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Creative + Technology

It's our job to make you look incredible

We are an independent agency specializing in high-end creative combined with stellar technological expertise.

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Ghost Ball noShadow


IN-N-OUT Burger
Google Cloud
Myriad Genetics
Sony Playstation
Scipher Medicine
Infiniti Motors
Nissan USA

Core Competencies

Top-Notch Creative

Quality creative is key in a crowded marketplace. Our creative team excels at developing memorable brand experiences, paired with our immersive tech, we enhance brand storytelling in a way that captivates and endures.

Concept Art/Viz

Bringing ideas to life with stunning 3D concept design and visualization. Our creative experts use the latest 3D modeling and rendering technologies to create detailed and immersive visualizations that enhance your projects and presentations.

Web/App Development

Our development team brings ideas to life with precision. Whether it's crafting complex, enterprise-level solutions, mobile apps, or engaging games, our expertise ensures top-tier results. With no B team in sight, every project is handled by the best in the business.

Spatial Computing

We lead with cutting-edge spatial computing, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) to create immersive experiences that transform how users interact with digital content.

Experience Design

We believe in the power of experience. Our approach to UI/UX begins with a comprehensive analysis, ensuring that every digital touchpoint is intuitive, engaging, and effective. From initial impressions to deep conversion, our designs are crafted to remember and resonate.

Iterative Development

Leveraging data-driven insights, we refine and optimize continuously. By analyzing how users interact with products, whether through traditional interfaces or immersive experiences, we employ actionable analytics to enhance performance and exceed business objectives.

Motion Graphics

Crafting compelling video content and motion graphics that captivate audiences and convey your brand story. Our team excels in creating high-quality video production, from concept to final cut, ensuring your message is both engaging and impactful.

Actionable Analytics

Leveraging advanced data analytics to drive decision-making and optimize digital experiences. Our data experts transform raw data into actionable insights, helping clients make informed strategic decisions.

UX and Web Design

We specialize in crafting exceptional user experiences through our comprehensive expertise in experience design, UX, and creative services.

Our team is dedicated to understanding the needs and behaviors of your audience, ensuring every interaction is intuitive, engaging, and memorable. We take a holistic approach to design, combining in-depth research, innovative thinking, and artistic excellence to create digital solutions that not only look stunning but also drive user satisfaction and business success.

Whether it’s developing seamless interfaces, compelling visual designs, or immersive environments, our commitment to creativity and user-centered design sets us apart.

Concept Art & Product Design

At The Ghost Agency, we excel in transforming imaginative ideas into tangible realities through our expertise in concept art and product design. Our talented artists and designers work collaboratively to visualize and develop innovative products that captivate and inspire.

From initial sketches and 3D models to detailed prototypes, we ensure every design element aligns with your vision and brand identity. By blending creativity with cutting-edge technology, we bring your concepts to life, creating products that stand out in the market and resonate with your audience.

Google Cloud Healthcare Vignette

Case Study: Google Cloud

Google Cloud Space at its Sunnyvale headquarters

is designed to be a center of imagination and education: inspiring and empowering visitors to dream up disruptive new innovations and solutions with Google Cloud technologies.

The previous exhibits, while fun and interactive, lacked compelling customer stories and strong product demonstrations. The client team wanted to create rich “ah-ha” moments that lead to epiphanies for their customers, proving that Google Cloud is indeed ready for enterprise.


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