People First Space Solutions

Same Day or Next Day Delivery

Same Day or Next Day Delivery

Fast Delivery options to fit your needs.
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Real Time Tracking

Real Time Tracking

Tracking system that allows customers to monitor the status of their delivery.
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Delivery Notification

Delivery Notification

Notification when the packages is out for delivery and when it has been delivered.
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Delivery Scheduling

Delivery Scheduling

People First provides required Proof of Delivery by signature and/or photo of delivered package
White Glove Delivery

White Glove Delivery

Includes unpacking, assembly and installation
Returns Management

Returns Management

Easy and efficient returns process for customers, including pickup and return shipping services
Customer Support

Customer Support

A Customer Service Team that is available to answer any questions or concerns that customers may have regarding their delivery

People First Logistics Company Inc. Contact Form

Submitting this form will allow you to reach out to the People First Logistics Company Inc. with any questions or inquiries you may have.

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About us

My name is Sidney, and I am the owner of a Last Mile business in Buffalo, NY called People First Logistics Company Inc. Our mission is to help individuals and businesses become more productive and efficient through efficient and organized last mile operations. We understand that time is valuable and that it needs to be managed properly. We help our clients develop customized strategies to manage their deliveries. At People First Logistics Company Inc, we take a holistic approach to our services. We focus on the client’s individual needs and goals and strive to provide the best solutions to help them with their delivery needs. We offer a variety of services, including dispatch referrals, process improvement, and training. Our experienced consultants are well-versed in the latest industry trends and technologies and are committed to helping our clients achieve their desired outcomes. We believe in putting people first, and our team of experts is passionate about helping our clients reach their full potential.