2021 Birmingham's Best Places to Work: TailWinds Technologies

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Quality leadership, stellar perks and a good working environment helped this 2021 Best Places to Work make the list.

Describe your company in a tweet (140 characters or less): At TailWinds Technologies, we believe the right technology solutions can transform your business.

As we evaluate work-from-home, in-office and hybrid work situations, what has your company embraced and why? Before Covid, our entire company was already set up to work remote if needed. We have continued the same business practices we were implementing prior to Covid.

How would you describe your company culture in 30 seconds to someone you meet at a cocktail party? TailWinds’ company culture is rewarding, fun and collaborative. We are one of the best places to work in Birmingham.

What are the most popular perks you offer to employees? Company paid cellphone, Blue Cross health Insurance, flexible schedule.

Is your company currently hiring? Yes, for multiple positions.

Your ideal employee is what? Dedicated

What trait is a deal-breaker for a candidate at your company? Laziness