Your decentralized artificial intelligence assistant

Libertai operates without a centralized server, allowing for increased privacy and security, and employs machine learning algorithms for improved language processing capabilities.

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Not your average AI assistant

Libertai a decentralized AI system, has the potential to be more secure, accessible, resilient, and efficient than a centralized system, while also reducing the risk of bias and protecting the privacy of users.



Uncensored, unleashed, unbelievable

A decentralized AI Large Language Model offers benefits like improved scalability, fault tolerance, and enhanced privacy. It allows for easier scaling, more resilience, and higher privacy for users. These advantages make it a potentially attractive option for organizations looking to implement AI technology.

You’re early, but we don’t mind

Join us as we explore this fascinating technology together, help us test our machine learning algorithms and new exciting products. Those who stick around are in for a treat.


An unstoppable inter planetary network.

Libertai large language models are running on a set of technologies such as IPFS in combination with It effectively runs on a fully decentralized, uncensored, secure and resilient computing network that is practically unstoppable.


Have a look at our architecture