Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited

SurancePlus Inc.

A Real-World Asset (RWA) Tokenization Company

A group of people sitting around a table.

SurancePlus is a new wholly owned Web3-focused subsidiary of Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited that specializes in Real-World Asset (“RWA”) tokenization. 

It issued the DeltaCat Re digital security, the first of its multi-year Cat Re (short for “Catastrophe Reinsurance”) token series, in 2023 on the Avalanche Blockchain.  Investors in DeltaCat Re are expected to receive a 42% annualized return on their investment.

A doctor is using his tablet computer.


The tokenized RWA market is expected to grow exponentially over the next decade, with estimates of $16 trillion by 2030.**

Tokenized reinsurance securities represent an innovative way to mirror established asset groups, enabling investors to gain exposure to opportunities that were previously beyond reach.

Three people are looking at laptops in a room.


SurancePlus offers tokenized reinsurance securities backed by real-world assets (reinsurance contracts), that comply with applicable U.S. securities laws.

*In a loss-free year.

**According to forecasts by the Boston Consulting Group: “Relevance of On-Chain Asset Tokenization in ‘Crypto Winter’ “.