The Homestead at Milton

Now Selling Custom Homes From $4 Million on 3-10 Acre Homesites

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The Homestead at MiltonCustom Homes From $4 Million on 3-10 Acre Homesites in Milton, GA in Fulton (North)

Milton, GA Custom Homes From $4 Million on 3-10 Acre Homesites

Explore The Homestead at Milton


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The Homestead at Milton, located in Milton, GA, 30 miles north of Atlanta, is a new gated community where land and homes meet. The Homestead sits on a former 180-acre golf course that has been kept groomed and cared for  the past 3 decades. With just 30 homesites, this is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to own 3-10 acres of land, build a homestead and put down roots for your family.  This extraordinary acreage is idyllic.  With its pristine lake, gentle rolling hills, mature trees providing beautiful tree canopies, handsome arrival courts, classically inspired landscaping and architecture will ensure these one-of-a-kind homes will be destinations; they will not be competitive with one another, but rather confidently relaxed and independent. Separation, privacy, and visual respect will be essential drivers for each home design. Site planning guidelines will ensure compositions will never waver from what is important to the human eye. Beauty, proportion, balance, and graceful architectural solutions will all be the hallmarks of The Homestead at Milton.  Once you’ve purchased your homesite, our team can help make your dream a reality.  Click here to learn more.