Wealth is Personal,

And so is Whittier Trust

Wealth is Personal,

And so is Whittier Trust

Protect Your Loved Ones. Ensure a Lasting Legacy.


Are You Getting the Most out of Your Tax Planning Services?

Are you maximizing your after-tax returns to the fullest extent possible? This question holds immense weight for ultra-wealthy individuals as they navigate the complex landscape of taxation. Despite employing the expertise of traditional financial advisors and tax professionals, many find themselves falling short of truly optimizing their tax planning strategies. The seasoned wealth management advisors who make up the backbone of Whittier Trust’s family office services recognize the intricate challenges our clients face, and we pride ourselves on offering tailored […]

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Why Whittier?

From Investments to Family Office to Trustee Services and more, we are your single source solution. Just like you, we're independent and unique. And that's how we treat your needs.

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