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Higher Education’s Important Role In Climate Technology


Climate technologies such as renewable energy, carbon capture and storage and drought-resistant crops all play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but there is a lot more to tech’s role in the great shift towards a more sustainable future.

Creating positive economic, social and environmental impact requires software designed specifically to help organizations record, report, and act on sustainability goals. Afterall, you can only manage what you measure.

Creating awareness about that kind of software in academic circles and addressing the corresponding skills gap in the workforce are the goals of a new initiative of the SAP University Alliances (SAP UA), a program that teaches SAP technology at universities.

Lifelong learning

“I have always been a strong believer in technology, but being at COP28 really made me realize its importance in the area of sustainability,” said Dr. Dima Jamali, VP of Academic Affairs, Canadian University in Dubai (CUD). Sustainability and climate change are at the core of the university’s mission to redefine the future, and sustainability principles are integrated into the curriculum to educate students on the importance of environmental stewardship.

CUD is a long-time member of the SAP UA. Its programs enable academia to prepare the next generation for the SAP ecosystem, including SAP’s sustainability solutions, software and services. “To address climate change, it’s imperative to integrate technology into our curriculum, along with key competencies such as problem solving, leadership, and analytical and creative thinking,” said Jamali.

Jamali explained that the SAP program helps the university provide students with the right digital and technical skills for the future, particularly in the use of artificial intelligence. “AI is at the heart of our future offerings,” she said, explaining that besides running hackathons, CUD provides programs that integrate AI with entrepreneurship, innovation, policy making and sustainability. “AI is at the intersection of sustainable business and management innovation.”

Jamali, with over 20 years in academia, is recognized for her expertise in sustainability, corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship. She has worked as a consultant for the United Nations and various projects funded by organizations such as the World Bank and the US agency for International Development. As head of Academic Affairs, Jamali believes her role is to strengthen collaboration between industry and academia.

“We have a very strong connection with the tech community, and our goal is to leverage that relationship to the advantage of our students,” said Jamali. “We are not just catering to students aged 18 to 22. There is an entire segment of professionals that need upskilling in digital and technical skills. Universities today must provide lifelong learning opportunities.”

Such learning opportunities are sorely needed. The need to address AI and the workforce is so critical it was one of the urgent global issues addressed at the World Economic Forum in Davos with a special focus on the use of AI as a driving force for the economy and society. AI in different industries can exacerbate inequalities, especially in terms of job displacement, making it imperative to shift mindsets and consider AI as a “team member” rather than a software tool.

According to the recent Future of Jobs report by the World Economic Forum, more than 75% of companies are looking to adopt technologies such as AI in the next five years, and 85% are expecting to incorporate digital platforms and apps into their operations. Task automation in 2027 is expected to vary from 35% of reasoning and decision-making to 65% of information and data processing.

To meet these demands, six in ten workers will require training before 2027, but only half of workers are seen to have access to adequate training opportunities today. Analytical thinking, creative thinking, and training workers to utilize AI and big data are the top three company skills-training priorities in the next five years and will be prioritized by 42% of surveyed companies.

Bridging the gap

The mission of SAP AUA is to address the skills gap and provide opportunities for all learners to familiarize themselves with the kind of technology that will help organizations achieve goals that benefit people, planet and profit. SAP UA took the opportunity during COP28 in Dubai to team up with academic partners such as the CUD and other prominent members in the MENA region including the University of Dubai (UD) and Abu Dhabi University (ADU).

“Our programs offer a critical mix of education, sustainability, and technology to prepare the next generation of leaders and employees, equipping them to work in our changing world,” said Dr. Karina Edmonds, senior vice president and global head of SAP University Alliances. She was speaking at a special Academic Community Conference held during COP28 to facilitate dialogue around the power of emerging technologies in addressing climate change and its impact.

“Engaging academia and youth in SAP’s sustainability efforts is paramount. We are proud of our collaborative efforts with our partners in the UAE to create awareness about the role of technology in addressing the world’s climate challenges,” said Edmonds.

University leaders like Dr. Dima Jamali, Dr. Eesa Mohammed Al Bastaki, President of UD and ADU Chancellor Prof. Ghassan Aouad who attended the conference, are unanimous in their view that it is the role of academia prepare the workforce of the future with digital skills. They also agree that academia must lead society when it comes to protecting the environment and shaping the future of climate action.

“We are currently introducing the newly developed sustainability curricula that will enable students to comprehend environment management by monitoring, reporting, and analyzing resource consumption and carbon emissions,” Edmonds explained. “This will enable universities to deliver practical experience to students using SAP solutions and to expose graduates to the latest thinking and technology solutions for ESG measurement and evaluation, equipping them to make meaningful improvements to the way the world does business.”

Together, these institutions create a powerful alliance to help young people prepare for the digital world ahead and companies to leverage the best technology and skills to drive sustainable business. It’s a win-win for people, planet and profit.

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