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How to do Email Marketing (Updated 2024)

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There are always right ways and wrong ways to do email marketing. If you want your email marketing campaigns to yield results, here are some of the right ways (best practice) to follow.

Here are the 5 Best Ways to do Email Marketing in 2024:

1. Start With Your List

The bottom line is that you can’t send out email marketing campaigns if you have no one to send them to. 

And the other thing to remember is that email marketing won’t work if you don’t have the right people on your list.

That means you need to capture leads to grow your email list with your target audience.

This email marketing strategy came from’s “Email Marketing Made Simple: A Step by Step Guide [+ Examples]”.

2. Create an Email Marketing Strategy

Each of your customers receives 121 emails every day. 

That means, if you don’t take the time to develop a strategy, your emails will get lost in crowded inboxes, or worse, be sent to the spam folder.

You can learn how to build an effective email strategy and send emails that people actually want to read. It just takes a plan (one that can be broken down into a few key steps). shared “The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing”.

3. Choose an Email Marketing Service Provider

If you’re serious about email marketing, you need to work with an email marketing service provider. 

Working with a provider is the only way your business can leverage email marketing automation to effectively deliver messages to large groups of contacts or subscribers.

You’ll also benefit from professional email templates, tools to help you grow and manage your email list, and tracking features that show you who is opening and engaging with your campaigns and messages.

This email marketing tip came from “Get Started With Email Marketing: 10 Things You Need to Do First”.

4. Create an Email Calendar

When your email subscriber list grows to the size where you cannot remember the whole list it is time to create an email calendar where you can plan the email campaigns to go out, highlighting who they should be sent to, and the content inside them.

You can then create content ahead of time and schedule the emails so that you have more time to spend on optimizing your website and focus on increasing sales.

Karyn Corrigan shared this email marketing technique on’s “What Is Email Marketing And Why Is It Important?”.

5. Measure and Improve

If you’re sending a one-off marketing offer, give yourself at least 24 hours before you start analyzing your open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. 

This will give your recipients enough time to respond to your message and place their order.

When analyzing your results, keep in mind all the main factors that could have affected your results. The subject line, your offer, your target audience, email template you used, the time at which you sent out the campaign, and additionally any external factors that could also be important.

This email marketing strategy came from’s “Email Marketing for Beginners”.

How Can You Use These 5 Best How-to’s in 2024?

Pro Email Marketing Tip: Before you start your email marketing campaign, be sure you have the correct B2B lead generating and sales prospecting tools to find email addresses, direct dial phone numbers, and even cell or mobile phone numbers for the Decision Makers you are targeting for your outreach.

Swordfish AI provides the most accurate B2B contact information, including cell phone numbers and email addresses of executives, managers, and key decision-makers. Try Swordfish AI now.

Cover Image Licensed from: / Nikhom Khotjan.

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