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Welcome to LawyerLike, the entertainment industry's go-to legal consultancy. Unique to LawyerLike is the combination of legal expertise and entertainment industry experience, bridging the gap between the two fields.

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About LawyerLike

Misson Statement

LawyerLike was created to bring together the entertainment industry and the law. The goal is to help clients effectively navigate a variety of legal intricacies and provide personalized and innovative solutions. 


Helping Clients Understand the Reality of Legality

LawyerLike not only has legal expertise but also has experience as talent within the entertainment industry. Helping those in the entertainment industry understand the laws they encounter to best position them for success is the foundation of LawyerLike's mission.

Services cater to tv personalities, models, influencers, content creators, professional athletes, musicians, etc., as well as the agencies who represent them.

Whether you're an individual talent or a talent agency, LawyerLike's unique expertise that can help you reach new heights. Get in touch today to learn more about how LawyerLike can help you.

Contract Services

LawyerLike can help you analyze and draft legal documents to ensure clarity and compliance.

Risk Management

LawyerLike analyzes your current situation and assesses potential legal risks. LawyerLike will be available to guide you and provide strategies to help mitigate loss.

Legal Compliance

LawyerLike helps organizations stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world by providing expert legal compliance services. LawyerLike examines what organizations are doing to stay compliant and which ones are doing it best. 

Document Review

LawyerLike's legal expertise and use of sophisticated software help to review, categorize, and analyze documents quickly and accurately.

Attorney Referrals

As a type of alternative legal service provider, LawyerLike does not represent clients in any litigious matters. However, LawyerLike maintains a vast network of attorneys ready to assist clients in more complex legal matters.

Legal Research

LawyerLike uses a combination of legal expertise and technology tools to provide comprehensive research services that help clients make informed legal decisions.


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