Kate Monroe, Success Coach & Entrepreneur

Kate Monroe, CEO
Business Growth Consultant

Problems… Solved!  Some people talk about doing things, Kate just executes. In all her ventures, Kate is always going to tackle the task that can be completed and finalized today.

If you bring a problem to her, she will solve it. In business, there’s not a better partner.

When you are ready for the next evolution of your business, desire to conquer a market or prepare for a Public Offering (IPO), and you want to WIN! You want Kate on your team.

As Seen on

Chief Executive Officer

Kate Monroe Companies

Kate has her hand in many ventures, most are in the coaching and sales space. However, some are solution based. All were born of the same desire to solve problems in industry and for people. 

Congressman Ronny Jackson & Kate

Schedule Time with Kate: Business Branding Business Growth Strategy Brand Marketing Executive Sales Training Initial Public Offering (IPO) Public Relations & Press

Ready to schedule some time to meet with Kate Monroe “The CEO“?

Great!  Please take a moment to see what is available on her calendar and be ready to get your hands dirty executing a precise Business Strategy that will achieve Your Business Growth Goal.

Time is Valuable.  Kate will not waste your time and appreciates that you will not waste hers. You’ll, of course, be screened before sitting at the negotiations and strategy table, so come prepared with the mindset of a U.S. Marine and an accomplished Chief Executive Officer because that is precisely who will be sitting across from you.

“Tomorrow’s Success is the Result of Today’s Accomplishment.”

– Kate Monroe, CEO

Congressman Darrell Issa & Kate

I Will Help You Deliver.

“What are You trying to accomplish Today?”

Be very clear about your business and process with Kate, as she only takes on ventures that are ready to pull the trigger and move forward!
Bottom line:  Kate will not have meetings to have meetings!

Sales Training

If you need Next-Level Sales Training or Coaching for you or your Organization, regardless of your Industry or Business size, Kate and crew have you covered and can build a Training LMS Platform, speak to your team, speak at events, and design a perfectly tailored sales training just for you!

Pre-Launch Planning

In the pre-launch phase of any business, there is a myriad of tasks, and how you prioritize them is key to taking your business or idea to market. We can help you overcome the “need” to arrive “perfect” and start with the Most Viable Product (MVP), then moving to deliverable excellence.

Platform Design & Delivery

There is an old saying that goes, “build it and they will come.” The key to success here, is building it. You may have a great idea but are not sure how to bring it to life. Kate and crew build online platforms and essentially your “Business-in-a-Box” in as little as a few weeks.

Working Together

Strategy Chat

We will discuss your goals and what you are trying to accomplish to find your optimal path to success.
Step 01

Action Plan

We will develop a Project Plan and Execution Timeline that addresses Tasks in an Actionable Order.
Step 02

Execute Plan

Executing your Strategic Business Plan is the Roadmap to Achieving Your "Napoleon Hill Desire", Your Success!
Step 03

Kate's Sales and Motivation Content

Amazing Clients I’ve Worked With

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