical procedures, be sure to consult with an experienced licensed healthcare provider to discuss the appropriateness and safety of any procedures or treatments based on your individual health and medical history.

SOURCE: Dr. Brandon Richland, MD

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