Green Distilleries Competition (closed to applications)
The Green Distilleries Competition is providing funding for developing technologies that enable the use of low carbon fuel in a distillery.
In his 2020 Budget speech, the Chancellor announced £10 million of new research and development funding to help distilleries go green. To meet net zero by 2050, all industries, including distilleries, must decarbonise as far as possible. This funding has now been increased to £12.33 million to fund 17 feasibility studies for Phase 1 and 4 demonstration studies for Phase 2.
The Green Distilleries Competition aims to fund a range of different solutions which could include electrification, hydrogen, biomass or waste. In addition, enabling technologies will be considered and could include fuel conversion, transportation or storage.
The competition is split into 2 phases.
Phase 1: Feasibility study (closed)
Phase 1 is closed to applicants. Read details of the successful projects.
The purpose of the feasibility study is to develop the fuel switching / enabling technology concept to further understand the performance of the technology, the market potential, and develop a costed pilot trial.
Phase 1 provided £1.01 million in funding to 17 projects to complete a feasibility study on their proposed Green Distilleries solution, looking into developing technologies that enable the use of a low carbon fuel in a distillery.
Phase 2: Demonstration (closed)
Phase 2 is closed to applicants. Read details of the winners for Phase 2 funding.
Phase 2 provides £11.32 million in funding to 4 projects until 30 June 2023 for projects to continue the development of their proposed Green Distilleries fuel switching concept or solution through to demonstration. Phase 2 will allow projects to further build on the outputs from their Phase 1 feasibility study.
Updates to this page
We have published details of the successful projects for Phase 2.
Phase 2 of the competition is now closed to applicants.
Phase 2 of the competition is now open to applicants who were successful for Phase 1 funding.
Successful projects for phase 1 have been published.
Phase 1 is now closed to applicants.
Questions and answers document published.
First published.