Strategic Staffing President, Elmer Alegado, Fulfills Company Mission

Elmer Alegado, an experienced healthcare professional, helps keep medical facilities in California fully staffed.

LATHROP, CA / ACCESSWIRE / March 13, 2020 / Many hospitals and healthcare facilities are struggling to stay fully staffed. There simply aren't enough qualified candidates to fill the ever-growing number of available positions, which means that some healthcare positions remain open for months. Job vacancies can lead to a number of other problems for both hospitals and patients. Elmer Alegado, the President of StrategiCareStaffing, runs the company to help address the serious problem.

When healthcare facilities are not adequately staffed, it directly impacts the people who need immediate care. Patients receive less attention because nurses and doctors must split their time between more people than usual. Elmer Alegado explains that, in turn, the patient's safety and comfort are put at risk. The safety and health of the patient should always be the top priority.

Patients aren't the only ones suffering from this dilemma, however. Elmer Alegado notes that hospitals are also negatively impacted by being short-staffed. Patients expect to receive high-quality care services, which puts pressure on the hospital to become more efficient. They must tighten up all procedures, protocols, budgets, and schedules, which puts even more strain and stress on existing team members.

When team members are continually struggling to keep up, they are more likely to rush and make mistakes in their departments. Elmer Alegado notes that stressed staff members also feel less contentment and satisfaction in their roles, which in turn threatens more vacancies. The longer positions stay open, the more responsibility is shifted to others.

After 25 years of experience in the healthcare industry, Elmer Alegado realized the importance of strategic healthcare staffing. He saw the need throughout his career, having worked in a community hospital, medical clinic, and marine school, among other places. StrategiCareStaffing, located in Lathrop California, has been making notable contributions to the industry since its inception, thanks to Elmer Alegado and his skilled team of dedicated professionals.

Both large and small hospitals alike count on StrategiCareStaffing to quickly fill positions with qualified candidates that have undertaken a rigorous screening and training regimen. Elmer Alegao and his team look for healthcare candidates that have a wide range of skills and past experiences. Medical facilities trust Elmer Alegado to fulfill the mission of StrategiCareStaffing, which is to assist and support healthcare facilities in the community with needed professionals in the delivery of healthcare services.

Elmer Alegado strives to make StrategiCareStaffing the leading and most reliable healthcare staffing resource for the community. The company always aims to provide staff with the highest degree of professionalism and integrity. Their 24/7 healthcare facility staffing is now sought-after by some of the best medical facilities in California.

As president of StrategiCareStaffing, Elmer Alegado brings his lifelong passion for serving his fellow countrymen. When combined with the skills he's perfected from years of working in different nursing positions, Elmer Alegado is able to deliver exceptional healthcare staffing services for his clients.


Caroline Hunter
Web Presence, LLC
+1 7865519491

SOURCE: Web Presence, LLC

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