KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training

Adaptable, AI-driven Simulated Phishing and Training

Blending AI with the world’s largest security awareness training library and simulated social engineering to help change user behavior.

Product dashboard featuring a line graph of the organization's risk score, showing it reducing over time, as well as a risk score dial reading 10.7 out of 100.

How KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training Works

1. Get Your Baseline

Assess the baseline Phish-prone Percentage of your users through simulated phishing.

2. Train Your Users

Educate your users with the world's largest library of security awareness training content.

3. Phish Alert Button

Continue testing your users and assessing risk with simulated phishing attacks.

4. See the Results

Leverage our enterprise-strength reporting to monitor progress and make data-driven decisions.

Features and Capabilities

Explore the World’s Largest Library of Security Awareness Training Content

Access our ModStore Preview Portal to see our complete library of security awareness content, including interactive training modules, videos, trivia games, posters, artwork, newsletters, and more.

Hear from KnowBe4 Customers Who Are Driving Security Awareness Training Success

“Before KnowBe4, our Phish-prone Percentage was up close to 75%. And now, it stays anywhere between 19 and ... 23.5 [%].”

Get a tailored demo for your organization, to see how you can achieve the same type of results. 

KnowBe4 is the easiest platform to use. We were up and running in an hour, setting up 10 very basic phishing templates…. A staggering 33% of employees clicked on that first phishing test.

River Island

KnowBe4 is much more than a training platform. It’s a security tool, a learning platform and a reporting engine. It helps me do my job quicker, better and with fewer resources. I’ll always recommend KnowBe4.

Action For Children

KnowBe4 Student Edition

The KnowBe4 Student Edition is security awareness training curated to help students recognize and navigate cybersecurity threats.

See KnowBe4 SAT in Action

Join us for a live demonstration of how KnowBe4 introduces a new-school approach to Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing.

Seamless Integrations: Fortifying Your Security Ecosystem

Cortex XSoar