Slimming Down with an Abdominoplasty and Tummy Tuck

ORANGE COUNTY, CA / ACCESSWIRE / October 1, 2023 / Many women feel dissatisfied with the look of their midsections. A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty, are popular aesthetic cosmetic procedures designed to define and contour the abdominal area. This body sculpting option has long been used by many women after pregnancy or substantial weight loss. Patients considering this type of plastic surgery should fully understand the complete process from pre-operative instructions, to a list of self-care tips after the surgery so the patient can maintain a healthy desired weight.

Abdominoplasty surgery and the path to a flatter tummy. Image Credit: Andrey Popov / 123RF.

"Through my trademarked Hidden Scar Tummy Tuck, we've been able to give women the flawless look they have always wanted. This specialized technique utilizes an ultra low incision hidden even in ultra low cut bikinis and undergarments. This innovative technique utilizes a different design for this incision than most other surgeons," said Dr. Brandon Richland, MD.

Dr. Richland is a respected Board-Certified Licensed Plastic Surgeon in Orange County / Southern California that specializes in cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. He is dedicated to helping both women and men look and feel their absolute best.

Understanding Tummy Tuck and Abdominoplasty Procedures

A tummy tuck and abdominoplasty are surgical procedures that involve removing excess fat and skin from the abdominal area to tighten the abdominal muscles, resulting in a flatter stomach for a more toned look.

During tummy tuck surgery, an incision is made horizontally between the belly button and pelvis. The plastic surgeon then removes excess fat from the abdomen, tightens loose muscles if present, repositions the umbilicus or navel, and trims away sagging skin, all before closing up with deep sutures.

As for an abdominoplasty, commonly known as a "mini tummy tuck", it varies depending on how much fat needs to be removed as well as how loose the abdominal skin is. Like tummy tucks, "mini-tucks" also require an incision, along with some liposuction of any stubborn pockets of fat located beneath the realigned muscle wall layer.

This procedure often does not involve any repositioning of the navel; instead just tightening down loose midline tissue right below where the nipple area suspends outward from underneath each side of the pecs / pectoralis major solitaries. Both surgeries can provide significant improvements to individuals seeking tighter core regions. Depending on the patient, it may still require further shaping techniques like patch excisions, when targeting small localized areas close to pinched folds and scars, after complete healing has taken place several weeks later post operatively.

Although tummy tuck and abdominoplasty procedures improve contour and shape without weight loss, results tend to be improved slimming outcomes due to removal of fascia encapsulating fatty deposits around the abdomen parameter. This may cause uncomfortable bulging prior to operations being completed successfully.

Preparing for Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty Surgery

Before undergoing a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty procedure, patients should arrange consultations with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss their aesthetic goals and go through a complete medical evaluation. Preoperative instructions must be followed to ensure the best results, while recovery planning is essential for the overall success of the surgery.

Expert Consultation and Medical Evaluation

Before undergoing a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty procedure, it is essential to first have an initial consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon that is licensed and board certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS).

During the initial consultation, the doctor will review and assess a patient's lifestyle and overall health to determine if they are a suitable candidate for the cosmetic procedure and whether there could be any significant risks involved.

The plastic surgeon will also discuss their qualifications as well as expected results of the surgery to ensure that all expectations are realistic. Depending on one's state of health, additional tests may even be recommended before proceeding with the operation in order to mitigate potential complications during surgery and recovery.

Factors such as age, skin elasticity or condition, medical history, weight fluctuations due to pregnancy or dramatic diet changes can all affect how someone might respond to an abdominoplasty procedure. This is why a comprehensive evaluation is necessary to ensure a successful outcome of a tummy tuck procedure.

An initial consultation and evaluation is necessary to determine if an individual is a candidate for an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery. Image Credit: Makalish / 123RF.

Preoperative Instructions

Preparation is key when it comes to planning for a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty procedure. It's important that patients follow their doctor's instructions and recommendations in order to ensure the best outcome. Most plastic surgeons will provide preoperative instructions outlining diet, exercise and lifestyle changes before surgery, as well as specific steps for preparing before and after the operation.

These instructions may include measures such as quitting smoking to reduce risk of complications during surgery, avoiding certain medications or supplements, fasting prior to surgery and readiness for anesthesia, arranging for a caregiver or support system during recovery period and more.

Recovery Planning

Making proper arrangements for abdominoplasty recovery after undergoing a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty procedure is essential for achieving optimal results and healing in the shortest possible time period. Typically, recovery takes around four to six weeks and comes with some soreness, swelling and bruised skin.

That's why it's important to rest as much as possible within 48 hours of surgery, while also following postoperative instructions closely, such as wearing compression garments that help reduce pain and bruising. It is recommended to make arrangements for assistance at home during those initial few days right after the procedure since movement may be difficult due to discomfort. Additionally, lifestyle modifications need to be made pre-operatively, like avoiding alcohol consumption at least two weeks prior to surgery, which can speed up the overall process of a successful turnaround.

Can You Lose Weight with a Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty?

Tummy tuck and abdominoplasty procedures can help address excess skin and fat after pregnancy or significant weight loss. Though they often give the appearance of slimming weight loss, they rarely contribute to significant scale weight loss.

Managing Weight Loss Expectations

It is important for patients to understand that a tummy tuck or an abdominoplasty are not weight loss operations, but cosmetic procedures designed to improve the tone and contour of the abdomen.

While these procedures may result in a reduction in fat tissue, they should not be viewed as a way to achieve significant long-term weight loss. It is essential for each patient to have realistic expectations when considering this type of procedure. It must be understood that diet and exercise alone cannot accomplish results on par with those typically obtained through surgically-assisted body contouring.

The medical evaluation of a licensed and board-certified plastic surgeon prior to any cosmetic surgery will provide an estimate on how much excess skin and fat can safely be removed, as well as what results can be effectively achieved based on individual circumstances. Factors such as patient age, activity level, and health history, are taken into consideration.

Having these assessments done during an initial cosmetic aesthetics consultation with a licensed plastic surgeon allows them to create tailored recommendations that prioritize safety, while also using advanced techniques for optimal cosmetic outcomes. It is highly advised that all potential candidates consult board-certified plastic surgeons before proceeding with any kind of abdominoplasty procedure specifically targeted at improving abdominal appearance.

Addressing Excess Skin and Fat

Loose abdominal skin and pockets of persistent fat can cause a person to appear out of proportion. For those looking for the best way to address this problem, tummy tuck surgery and abdominoplasty are common procedures performed by plastic surgeons.

These two procedures aim to remove excess body fat, tighten loose skin, and restore weakened muscles in the abdominal wall which help give an individual's physique better definition and contour.

The amount of weight loss during a tummy tuck varies from individual to individual depending on how much excess skin is removed. Generally, it is estimated that 3 to 5 pounds may be taken off with this standard cosmetic procedure.

More significant results will likely require an extended or full tummy tuck procedure. This is where larger amounts of skin may be removed, as well as surrounding areas like hips or thighs, if desired; resulting in more noticeable weight loss outcomes per patient.

A tummy tuck can help slim the midsection and stomach area. Image Credit: ArmmyPicca / 123RF.

Types of Abdominoplasty Surgical Procedures

The four main types of abdominoplasty procedures are Full, Mini, Extended, and Circumferential. The difference lies in the extent of surgery required and natural contours created for a slimmer silhouette.

Both full and mini abdominoplasties involve the removal of excess skin and fat in the abdominal area. A full abdominoplasty requires a horizontal incision between the hip bones as well as another incision around the navel. A mini abdominoplasty will target only below or slightly above the belly button with less-extensive surgery.

The extended abdominoplasty is best suited for those patients who require additional tightening of their abdominal muscles after significant weight loss or pregnancy. Unlike full and mini tummy tucks that focus on removing flabby waistlines, an extended procedure involves extending further into the sides, hips, buttocks to help remove sagging skin from all three body areas.

Patients requiring more comprehensive correction due to excess skin throughout other parts of their bodies may opt for a circumferential abdominoplasty, also known as "body lifting".

Maintaining Weight After a Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty

To help maximize tummy tuck and abdominoplasty results, healthy habits and strategies to maintain weight loss must be implemented in order to stay comfortable with an individual patient's new look.

Healthy Diet and Nutrition

It is essential for individuals who have undergone a tummy tuck procedure to maintain a healthy diet and nutrition. Nutrition plays an important role in the healing process, as well as helps in regulating weight after surgery.

Eating foods with high protein and fiber can help repair tissues and muscles that were stretched during the tummy tuck to reduce down time from exercise or activity. Adding lean proteins such as chicken breast, fresh eggs, lean beef, almonds or cottage cheese provides the necessary nutrients without adding too many extra calories that could lead to further weight gain.

Meanwhile low-fat products like Greek yogurt are packed with calcium which has bone strengthening benefits which also aid in keeping bones strong during tummy tuck recovery time versus becoming more fragile due to being inactive afterwards.

Fruits and vegetables provide antioxidants necessary for cell repair and regeneration while whole grains also provide energy necessary for new muscle growth after surgery. In addition, it is important to stay away from processed sugars, trans fats, saturated fats and empty calories that can cause additional cravings leading to potential weight gain postoperatively.

Regular Exercise Routine

Regular exercise is essential for maintaining weight loss results after a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty procedure. Exercise can help boost metabolism, allowing for maximum calorie burn and aiding in reaching before and after surgery fitness goals.

Patients are advised to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise during the first six weeks of recovery post-surgery. Low intensity aerobic workouts may be appropriate while the body heals from the operation, based on the patient's doctor recommendations. Exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, planks and bridges could eventually be introduced gradually into a workout regimen at least four weeks following tummy tuck or abdominoplasty surgery.

Over time, individuals can increase repetitions of these exercises to strengthen their core muscles, as well as improve physical outlooks of their stomach area. By incorporating regular cardiovascular activities with targeted toning exercises three to four times per week, patients post-surgery have been shown to see optimal long term outcomes overall.

Common Weight Loss Mistakes to Avoid After These Plastic Surgery Procedures

Every individual is different. It is highly important to follow your doctor's advice before, during, and after your plastic surgery. Be sure to avoid the common mistakes that may derail weight loss efforts during recovery, to best manage them for lasting results.

Focusing Only on the Stomach

Focusing only on the stomach as part of a weight loss journey is often not enough for achieving the desired results. A tummy tuck is best used to contour and reshape the belly area. Attempting to use a tummy tuck solely for losing weight can be ineffective and potentially dangerous. It's important to remember that while a tummy tuck does address excess skin in the abdominal region, it cannot replace healthy eating habits and exercise when it comes to overall health goals or long term benefits.

The best way to manage expectations about changes seen after a tummy tuck procedure is by discussing individual lifestyle needs with your plastic surgeon prior to surgery. Understanding what types of abdominoplasties are available are dependent on each person's situation. Committing oneself to living an active lifestyle post-surgery will result in optimal outcomes.

Setting Realistic Expectations

When considering a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty procedure, it is important for women, and men, to understand that these procedures are not intended to be a weight loss solution. They can help reduce excess skin and fat in the midsection discreetly, but they do not guarantee dramatic weight loss results.

Patients should have realistic expectations about their goals post-surgery. For example, patients must understand that the amount of inches lost due to scar tissue removal, the tummy tuck scarring will fade over time as the body recovers and adapts and may not produce long-lasting slimming effects beyond the initial recovery period.

Though many people believe performing high intensity exercise after tummy tuck surgery will make them more likely to lose weight quickly, this is rarely the case; in fact doing so could do more harm than good if your body isn't ready for it yet.

Avoiding Overexertion

Overexerting oneself after tummy tuck and abdominoplasty procedures is not recommended as it can cause risks to the patient's recovery. Excess physical activity, such as lifting weight or strenuous exercise, can put strain on the healing process and potentially increase risk of complications like bleeding, infection, skin detachment, or delayed wound healing.

Additionally, patients should be mindful of their heart rate while engaging in activities as raised heart rates may also lead to further issues with healing if inadequate time for rest and recuperation is observed. Patients are advised to start out slowly by walking a few steps around the house per day and then gradually increasing intensity until full pre-surgery levels are reached.

A successful tummy tuck procedure can help individuals boost their confidence levels to look and feel their best. Image Credit: Standrets / 123RF.

Realistic Expectations from Considering a Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty Surgery

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is an effective cosmetic procedure for improving the appearance of the abdomen. It shouldn't be considered a weight loss surgery, even though many women assume that it is. It's also important to select an experienced plastic surgeon to ensure optimal results and minimize risks associated with the surgery.

When considering whether you are ready for such procedures, talk to your doctor about how much weight can realistically be lost with tummy tuck, as well as what your expectations should be when preparing for this type of surgery. Tummy tuck and abdominoplasty costs will vary depending on the geographic area you live in. Patients who undergo a tummy tuck can expect to see long-lasting results with proper postoperative care and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Ultimately, opting for abdominal contouring surgeries like these is often beneficial in achieving both aesthetic goals and improved confidence.

About Dr. Brandon Richland, MD:

Dr. Brandon Richland, MD is a respected Board Certified Licensed Plastic Surgeon in Orange County / Southern California specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. Driven by his passion for medicine, Dr. Richland obtained his Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree from the prestigious program at Saint Louis University (SLU) School of Medicine in 2013. His exceptional skills were recognized when he received the McGraw Hill / Lange Medical Student Academic Achievement Award, and graduated top of his class with Honors. For his undergraduate degree, he attended University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and graduated with Honors in 2009.

To further enhance his surgical expertise, Dr. Richland completed his Residency in Plastic Surgery at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) from 2013 to 2019 earning the Academic Achievement Award twice during this period. A total of 14 years in dedicated schooling and medical residency. Dr. Richland is actively involved with healthcare and medical societies, as a Diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery, a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, and the California Society of Plastic Surgeons.

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Plastic Surgeon Dr. Brandon Richland, MD and his Cosmetic Aesthetics Team are ready to help you look and feel your absolute best. Elevate your confidence and self esteem levels to unfathomable new heights. A warm and engaging Team of carefully selected Aesthetics Professionals will make you feel calm, cool, collected, and right at home throughout your entire consultation and surgery process.

Schedule your in-person consultation in our modern and luxurious offices in either Fountain Valley, CA (Main HQ) or our Newport Beach, CA office. Live outside of Southern California or short on time? For your convenience, Virtual Consultations are also available.

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Summer Mariorenzi
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Medical Disclaimer: The information shared is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Every individual and patient is different. Before considering any treatments or surgical procedures, be sure to consult with an experienced licensed healthcare provider to discuss the appropriateness and safety of any procedures or treatments based on your individual health and medical history.

SOURCE: Dr. Brandon Richland, MD

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