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Weekly Zoom sessions (2-3 hours) delivered over 5-7 weeks:


• Design a project that fulfills your passion for change 

• Acquire and practice methods that guarantee impact

• Receive personalized coaching related to your project

• Create structures and narratives for presentations, proposals, and reports 

• Join a community of change makers, united for change

Harness your passion. We start with your heart. Define your values and commitments. Clarify your vision. 

Overcome hurdles. We arm you with practical, proven tools to vanquish your fears and reservations.

Hone your skills. We share proven methods to build your personal capacity and design effective social impact projects. 

Produce lasting results! We provide project-specific coaching to ensure that your actions result in meaningful, measurable change for good! You will connect with other social impact professionals and emerging changemakers who are making a difference.

Participants include students, entrepreneurs, artists, media professionals, filmmakers, teachers, law enforcement, social media influencers, social justice advocates, leaders, environmentalists, emerging changemakers, social workers, craftsmen, politicians. Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X - all people and generations who are committed to our collective potential.

About Our Program

Transform your passion into strategic action that creates positive change in your organization, your community, and in the world.

Our proven methodology – derived from decades of hands-on experience – enables everyday citizens to be global change makers who make a real difference.


Rigorous, "learning in action" programs guaranteed to supercharge your positive impact on global well-being.

Mel Wymore

Mel Wymore

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Amanda Cryer

Amanda Kazzy Cryer

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Big Change Makers


Activate your innate ability to make a difference

Fulfill on your vision

Address root causes to eliminate symptoms for good

Produce lasting, measurable results!

Enjoy a life of purpose and meaningful contribution


Attempts to make change can be short-lived

Sometimes our effort to make positive change produce minimal results. Movements lose steam. Protests become diffuse. Politics devolve into polarized camps.


Big Change Makers provides clarity and tools that not only get you started, but keep you going! We guide you through specific, digestible steps that empower you to create lasting results.


We address symptoms,

AND causes

Sometimes when we see a problem, we try to eliminate symptoms without even seeing the causes. This is especially true when it comes to challenges like housing, hunger, and poverty.


BCM develops your ability to discern root causes and create projects that ameliorate symptoms while also illuminating and addressing systemic causes.


We have common goals,

but no common approach

The challenges we face - poverty, violence, climate change - are inextricably interconnected, but as problem-solvers, we tend to work in siloes.


Our proven methodology works across all sectors, causes, geographies, and scales.

In this way, BCM projects work synergistically, cross-pollinating action and amplify results!

Transform your passion into meaningful action. that creates positive change in your organization, your community, and in the world.

Our methodology – proven in over 68 countries – enables everyday citizens to produce  lasting, measurable results at scale.

Problems We Solve

News and Updates

Yahoo! Finance

Yahoo! Finance:

December 14, 2022
Change Makers (BCM) helps purpose-driven leaders, entrepreneurs, and businesses implement social change that can last lifetimes. A demonstrable approach has been successfully applied in dozens of countries worldwide to help us create a world with an emphasis on "we," instead of "me."

LA Weekly

LA Weekly:

January 20, 2023
Amanda Cryer is a filmmaker, thought leader and entrepreneur who is working to combat division and polarization in traditional and social media. She co-founded Big Change Makers, an organization that empowers people to make a positive impact in the world through mentorship, coaching and education.

Women in Business

Women in Business:

December 14, 2022
Big Change Makers offers a life-changing program that helps individuals transform their passion into powerful action. The program emphasizes the importance of creating a positive impact in communities around the world by providing the tools and resources necessary to effect meaningful and lasting change.

Shout-out Atlanta

Shout-out Atlanta:

October 26, 2022
Amanda Cryer of the educational and leadership institute, Big Change Makers (BCM), talks about her life as a social impact influencer, filmmaker, and educator, and what motivated her to found an organization that teaches others how to transform their passions into strategic action that can change our world.

Canvas Rebel

Canvas Rebel:

January 27, 2023
Amanda Cryer of Big Change Makers discusses her vision of empowering 1000 change makers and catalysts for change by 2030, with each individual committed to co-creating a society that is inclusive, abundant, and fair for 1000 generations and beyond.

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