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Entrepreneur Magazine

In 2015, Arshad Hisham founded InGen Dynamics, that quickly rose to prominence in the artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics industry. Its mission to leverage these technologies for the betterment of human life has positioned InGen as a key player on the international stage, offering innovative solutions designed to improve global living standards.

This narrative explores the evolution of InGen Dynamics, its foundational goals, and the significant market impact it has made. The journey of InGen Dynamics highlights a remarkable path of growth, recognition, and contribution to the field, driven by Hisham's leadership. The company has gained international media attention, prestigious awards, and academic recognition, proving its influential approach in AI and robotics.

Fast Company

The AI landscape is abuzz with funding as investors recognize the transformative potential of artificial intelligence. But amid the surge, it is inGen Dynamics that’s turning heads, recently making headlines again by securing a three-fold increase in its investment commitment from GEM, soaring from $50 million to a staggering $150 million.

With a mission that goes beyond business, inGen Dynamics envisions utilizing advanced AI and robotics to elevate human capabilities and improve living standards worldwide. Their impressive product lineup, expanding research, and the recent influx of investor confidence, including GEM Global’s significant increased commitment, all point towards an exciting trajectory for the company.


InGen Dynamics is not just a tech company; it's a beacon for progress. With its compelling vision and innovative products like Aido and Aido Carry & Go, it serves as a vivid illustration of the power and potential of AI and robotics. As we collectively navigate the technological landscape, we can confidently say that the future of AI and robotics looks brighter with InGen Dynamics at the helm.

Our Vision

Our Vision

We passionately believe that Robotics and AI have the incredible potential of improving our lives in a manner that we have never dreamt possible.

At Ingen Dynamics, our vision is to deliver this reality through our intuitive, intelligent, and practical Robotics & AI solutions. And our goal is to help millions of people live fuller, healthier, and safer lives regardless of where they are in the world, even at their place of work.

This is the future we want to build.

An empowering, enabling, and more satisfying future.

InGen Dynamics

Join us at InGen Dynamics - Where the Future Unfolds Today




Long Term Market Opportunity( 2-3 Decades )


Near Term Market Opportunity( 5-10 years )


Total funding commitments


Revenue pipeline


By 2023, our 100-strong, multilingual team will encompass 15 nationalities across 12 time zones

Dear Stakeholders, Employees, Partners, Customers, and Investors.

I am writing to you today as the founder of InGen Dynamics, a company that stands at the confluence of AI, robotics, and a rapidly evolving technological landscape. I am thrilled to share with you why this is a particularly exciting time to be part of our journey. As we collectively steer towards a future where AI and robotics are integral components of our daily lives, InGen Dynamics is positioned at the forefront of this transformation, playing a pivotal role in shaping the course of history.

For all of us, this is more than just a business – it's a shared mission to utilize advanced AI and robotics to elevate human capabilities and improve living standards worldwide. With our formidable suite of products, such as Futurenauts, Quantum Leap, Sentinel, Aido, Kaiser.Haus, and Origami, we are well-prepared to address the growing need for automation, driven by the Future of Work, the labor shortage crisis, the need for Service Robotics, and the pursuit of Environmental Sustainability. Moreover, our commitment to enhance human life and productivity extends far beyond financial gains, with a vision for a better, safer, and more efficient future for humanity.

Together, we're harnessing AI and robotics to uplift human potential and global living standards. Our pride, the Sentinel enterprise asset management and security solution, alongside the smart automation Kaiser.Haus products, have already exceeded a staggering 750,000 hours of field operations. As for the Aido line, several of our tabletop pre-production units are already being manufactured and distributed across the globe for feedback. The Aido Wheel Mobility hit the market in Q3 2023, while Aido Ball Mobility is hotly anticipated for late Q3 2025. We're proud to share that our initial Aido Carry & Go units, tailor-made for hospitality and retail, were introduced in Q4 2023, with pilot runs taking place globally, including selected North American locales. Not to forget, the Fari, Kobe, and Senpai bundles have been unveiled in the same quarter. While Rover and Humanoid are still in the R&D phase, we're eagerly awaiting the prototype release in 2024.

Futurenauts is our comprehensive initiative which received a lot of traction in the last year, designed to equip participants from high school to professional levels with advanced AI, robotics, and automation skills. Through the Futurenauts Launchpad, Internship, B. Tech, Professional Edge, Signature Series, and AI for All programs, we're preparing a diverse demographic to face future technological challenges and seize opportunities. These educational pathways are customized to enhance practical problem-solving skills and theoretical knowledge, setting new standards in tech education.

Our transformative AI and Automation Framework, the inGen Quantum Leap, is meticulously crafted to enhance operational efficiency and boost competitiveness across industries. Through strategic integration of AI, Automation, machine learning and data analytics, we're not just transitioning businesses to automated systems but are setting the foundation for continuous technological leadership. The InGen Insight Engine and Implementation Orbit ensure that our solutions are seamlessly integrated and continuously aligned with our clients' evolving needs.

From a financial perspective, we're seeing strong momentum. Sentinel and Kaiser.Haus are revenue-generating boasting nearly 750,000 operational hours. Aido Carry & Go and Origami AI platform are showing promising revenue pipelines of $18M and $35M respectively. Further our Aido product range including the Carry & Go envisions a net revenue of $45M. And our Rover and Humanoid are set for a 2025/2026 debut.

As we forge ahead, we're excited about by anchor investor GEM's increased $150M commitment and the continued support of nearly all our previous investors.

Join us in redefining industries, revolutionizing how we live, and making a mark in history. Together, let's shape a tech-driven future for the betterment of all.

Warm regards,

Arshad Hisham
Founder and CEO
InGen Futurenauts

InGen Futurenauts

The Futurenauts Series is a pioneering initiative designed to equip diverse demographics with cutting-edge skills in AI, robotics, and automation. Each program within the series is meticulously tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of its participants, ranging from high school students to seasoned professionals across various sectors. For high school students, the Futurenauts Launchpad provides a foundational education in advanced technologies and critical thinking skills necessary for future innovators. College students benefit from the Futurenauts Internship, which offers practical, hands-on experience with real-world projects, enhancing their academic knowledge and preparing them for competitive job markets.

Adding to this array is the Futurenauts B.Tech program, a comprehensive bachelor's degree that integrates deep theoretical insights with practical applications in AI, robotics, and automation. This program is designed to foster not just knowledge but innovation and practical problem-solving skills, preparing students to lead and innovate in technology-driven fields. For professionals aiming to sharpen their expertise or pivot their careers towards technology-centric roles, the Futurenauts Professional Edge offers specialized corporate training, while the Futurenauts AI for All initiative ensures inclusive access to AI education, empowering both technical and non-technical professionals to utilize AI in their work.

Furthermore, the Futurenauts Signature Series delivers customized corporate programs tailored to the unique needs of different companies, helping them build specialized teams adept in managing specific technological tools and projects. This bespoke training solution is essential for driving innovation and maintaining a competitive edge in rapidly evolving industries. Collectively, the Futurenauts Series stands at the forefront of technological education, preparing today’s minds for tomorrow’s challenges and ensuring that all participants, whether they are in high school, college, or the workforce, are ready to contribute to and shape the future of technology.

Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap

The inGen Quantum Leap is a transformative AI and Automation Framework meticulously designed to revolutionize businesses across industries by seamlessly integrating state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and automation technologies.

This framework excels in enhancing operational efficiency, elevating strategic decision-making, and boosting market competitiveness. Through the integration of machine learning, robotics, and data analytics, the inGen Quantum Leap provides a systematic approach for businesses to evolve from conventional practices to innovative, automated, and sustainable systems.

Central to the inGen Quantum Leap is the InGen Insight Engine, which commences with a comprehensive analysis of a company's existing operations, technological ecosystem, and strategic goals. The InGen Insight Engine comprises three pivotal phases:

  • InGen Diagnostics aims to encapsulate a thorough understanding of the client’s business environment, assessing processes, technology use, and future goals through discovery workshops and technology audits. This phase highlights areas where AI and automation can significantly enhance efficiency and profitability.
  • InGen Opportunity Navigator focuses on pinpointing specific operational enhancements, using data mapping and impact scales to classify and prioritize AI integration based on potential impact and feasibility.
  • InGen ROI Architect delivers a detailed analysis of the financial benefits, projecting cost savings, revenue enhancements, and efficiency boosts from each AI and automation solution proposed.

Following the initial phase, the InGen Implementation Orbit tailors and deploys bespoke AI solutions, ensuring seamless integration and substantial value creation. This phase includes:

  • InGen Solutions Lab, which develops customized AI models and automation workflows.
  • InGen Mastery Program, part of the Futurenauts Signature Series, equips teams with the necessary skills to manage and optimize the use of new technologies.
  • InGen Continuity Suite, providing ongoing support and ensuring that the implemented solutions continuously align with evolving business needs.

By embedding a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, the inGen Quantum Leap not only catalyzes immediate enhancements in operational workflows but also lays a robust foundation for sustained technological leadership. It embodies a comprehensive approach to AI and automation, empowering businesses to not just adapt to the future but to actively shape it.



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