Space Initiatives Inc
We are a US based stock company entirely owned and controlled by US citizens. We are incorporated in the State of Florida. | Phone/Text: USA +1-540-235-0310
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Space Initiatives Inc

Space Initiatives Inc, a new start-up with a business model focused on the development and deployment of 50-gram femtosatellites in LEO. From conversations with NASA, DARPA and our partners in private industry, we feel that the femtosatellite market could rapidly grow into thousands of units launched per year, leading to a market in the tens of millions of dollars per year. (And, yes, we are very sensitive to the orbital debris problem such a launch rate could cause if debris mitigation is not planned into the deployments from the beginning.)

Solar Scout CubeSat Explorer deploying Chipsat Sensors

Lunar Surface Sensor Network and Ballistic Delivery System (LunaCel)

On 6th March2020 our small Florida company Space Initiatives Inc (SII) was awarded a 3 month contract (of $50,000) by the US Air Force (AFWERX) as STTR to study a sensor network on the surface of the Moon, and a ballistic delivery system for the same. This contract was completed on 19th June 2020. The system proposed will deploy security commodities on to the Moon as well as significant new science opportunities for NASA and will be making use of CLPS lander opportunities. Our partner research institution for the STTR is Florida Institute of Technology. A great deal of high value science can be accomplished using these hard landers or penetrators, to augment the soft-lander capabilities of CLPS.

Click here for an upadate on our project and flight test from Feb 2022

Click here for a VIDEO upadate on our project and flight test from Feb 2022

Download our White Paper here.
Deployment Scenario from CLPS Lander
Lunar Surface MESH Wireless Sensor Network (WSN, UGS)

Space Traffic Management Solutions - Avoid Collisions with Orbital Debris Solutions

In the first stage of our long term road-map we are designing a unit called "Pixie" which will be attached to any host spacecraft, to provide very low data rate communications and RFID, to track the spacecraft at very low cost, and to provide back-up link in case the primary spacecraft comms link is lost. We will offer this unit to various commercial and government constellations, potentially thousands of these units might end up flying in space. Pixie contains a GPS receiver which will provide orbital postion accurate to within 10 metres, versus 1 km for current systems. This dramatic improvement will eliminate most of the false alarms which today's collision predictions suffer from. We also have available proprietary IP to precisely and inexpensively track constellations of spacecraft in cislunar and interplanetary space at a remarkably low cost and unprecedented accuracy.

Femtosatellites and the Second Quantum Revolution

The interest in distributed small space systems and in space systems exploiting the second quantum revolution is exploding, and the government is beginning to pour money into these two related areas. We will aggressively seek out government contracts to develop Quantum Metrology technologies and will use that to springboard development of products for commercial use.

Pixie image

Board of Advisers - Space Initiatives Inc

Contact Space Initiatives Inc

Address: We are a US based stock company entirely owned and controlled by US citizens. We are incorporated in the State of Florida.

Phone/Text: USA +1-540-235-0310 [Time Zone: Eastern USA]
Business Address: 1480 Dozier Avenue Titusville Florida 32783-8320