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Healthier Frying
For People & Planet

We provide a disruptive solution for food-processing and food-service companies striving to produce & serve healthier food, increase sustainability, and save costs.

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The Story of Beyond Oil

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Health Risks Associated to Frying Oil

Professor Oren Fruchte
Director of the Pulmonary Division of the Wolfson Medical Center.
Beyond Oil's innovative solution makes a huge contribution to humanity in the medical field, reducing morbidity and mortality from cancers caused by exposure to frying fumes, thereby making a great contribution to improving the general health of the population. The preventive health approach as noted above, adopted by most of the world's health systems, can benefit from increasing public awareness of the issue, from setting and enforcing appropriate regulation, and from greater awareness in the system of this morbidity and its sources.”
Portrait of Prof. Nissim Garti
Professor Nissim Garti
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
“In my opinion and based on the extensive experience I have in the world of frying, there is no doubt that by switching to the use of Beyond Oil's filter powder formula, we can have a direct and positive impact on reducing mortality and morbidity rates, making the world a healthier place for everyone. Overall, BOF is a win-win solution for all stakeholders in the frying industry. It resolves the conflict of interest between financial considerations and health concerns by providing a solution that benefits both. With its numerous health and economic benefits, BOF should be adopted as a worldwide standard in the frying industry. Beyond Oil's innovative solution is paving the way for a healthier and more sustainable future, and we should all embrace this technology for the greater good.
Prof. Sarel Halahmi
Head of Urology Department Bnei Zion Medical Center
“As the head of the urology department at the hospital and a professor with many years of experience in the field, I have dedicated significant research to understanding the impacts of bladder cancer, chronic kidney disease, and infertility. Through my studies, I have become acutely aware of the extensive medical literature highlighting the direct harm caused by consuming fried foods, particularly when cooked in repeatedly used oil. This is a global problem that health organizations around the world must address to protect the public. I recommend that health authorities worldwide test and adopt Beyond Oil’s technology and collaborate on joint studies to make the use of Beyond Oil mandatory in every fryer globally.Implementing these findings and recognizing the need to use Beyond Oil’s filter powder as part of a preventive medicine approach will benefit the public and reduce morbidity for millions of people worldwide.”

We Reduce Health & Cancer Risks Associated to Frying Oil

Professor Oren Fruchte
Director of the Pulmonary Division of the Wolfson Medical Center.
"Beyond Oil's innovative solution makes a huge contribution to humanity in the medical field, reducing morbidity and mortality from cancers caused by exposure to frying fumes, thereby making a great contribution to improving the general health of the population"
Portrait of Prof. Nissim Garti
Professor Nissim Garti
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
"I am confident in concluding that adopting Beyond Oil’s innovative solution will enable restaurants, food producers, and other food manufacturers to offer safer and healthier food to their customers, reducing the risk of severe diseases and improving the general health of the population." ​

Consume Less, Fry Beyond

Companies who incorporate our product into their daily frying routine experience a wide range of benefits

By reducing the oil consumption and disposal, our products make your business more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

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Healthier Food

Our products enable you to produce & serve healthier and more flavourful food, increasing customer satisfaction.

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Cost Savings

By safely extending the lifespan of frying oil, our products assist in reducing oil consumption and cost-cutting.

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Our Solution

We have developed superior and powerful powders that absorb and prevent the development of carcinogenic substances formed during frying operations.

Our products help frying users meet regulatory and food safety requirements while extending oil lifespan and preserving the oil's quality, ensuring frying oil stays fresh and fried food tastes fantastic (suitable for use with all types of frying oils).

Become Our Customer

Meet regulatory and food safety requirements while frying healthier food, reducing waste, and saving costs!

Join Our Revolution

Beyond Oil is an innovative food-tech company dedicated to transforming the way we consume and produce food. We provide sustainable solutions for the food industry, prioritizing environmental protection and the well-being of its workers and customers.

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River through a forest

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Daily use of Beyond Oil significantly increases oil life and reduces overall oil consumption by up to 70%. With our solutions, large food chains and food processing companies can reduce their carbon footprint dramatically.

Up to 70%
-25M Kg
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