Unlocking Hidden Treasures For A Prosperous Tomorrow


About Us

Rio Grande Resources is Gold and Silver Project situated on a 3,000-acre drill-ready property located in the Black Range of Sierra County, New Mexico. It’s home to three historic mines; Ivanhoe, Emporia, and Little Granite consisting of 147 unpatented BLM (Bureau of Land Management) mining claims and 2 patented Ivanhoe and Emporia lode mining claims. Each mine produced high-grade gold and silver during full-time operations over a century ago.

More recent confirmatory sampling completed in 2021 included many high-grade samples including 41.5 g/t Gold and 4,610 g/t Silver on newly staked claims. Mining in this area ceased due to the decline in the price of silver and gold; not for a lack of significant mineralization suggesting that significant potential of this region remains exciting.

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Address: #250 – 750 W Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 2T7, Canada

Phone: +1 (604) 767-6598
Email: info@riogranderesources.ca

Press Releases

Project Highlights

Drill Ready <strong>Targets</strong>

Drill Ready Targets

Including on both patented and unpatented claims

Favourable <strong>Geology</strong>

Favourable Geology

The mineralization is of the well-documented epithermal type (close to the surface) within the Paymaster Fault, a structural trend known for historic gold deposits

Gold & <strong>Silver Market</strong>

Gold & Silver Market

Strong macro-economic trends drove gold and silver to all-time-highs in 2024

Property <strong>Features</strong>

Property Features

The area was a past major producer with a current strong potential for district-scale discovery

Project  <strong>History</strong>

Project History

High grade deposits of silver and gold were mined over 100 years ago, but ceased due to the decline in the price of silver and gold; little or no modern exploration has occurred since

Promising <strong>Potential</strong>

Promising Potential

Samples have returned 66.5g/t au and 4,610 g/t ag in 2021 within the main geological feature, the Rio Grande Rift, which currently hosts several past and present silver mines

Projects The Little Granite Gold Mine

This past producing gold mine is 100% owned by Rio, consisting of 4 lode mining claims with past reported high-grade values. A limited re-sampling program by the Company along with past drill reports, confirm high-grade silver and gold values from historic workings. Multiple site visits suggest the primary vein widens to more than 4m (12 ft) true width, at depth.

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The Little Granite Gold Mine

Did you know past-sampling results at THE LITTLE GRANITE included 26.8 g/t gold and 1,670 g/t silver? The main vein has been traced for over 200 meters by past drilling and remains open along strike and at depth.

Projects The Ivanhoe and Emporia Mine

The Ivanhoe and Emporia is a past producing gold-silver mine consisting of 2 patented lode claims. Results from a sampling program performed by the company returned peak values of 26.8 g/t gold & 1670 g/t silver from Ivanhoe, and 46.1 g/t gold and 517 g/t silver from Emporia. Mining in this area ceased due to the decline in the price of silver and gold; not for a lack of significant mineralization.

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The Ivanhoe and Emporia Mine

Did you know PATENTED CLAIMS gives exclusive ownership of the land and its resources, while unpatented mining claims may provide access and use the land to extract minerals, but the government still owns the land?