Hydrogen Technologies has patented a breakthrough method for burning hydrogen and oxygen in a vacuum chamber to create high-temperature heat and steam with zero greenhouse gases. With the only by-product being water, the cleanH2steam Dynamic Combustion Chamber™ (DCC™) Boiler harnesses the power of hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe.
Hydrogen Technologies offers a CLEAN, ZERO-EMISSION ENERGY SOLUTION for the Commercial and Industrial Boiler Market. There are a wide range of applications for our cleanH2steam DCC™ Boiler, which work much like traditional commercial heat, hot water and industrial steam boilers: be it power generation plants, district heating, food processing, chemical refining, pulp and paper mills or large venue halls, Hydrogen Technologies has a reliable, efficient, and clean solution for your needs.
Power Output: 0.5MWe, 1.0MWe and higher
- Steam Output Rate: 1500 kg/Hr and higher
- Steam Outlet pressure: 40 bar or 580 psi
- Steam Outlet temperature: 400 ˚C or 752 ˚F
Eliminates all CO2 and NOx emissions through a closed-loop combustion process – the only by-product is water which is recycled for further use
Greater than 95% thermal boiler efficiency, Greater than 20% more efficient in fuel usage than a typical conventional steam boiler – a result of the DCC™ patented design High Energy Efficiency
Hydrogen Technologies cleanH2steam DCC™ is cost competitive with existing hydrocarbon boiler systems
Utilizes a traditional gas boiler architecture, containing robust parts with great fault tolerance and wear resistance
Our innovative boiler designs accommodate various capacities and steam requirements within a closed-loop combustion process eliminating all NOx and CO2 emissions. Our cleanH2steam DCC™ Boiler has greater than 20% greater efficiency than traditional hydrocarbon boilers with a greater than 95% overall thermal efficiency.
Shopping Malls, Universities, Airports, Hotels, Stadiums and Venue Halls, Hospitals and Government Buildings
Refining and petrochemical, Pulp and Paper, Chemical and Pharma, Food Processing, Refrigeration, Metals and Mining, Composite and Carbon Fiber
Utility Power Generation, Energy Storage, On-Site Distributed Energy, Universities and Institutions, Building HVAC, Data Centers
Meeting our Commercial and Industrial Customer Specifications for heat, hot water and steam from clean hydrogen:
Heat Generation for Space Heat and Hot Water Applications
Generate High-Quality Steam for purpose-built Industrial Processes
Generate High-Quality Steam for Combined Heat & Power, Combined Cooling, Heat & Power or Energy Storage Applications