Olson Project
The 12,952 ha Olson Lake Property is an orogenic gold and volcanogenic massive sulphide (“VMS”) polymetallic exploration project. Acquired in 2017, these 100% owned claims are located 100km east of La Ronge and 80km south of SSR Mining’s Seabee Gold Operation.
- Saskatchewan
- Available for option: No
- Gold
Project Highlights
- Excellent geology highly prospective for Orogenic gold and VMS mineralization
- Multiple mineralized zones inluding areas of new discoveries during 2020/2021 drill programs
- Encouraging exploration to date including multiple mineralized drill intercepts
- Prospective geophysical and geologic targets based on known mineralization have yeilded new discoveries
- Historic success targeting gold mineralization on IP-R anomaly
The 12,952 ha Olson Lake Property is an orogenic gold and volcanogenic massive sulphide (“VMS”) polymetallic exploration project. Acquired in 2017, these 100% owned claims are located 100km east of La Ronge and 80km south of SSR Mining’s Seabee Gold Operation.
Project Highlights
- Excellent geology highly prospective for Orogenic gold and VMS mineralization
- Multiple mineralized zones inluding areas of new discoveries during 2020/2021 drill programs
- Encouraging exploration to date including multiple mineralized drill intercepts
- Prospective geophysical and geologic targets based on known mineralization have yeilded new discoveries through drilling
- Historic success targeting gold mineralization on IP-R anomaly
The geology on and surrounding the Olson Property consists of arcuate belts of supracrustal and plutonic rocks at the southern end of the Glennie Domain. The Brownell Lake Greenstone belt in the Olson Property consists of the Brownell Lake Group and Wapawekka Lake Formation. The Brownell Lake pluton is one of several intrusive bodies on the property ranging from diorite to granodiorite. Along the southern edge of the property is an east-trending band of deformed rocks of the Hartley shear zone.
Mineral Occurrences
There are twenty-nine mineral occurrences on the Olson Property. Most of the mineral occurrences are orogenic gold mineralization found in three zones; between Brownell and Havard Lakes hosted in metavolcanics rocks, along the boundary of the Brownell Lake pluton and in metavolcanic rocks west of Alsmith Lake.
Government mapping programs began in 1913 with additional mapping, geochemical and geophysical surveys being carried out into modern times.
Between 1957 and 1961 geophysics, trenching, mapping, and drilling were conducted. Gold mineralization was intersected and several EM/magnetic anomalies were identified. In the 60’s and 70’s numerous geophysical surveys were conducted along with 13 drill holes, assay results are sporadic or non-existent.
In the 80s, prospecting and VLF-EM surveys identified additional mineralized zones, these occurrences are grouped into shear-hosted gold in metavolcanic rocks and vein-hosted gold along the boundary of the Brownell Lake pluton.
Exploration in the 2000s included geophysical surveys and diamond drilling targeting geophysical anomalies that intersected gold mineralization. Recent exploration confirmed the location and nature of mineralized zones with soil surveys, prospecting, geophysical surveys, and follow-up trenching.
Eagle Plains Exploration
In Spring of 2018, historic data from sixty drill holes, geochemistry from over 4000 surficial samples and geophysical anomalies traces were digitized, referenced in GIS, and imported into a database. It is interpreted from this work that there are numerous locations with notable gold mineralization distributed throughout the property. Additionally, numerous zones appear similar to known mineral showings and are relatively unexplored. Gold mineralization is well-correlated with gold in soil/basal till anomalies. Several historic mineral showings have strong exploration potential and there are highly prospective underexplored zones in several parts of the property.
Two phases of field work were completed in the summer of 2018. Phase 1 identified three highly anomalous Au trends in the relatively underexplored Jena/Juba and Point/Ackbar showing areas and were followed up in detail by Phase 2 work.
Between the fall of 2020 and winter of 2022 three drill programs were carried out, funded by option partner SKRR Resources, for a total of 6522m in 40 holes. Highlights of the drill programs include:
- New discovery of a near surface continuous mineralization at the Point Lake Zone
- Confirmation and extension of high-grade gold at the Olson Zone
- New discoveries at Jena, Ackbar and Michael's Lake zones
- Wide intercepts of near surface mineralization at the Siskin Zone
Future Work
Based on the positive results of the three drill programs and remaining untested high-priority drill targets, management feels the property has great potential to host significant Au mineralization. Modeling of the data from the most recent exploration programs will assist in guiding the design of future programs.
Eagle Plains - A Project Generator
Eagle Plains Resources is a project generator with several mineral exploration properties of merit that meet qualifying transaction requirements. We facilitate the listing process for capital pool companies and initial public offerings while providing technical expertise for exploration programs. Companies interested in co-operatively exploring any of our projects please contact: Chuck Downie at ccd@eagleplains.com or Mike Labach at mgl@eagleplains.com or call 1 866 Hunt Ore (486 8673).
The 12,952 ha Olson Lake Property is a highly prospective orogenic gold and volcanogenic massive sulphide (“VMS”) polymetallic exploration project. The claims were acquired in 2017 as part of a larger area that includes the Brownell Lake Project. The property is located 100km east of La Ronge and 80km south of SSR Mining’s Seabee Gold Operation.
It is accessible by fixed wing aircraft from the village of Pelican Narrows located 47km SE which in turn is serviced by an airport, Hwy 135 - an all-weather road and a hydro power grid. Access for summer work crews by helicopter and overland in the winter is staged from Deschambault Lake located 18km SE.
The claims are 100% owned by Eagle Plains with no underlying royalties or encumbrances.
Project Highlights
- Excellent geology highly prospective for orogenic gold and VMS mineralization
- Multiple mineralized zones inluding areas of new discoveries during 2020/2021 drill programs
- Encouraging exploration to date including multiple mineralized drill intercepts
- Prospective geophysical and geologic targets based on known mineralization have yeilded new discoveries through drilling
- Historic success targeting gold mineralization on IP-R anomaly
The geology on and surrounding the Olson Property consists of arcuate belts of supracrustal and plutonic rocks at the southern end of the Glennie Domain. The Glennie Domain consists of amphibolite-grade intercalated metavolcanic rocks and metasedimentary rocks with mafic to felsic plutonic rocks, it is interpreted as a Paleoproterozoic island arc. The Glennie Domain is bound to the east by the Tabbernor fault system, a regionally-extensive structure with mylonite overprinted by brittle faulting.
The Brownell Lake Greenstone belt in the Olson Property consists of the Brownell Lake Group and Wapawekka Lake Formation. The Brownell Lake Group consists of mafic to intermediate metavolcanic rocks with lesser schist and granitoid intrusive. Deformation obscures most primary volcanic structure but pillows, volcaniclastic layers, and breccia occur locally. The Wapawekka Lake Formation consists of metasandstone with plagioclase porphyry sills, with minor intermediate metavolcanics rocks The Brownell Lake pluton is one of several intrusive bodies on the Olson Property; intrusions range from diorite to granodiorite. Along the southern edge of the property is an east-trending band of deformed rocks of the Hartley shear zone with Okikebuk quartz diorite south of this shear zone. Foliation on the Olson Property dips moderately to the north, parallel to the Hartley shear zone. Both supracrustal and intrusive rocks are foliated. Mineral lineation is locally strong, L-tectonites occur on the southern shore of Brownell Lake.
Mineral occurrences
Mineral occurrences on the Olson Property are predominantly gold with rare base metal occurrences. Gold mineral occurrences are hosted in metavolcanic rocks and along the edge of the Brownell Lake pluton. Gold mineralization is structurally-hosted in discontinuous veins and shears. Base metal occurrences are massive sulphide (pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite) in interlayered metavolcanics and metasedimentary rocks.
There are twenty-nine mineral occurrences on the Olson Property. Most of the mineral occurrences are orogenic gold mineralization found in three zones:
- between Brownell and Havard Lakes hosted in metavolcanics rocks
- along the boundary of the Brownell Lake pluton
- in metavolcanic rocks west of Alsmith Lake in the western part of the property
There are several underexplored VMS-style base metal mineral occurrences on the Olson Property hosted in metavolcanic rocks.
In the Brownell Lake area, reconnaissance geology in the form of government mapping programs began in 1913 with several additional mapping programs being carried out into modern times. Additional government datasets include lake sediment geochemistry and aeromagnetic surveys.
The first reported work on the Olson Property was in 1957 to 1961 with EM/magnetic surveys, trenching, geologic mapping, and diamond drilling. One hole intersected gold mineralization and several EM/magnetic anomalies were identified. Through the 1960s numerous geophysical surveys were conducted, some drill holes intersected mineralization but assay results are sporadic or non-existent.
Prospecting work in the early 1980s identified several mineralized zones via EM/magnetic surveys, prospecting, and deep soil sampling (using a Wacker drill). Through the 1980s, additional mineralized zones were idntified through prospecting and VLF-EM surveys. Gold mineral occurrences are grouped based on location and type into shear-hosted gold in metavolcanic rocks and vein-hosted gold along the boundary of the Brownell Lake pluton.
Exploration in the 2000s included magnetic, EM, and IP-resistivity surveys. Several diamond drill holes targeting geophysical anomalies intersected gold mineralization. Recent exploration confirmed the location and nature of mineralized zones with soil surveys, prospecting, geophysical surveys, and follow-up trenching.
Eagle Plains Exploration
Data Compilation
In Spring of 2018, historic data from sixty drill holes, geochemistry from over 4000 surficial samples and geophysical anomalies traces were digitized, referenced in GIS, and imported into a database. The majority of the surficial rock, soil samples and drill core had only been analyzed for gold, with some more recent multi-element data.
Interpreted VLF-EM conductors from an airborne survey and HLEM and VLF-EM conductors from previous ground-based were digitized.
There are numerous locations with notable gold mineralization distributed throughout the Olson Property. Additionally, numerous zones on the Olson Property appear similar to known mineral showings and are relatively unexplored. Gold mineralization is well-correlated with gold in soil/basal till anomalies. Soil was also tested for arsenic at the Olson showing and correlates with mineralization there. Preliminary geochemical analysis indicates correlation of Au with As, Sb, Bi, W, and Te in core and surficial rock samples. Mineralization occurs in veins and shear zones and is typically associated with arsenopyrite+/-pyrite/chalcopyrite. Gossan, silica, and potassic alteration have been noted. Mineral showings are common along lithologic contacts, both between metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks, and along the boundary of the Brownell Lake pluton. Several historic mineral showings have strong exploration potential and there are highly prospective underexplored zones in several parts of the Olson property.
Target Model
Exploration on the Olson Property should focus on orogenic gold mineralization. There is additional potential for intrusion-related gold in and around plutons and VMS mineralization hosted in metavolcanic rocks. Gold mineralization is structurally-controlled, hosted in quartz veins and shear zones, and occurs in metavolcanic, metasedimentary, and plutonic rocks. The majority of historic mineral showings are along lithologic contacts within the Brownell Lake greenstone belt and along the edges of the Brownell Lake pluton.
Most historic mineral showings on the Olson property were identified from gold in soil/basal till anomalies and visible mineralization at the surface. Gold in soil anomalies indicate broad targets but tend to be diffuse and without a clear trend. Additional geochemical soil anomalies may improve targeting. Geophysical targeting using EM anomalies is sometimes effective on the Olson property. Most mineralized zones correspond to EM conductors. Magnetic anomalies are well-correlated with mineralized zones and may be used to provide large-scale targets. Several mineralized zones occur next to linear magnetic highs and appear to correspond to breaks in magnetic features that may indicate faults. IP-resistivity was used to target drill holes at the Olson showing with success. Drill holes targeting a linear feature with high chargeability and low conductivity with a magnetic high and flanking EM anomalies intersected near-surface mineralization with grades up to 7.5m @ 2.07 g/t Au.
Mineral Showings
There are 17 mineral showings on the Olson Property with notable alteration, surface mineralization and/or anomalous gold in soil/basal till exploration. Most mineral showings were tested with variable amounts of drilling and trenching, and several have notable gold mineralization at surface to shallow depths.
The M10 showing is located in the west end of the property. Exploration focussed on a NW-SE EM conductor with anomalous gold in soil and rock samples. Diamond drill holes intersected gold mineralization in foliation-parallel shear zones and quartz veins with minor arsenopyrite.
DDH highlights:
- 8.1m @ 1.11 g/t Au with 2.35m @ 2.31 g/t Au
- 6.1m @ 1.70 g/t Au with 2m @ 3.62 g/t Au
- 9.5m @ 1.18 g/t Au
There has been a significant amount of work at the Olson Lake showing. Gold mineralization is hosted in ENE-trending shear zones with massive arsenopyrite and quartz-arsenopyrite veins within mafic metavolcanic rocks, it corresponds to E-trending As/Au soil anomalies and geophysical anomalies - magnetic high and EM conductor. Drilling identified semi-continuous mineralization with variations in grade and width and has been tested over ~250 m strike length with drilling and channel samples. Drilling in 2021 extended this zone 150 to the west, it remains open in all directions.
DDH highlights
2021 drilling:
- 29.44m @ 1.3 g/t Au with 5.54m @ 4.12 g/t Au
- 13.1m @ 0.89 g/t Au
Historical drilling:
- 7.3m @ 1.13 g/t Au
- 7.5m @ 2.07 g/t Au with 0.65m @ 13.00 g/t Au
Channel highlights
- 4.16m @ 1.59g/t
- 6.4m @ 1.727g/t
The Kaldo showing is 600m SE of Olson Lake. A coincident VLF-EM conductor and fault zone in pillowed andesite was drill tested intersecting low-grade gold (e.g. 3.96m @ 0.35 g/t) arsenopyrite and pyrite disseminations and veinlets. Drill holes trace mineralization over 475m along strike. There is a NE-trending depression immediately north of the mineralized zone, this lineament appears to extend 3km to the southwest along two elongate lakes.
DDH highlights:
- 18.3m @ 1.11 g/t Au
- 8.5m @ 2.82 g/t Au
The Dosco showing, immediately east of the Emco showing, hosts a conformable NNW-trending sheared zone gossanous zone in silicified metasedimentary rock with blebs and disseminated sulphide. This showing corresponds to a gold basal till anomaly, but mineralization does not appear to be significant nor continuous. Channel samples across the shear zone range from 0.054 to 1.24 g/t Au.
The Abaco and Talco showings are immediately southeast of the Emco showing and separated from each other by SE-trending lineament. Both showings correspond to a gold in basal till anomaly. Mineralization is hosted in conformable shear-hosted massive arsenopyrite veins and stringers with pyrite and chalcopyrite in metavolcanic and silicious metasedimentary rocks. Channel samples at Abaco indicate discontinuous gold mineralization (up to 0.7 m @ 1.25 g/t Au). A drill hole at Talco has similar results, with spotty low-grade gold mineralization.
The Siskin showing is 300m southeast of the Emco showing and 300m west of “Lake 29”. This showing corresponds to a gold basal till anomaly and anomalous gold in grab samples around the contact of metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks (Figures 9, 10). Mineralization is hosted in NNW-trending shears with quartz/carbonate veins and arsenopyrite/pyrite/chalcopyrite disseminations and stringers. Silica and gossan alteration are associated with mineralization. Five holes of the 2020/21 drill program encountered near-surface wide intervals of gold mineralization at this zone.
DDH highlights
2020 drilling:
- 17.87m @ 0.42 g/t Au
Historical drilling:
- 26.22m @ 0.38 g/t Au
The Tuscan showing is 500m northeast of the Siskin showing, east of “Lake 29”. This showing occurs in gossan along the contact between granodiorite and schist with visible gold on surface. Gold mineralization is locally high-grade; Historical drilling intersected zones of anomalous gold (generally 100-500 ppb Au over ~5m) with rare narrow zones of 2-4 g/t Au over ~1m. Drilling in 2020 intersected gold mineralization in both holes that tested the zone:
2020 DDH highlights:
- 9.44m @ 1.31 g/t Au
- 11.5m @ 0.52 g/t Au
The Kalix showing is on the SE side of the Brownell Lake pluton near the contact with schist. Mineralization occurs in quartz vein stockwork in granite, veins trend dominantly to the N-NE. The Kalix showing corresponds with a NE-trending magnetic high, spotty soil samples with anomalous gold values appear to trace this magnetic high to the SW.
DDH highlight:
- 7.56m @ 0.39g/t Au
Channel highlight:
- 8.0m @ 4.00 g/t
The Ackbar Lake showing is 3km SE of Olson Lake in the Brownell Lake pluton. Mineralization occurs in stockwork quartz veins. Anomalous gold values were found in sporadic soil samples and grab samples, there has not been any drilling or channel sampling here. This showing corresponds to a magnetic high. Drilling in 2021 made a new discovery of gold mineralization at the previously untested Ackbar Zone.
2021 DDH highlights:
- 8.12m @ 0.75 g/t including 2.39 g/t over 1.4m
The Jena showing is 500m NE of the Juba showing along the contact of metasedimentary rocks and the Brownell Lake pluton. Anomalous gold in grab samples extend between the two showings, and mineralization is possibly continuous between them. A magnetic high extends from the Jena showing SW through the Emco showing. Mineralization is hosted in quartz veins and stringers in the pluton, veins appear to terminate in the metasedimentary rocks. Drilling in 2020/21 made a new discovery by intersecting significant gold mineralization in a previoulsy untested area of the Jena Zone.
DDH highlights
2020/21 drilling:
- 1.53m @ 13.5 g/t Au
- 1.21m @ 2.54 g/t Au
Historical drilling:
- 3.87m @ 0.86 g/t Au
Channel highlights:
- 7.1m @ 3.67 g/t Au
- 8.1m @ 4.56 g/t Au
The Juba showing, 850m SE of Brownell Lake and 2.5km NE of Olson Lake, has shear-hosted gold mineralization. Metasedimentary rocks are mylonitized near the contact with the Brownell Lake pluton in a SW-trending shear zone. There is gossan with arsenopyrite and pyrite disseminations, stringers, and nodules. Shears have a dip-slip component and seemingly discontinuous quartz veins may be rodded and elongate down-lineation. Channel sample results are up to 1.54 g/t over 1m.
Other showings
Several other showings host alteration, quartz veins, and/or sulphides but lack significant gold concentration in grab and/or channel samples. These are the: Amp showing at the NE corner of the Brownell Lake pluton; Point showing ~200m north of the Tuscan showing, east of “Lake 29”; 2 Vein showing east of the Siskin showing immediately west of “Lake 29”; and Island showing in “Lake 29”.
2018 and 2020/21 Exploration Programs
In 2018 two phases of field work were carried out:
Phase one consisted of two components: mapping/prospecting and a soil sampling program. The purpose of the soiling program was to gather data on areas that had little to no historical coverage. The mapping and prospecting component was carried out in order to follow up/extend historical showings and get a more detailed idea of the structure of the mineralized zones. The entirety of the soiling and prospecting programs focused in proximity to five main showings: Ackbar, Point, Olson, Jena and Juba. These areas were focused on because of the interesting historical results and very little coverage or extension.
Phase two involved following up on and augmenting coverage of soil anomalies identified from the earlier program. Prospecting of each anomalous area and obtaining orientations of the mineralized findings were the objectives of this phase.
During the fall of 2020 through winter of 2022 three drill programs were carried out, funded by option partner SKRR Resources, for a total of 6522m in 40 holes. Highlights of the drill programs include:
- New discovery of a near surface continuous mineralization at the Point Lake Zone
- Confirmation and extension of high-grade gold at the Olson Zone
- New discoveries at Jena and Michael's Lake zones
- Wide intercepts of near surface mineralization at the Siskin Zone
Future Work
Based on the positive results of the three drill programs and remaining untested high-priority drill targets management feels the property has great potential to host significant Au mineralization. Modeling of the data from the most recent exploration programs will assist in guiding the design of future programs.
Eagle Plains - A Project Generator
Eagle Plains Resources is a project generator with several mineral exploration properties of merit that meet qualifying transaction requirements. We facilitate the listing process for capital pool companies and initial public offerings while providing technical expertise for exploration programs. Companies interested in co-operatively exploring any of our projects please contact: Chuck Downie at ccd@eagleplains.com or Mike Labach at mgl@eagleplains.com or call 1 866 Hunt Ore (486 8673).
Updated June 22, 2023