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Top 20 Email Marketing Best Practices to Increase Engagement and ROI

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email marketing best practices

Imagine this: There are currently 4 billion people using email daily, and that number is expected to rise to 4.6 billion by 2025.

With so many email users, don’t you want your email campaigns to stand out in crowded inboxes and actually get opened, clicked, and generate results? But for that, you must follow some email marketing best practices that are proven to cut through the noise. 

Hence, today, we’ll share 20 best practices to take your email marketing to the next level. We’ll cover practices like writing subject lines, CTAs that make clicks, designing for quick attention, and more. 

Let’s check them out. 

20 B2B Email Marketing Best Practices That Work in 2024 

Knowing the best practices for email marketing can lead to higher open and click-through rates, better customer engagement, and an improved return on investment (ROI). 

It helps your emails stand out, reach the person, and build a positive brand image, giving you an edge in the competition. Stay updated and data-driven to adapt to changing trends and make informed decisions.

Now, let’s show you the best email marketing practices that work wonders – 

1. Use a Custom Domain for Email Campaigns

Use a Custom Domain

When you send emails for your business or project, it’s a good idea to use your own custom email domain, like “,” instead of a general one like Gmail or Yahoo. 

Why? It’s all about trust and recognition. 

People are more likely to open an email from a domain they recognize. Plus, it looks more professional and serious. Think of it like having a custom sign for your shop instead of a generic one – it stands out more. 

Also, using a custom domain helps your emails not get marked as spam. You’ll need to set up a domain name first (this is the “” part), and then create an email address using that domain. 

It’s like making a special address for your emails that tells people, “Hey, this is really from me, and it’s important.” This way, you’re more likely to reach your audience’s inbox and have your emails read.

2. Implement a Professional Email Marketing Tool

Before launching your email marketing campaign, ensure you have the right B2B lead-generating and sales prospecting tools. These tools are crucial for finding email addresses and direct cell or mobile phone numbers of the decision-makers you aim to reach.

Swordfish AI: The Best Email Finding Tool 

Swordfish AI

Swordfish AI provides the most accurate B2B contact information, including cell phone numbers and email addresses of executives, managers, and key decision-makers. 

Here are ways Swordfish AI can benefit you in your email marketing campaigns 

Enhanced Targeting

We provide access to a vast database of verified individual data profiles, allowing you to target your email campaigns precisely based on demographic and behavioral data.

Increased Personalization

With unique cell phone data and premium business emails, you can personalize your email content and outreach, making your messages more relevant to recipients.

Improved Deliverability

Improved Deliverability

With the prospector, our in-house verification system ensures the reliability of contact data, reducing bounced emails and increasing the chances of your emails reaching the inbox.

Time and Resource Savings

Time and Resource Savings

Our proprietary algorithms, reverse search, and advanced cell phone matching streamline the process of lead generation and data analysis, saving you time and resources.

High-Quality Leads

By using verified data and strategic partnerships, Swordfish AI helps you identify high-quality leads, increasing the likelihood of conversions through your email campaigns.

Predictive Insights

Swordfish AI offers trend prediction capabilities, allowing you to anticipate customer behavior and tailor your email marketing strategies accordingly.

Compliance and Trust

By using reliable and verified data sources, you can maintain compliance with email marketing regulations, build trust with your audience, and reduce the risk of being labeled as spam.

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3. Choose a Memorable Sender Name

Memorable Sender Name

When you send an email, the first thing people see is the sender’s name. So, you want to pick a name that they’ll recognize and trust right away. It’s like putting a friendly face on your emails. If you’re sending emails for a business or a brand, you can use its name. 

Or, if you’re the face of your brand, use your name. Sometimes, combining both works well, like “Sarah from Sunshine Bakery.” This makes your email feel more personal, like it’s coming from a real person, not just a company. 

Remember, if people know and like who the email is from, they’re more likely to open it. Think about it like seeing a letter in your mailbox from a friend instead of just a random company – you’re more eager to read what your friend has to say, right? 

The same goes for emails. Choose a sender name that is familiar and friendly to your audience.

4. Avoid No-Reply Addresses

Avoid No

When you send emails, especially to customers or supporters, it’s better not to use a no-reply email address, like “” 

Why? Because it’s like telling your readers that you’re not interested in what they have to say. Instead, use an email address that allows people to reply. 

This makes your audience feel heard and valued. It’s like opening a two-way street where they can talk back to you, ask questions, or give feedback. When people know they can respond to your emails, it builds trust and a better relationship. 

Also, using a proper email address helps your emails avoid going into the spam folder. Think about it as if you’re inviting someone to a conversation, not just giving them a lecture. 

So, choose an email address that welcomes replies – it makes your audience more likely to engage with you and your brand.

5. Employ Confirmed Opt-In Strategies

Employ Confirmed Opt

Confirmed opt-in, also known as double opt-in, is like asking for a firm handshake agreement from your email subscribers. 

Here’s how it works: when someone signs up to receive emails from you, you send them a quick confirmation email asking them to click a link to verify that they really want your emails. 

It’s an extra step, but it’s important. Why? Because it ensures that people truly want to hear from you, they’re more likely to engage with your content. It’s like making sure your party guests want to come to your party. 

This practice keeps your email list healthy and full of interested readers, reduces the chances of your emails being marked as spam, and helps maintain a good reputation with email providers. It’s a bit more effort, but it’s worth it for a list of engaged, interested subscribers.

6. Simplify the Unsubscribe Process

Simplify the Unsubscribe Process

Making it easy for people to unsubscribe from your emails might sound like you’re letting go of your audience, but it’s actually a smart move. 

Here’s why: people’s interests change, and if they can’t easily stop your emails, they might mark them as spam, which is bad news for your email reputation. 

Think of it like offering a polite and clear exit in a store – customers appreciate it, even if they don’t use it. Make sure the unsubscribe link in your emails is easy to find and works with just one or two clicks. 

Don’t hide it or make it complicated. This shows respect for your subscribers’ choices and keeps your email list clean, leaving you with an audience that really wants to hear from you. 

Remember, a smaller list of engaged readers is much more valuable than a large list of uninterested ones.

7. Optimize Thank-You Pages Effectively

Optimize Thank-You Pages Effectively

After someone subscribes to your emails, send them to a thank-you page. This is more than just good manners; it’s a smart strategy. Use this page wisely. 

Maybe you want them to check their email to confirm their subscription, or you could direct them to your most popular blog posts or offer a special discount. It’s like when someone walks into your store and you have the chance to show them your best products. 

This is your opportunity to guide new subscribers to what they should do next or show them more about your business. It’s a small window of time where they’re really paying attention to you, so make the most of it. 

Make your thank-you page informative, helpful, and engaging, turning a simple sign-up into the start of a great relationship.

8. Segment Your Email Audience

Segment Your Email Audience

Not everyone on your email list is the same, so why send them all the same message? 

Segmenting your audience means dividing your email list into different groups based on what you know about them, like their interests and where they live. Doing so resulted in increased open rates and greater email relevance by more than 30%. 

By doing this, you can send more personalized and relevant emails. For example, if you run a clothing store, you can send different emails to people who like men’s fashion and those who like women’s fashion. 

This makes your emails more interesting to your readers and can lead to better results, like more people opening your emails and buying your products. Think of it as talking directly to someone’s interests instead of shouting to a crowd.

9. Send Engaging Welcome Emails

Send Engaging Welcome Emails

Welcome emails are your first hello to new subscribers, and they’re super important; they increase revenue per email by 3 times

Imagine someone new walks into your store, and you greet them with a warm smile – that’s what a welcome email does. 

These emails usually have a high open rate, so it’s your chance to make a great first impression. Tell them what they can expect from your emails, maybe offer a special welcome discount or share some great content you have. 

This not only makes new subscribers feel good about joining but also helps to keep your email list clean. If the welcome email bounces, it means you got the wrong email address, and you can remove it quickly. 

So, think of welcome emails as the start of a friendly conversation and a way to keep your audience engaged from day one.

10. Create Compelling Email Subject Lines

Compelling Email Subject Lines

The subject line of your email is like the headline of a newspaper article. It needs to grab attention and make people want to read more. Spend time creating subject lines that speak directly to your readers’ interests or offer them something enticing. 

It’s a bit like a movie trailer – if it’s good, people want to see the whole film. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. You can even add a touch of mystery or urgency if it fits. But remember, the subject line should always match the content of your email. 

No one likes clickbait! A good subject line can be the difference between your email being opened or ignored, so think of it as your email’s first impression – make it count.

11. Utilize Matching Preheaders

Utilize Matching Preheaders

The preheader is the snippet of text that appears right after the subject line when you view an email in your inbox. It’s like a supporting actor to the subject line’s lead role. 

Use this space wisely to add more context to your subject line or include a compelling call to action. It’s like giving your readers a sneak peek of what’s inside the email. A well-crafted preheader can boost the chances of your email being opened. 

Think of it as the summary on the back of a book – if it’s interesting, people are more likely to read it. So, pair your subject line with a preheader that complements and expands upon it, making your email irresistible to open.

12. Design Attention-Grabbing Headers

Grabbing Headers

The header is the first thing people see when they open your email. It’s like the front door to your home – it should be inviting and give a hint of what’s inside. 

Design your email headers to be visually appealing and aligned with your brand. You can include your logo, a striking image, or a catchy headline. 

This sets the tone for the rest of your email. Think of the header as a welcoming gesture that captures attention and encourages readers to keep scrolling. 

A great header not only makes your email look professional but also hooks your readers right from the start, making them more likely to engage with your content.

13. Create Content That Drives Click-Throughs

Drives Click-Throughs

Your email content should be more than just informative; it should encourage readers to take action, like clicking on a link to learn more, buy a product, or sign up for an event. 

And the main purpose of your email CTA is a website visit. While more than 45% or more implemented for a website visit, it also increases sales and lead generation by more than 20%!

Think of your email as a friendly guide, pointing your readers to where they should go next. Use clear, engaging language and attractive images or graphics to make your content appealing. 

It’s like laying out a path with interesting signs along the way – you want your readers to be curious enough to follow where it leads. Make sure each email has a clear purpose and a call to action that stands out, so your readers know exactly what to do next.

14. Develop Persuasive Calls to Action (CTAs)

Develop Persuasive Calls to Action

The call to action (CTA) in your email is like the moment in a conversation where you say, “Here’s what I think we should do.” 

It’s crucial for guiding your readers to the next step, whether that’s visiting your website, making a purchase, or signing up for a webinar. Your CTA should be clear, concise, and hard to miss. 

Use action-oriented language and buttons or links that stand out in your email’s design. Think about what you want your readers to do after reading the email and make it easy for them to do just that. 

A good CTA is like a clear, well-marked exit off a highway – it shows exactly where to go.

15. Utilize Email Footers Strategically

Utilize Email Footers Strategically

The footer in your email is like the fine print, but it doesn’t have to be boring. It’s a great place to include important information like contact details, social media links, or a legal disclaimer. 

You can also add a personal touch, like a sign-off message or a fun fact about your company. The footer should be consistent in all your emails, helping to build brand recognition. 

Think of it as the last word in your email conversation – it’s your chance to leave a lasting impression. So, make sure your footer is tidy, informative, and in line with your brand’s style.

16. Design for Skimmable Content

Skimmable Content

People often quickly scan through emails, so design your content to be easy to skim. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and headers to break up text. Highlight key points or offers in bold or a different color. 

Include images or graphics to add visual interest and help convey your message. It’s like creating a roadmap through your email, with clear signs pointing to the important parts. 

This approach not only makes your email more readable but also ensures that your main messages get noticed, even by those who don’t read every word. Think of it as making your email a pleasant, easy walk through a park, not a dense, confusing jungle.

17. Ensure Email Accessibility

Ensure Email Accessibility

Emails should be accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. Use readable fonts, appropriate font sizes, and high-contrast text to ensure legibility. Include alt text for images to describe them to screen readers. 

Test your email with accessibility tools to make sure it can be understood by people with various impairments. This practice ensures that your messages reach a wider audience and demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity. 

Think of it as making your email a welcoming space for everyone, regardless of their abilities.

18. Conduct Pre-Send Email Tests

Conduct Pre-Send Email Tests

Before hitting that send button, always test your emails. Check for typos, broken links, and formatting issues. Send test emails to yourself and colleagues to review how they appear on different devices and email clients. 

This step helps you catch errors and ensure your email looks great to your recipients. It’s like giving your email a final polish before presenting it to the world. 

Testing prevents embarrassing mistakes and maintains a professional image.

19. Time Your Email Campaigns Appropriately

Email Campaigns Appropriately

Timing matters in email marketing. Pay attention to when your target audience is most likely to check their emails. This could vary depending on your audience’s time zone, industry, or preferences. 

Sending emails at the right time increases the chances of them being seen and acted upon. It’s like serving a delicious meal when your guests are hungry – perfect timing leads to better results.

20. Determine Optimal Email Sending Frequency

Email Sending Frequency

HubSpot survey reveals a notable trend: a substantial 77.8% of users habitually check their email more than five times daily. In contrast, a mere 4.1% of individuals limit their inbox scrutiny to once a day.

Finding the right balance in email frequency is crucial. Too many emails can overwhelm your subscribers and lead to unsubscribes, while too few emails may cause them to forget about your brand. 

Understand your audience’s preferences and strike a balance that keeps them engaged without feeling bombarded. It’s like maintaining a pleasant conversation – not too much, not too little, just right to keep the interest alive.


And there we go – you’ve got a solid grasp of email marketing best practices! By incorporating strategies like using your own domain and leveraging tools like Swordfish AI, you’re setting up your campaigns for success.

Key takeaways:

  • Professional and Personal Connection: It’s crucial to strike a balance between professionalism and a personal touch when reaching out to your audience.
  • Customization and Timing: Tailoring your messages to the recipient’s interests and choosing the right time to send them out can significantly boost engagement.
  • Engaging Content: Keeping your emails accessible, interesting, and engaging is essential for keeping your audience’s attention.

As you put these practices into action, you should start seeing tangible results like higher open rates, better click-through rates, increased customer engagement, and an overall improvement in ROI.

Keep these best practices in mind, and you’re likely to see your email marketing campaigns thrive and evolve. Keep up the great work!


How do I handle spam complaints?

Take spam complaints seriously. Provide a clear and easy way for subscribers to unsubscribe. Additionally, monitor your email list quality and content to reduce the likelihood of spam reports. Too many can harm your sender’s reputation.

Can I use purchased email lists?

It’s best to avoid purchased email lists. They often contain low-quality or outdated contacts, and sending emails to these lists can result in high bounce rates and spam complaints. Focus on growing your list organically.

What’s the role of storytelling in email marketing?

Storytelling can make your emails more engaging and relatable. Share anecdotes, customer stories, or the journey of your brand. It helps create a connection with your subscribers and keeps them interested in your content.

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