About the Casa Berardi mine
The Casa Berardi mine is located north of the community of Villebois, in the Eeyou Istchee Baie-James Regional Government, Nord-du-Québec (NDQ) administrative region.
- Location: 60 km north of Villebois and 95 km north of La Sarre
- Mine type: underground and open-pit
- Mine life: until 2037
- Production in 2023: 90,363 ounces of gold and 22,415 ounces of silver
- Average grade: 2.51 g/t
- 3500 tonnes of ore processed/day
- Nearly 1,000 employees and contractors
Mine history
1974: Staking of the first 13 claims (mining titles)
1981: Drilling of discovery holes
1988: Opening of the East mine and start of commercial production
1990: Opening of the West mine
1974 - 1991: Owned by Inco
1997: Closure of mines
1991 - 1998: Property of TVX
1998- 1999: Discovery of Zone 113 (allowed reopening of the West Mine)
1998 - 2004: Exploration on the site
2004 - 2006: Feasibility study and construction
2007: Return to production of the West mine
1998 - 2013: Owned by Mines Aurizon
2013: Acquisition by Hecla Mining
2016: Start of the East mine pit
2019: Announcement of 15-year mine life extension to 2033
2020: Permits obtained for mining of Pit 160 and preparatory work.
2021: Pit 160 goes into production
2022: Surface mining begins
2023: Announcement of mine life extension to 2037