Dr Allen's devices can help you
to avoid medications and their side effects

Prostate Enlargement
BPH Treatment

Chronic Prostatitis
Pelvic Pain Treatment

Kidney Stones
Dissolving Treatment

Coronary Heart Disease
Angina Treatment

Lower Back Pain Treatment

Knee Pain
Osteoarthritis Treatment

Back Pain
Upper Spine Treatment

Head & Brain
Cerebral Arteriosclerosis

Vertebral Discs
Lower Spine Treatment


Dr Allen's Devices and Thermobalancing Therapy

Live your life pain free with our remarkably effective and totally safe treatment.

With 15 years on the market, this novel natural treatment has been proven to work in clinical trials,

and successfully used by thousands of customers all over the world.

Available exclusively here at FineTreatment.com

Dr Allen's Device

Prostate Enlargement

Dr Allen's Device

Chronic Prostatitis

Dr Allen's Device for Heart Treatment

Coronary Heart Disease

Dr Allen's Device for Kidney Stones Treatment

Kidney Stones

Dr Allen's Device for the Upper Spine Treatment

Upper Back Pain

Key benefits of Dr Allen's Devices
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    The safest, non-invasive treatment!

    Thermobalancing therapy and Dr Allen’s Devices are patented, clinically proven to work effectively, and improve health risk-free!

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    Protect yourself from complications

    Surgery and removal procedures frequenly cause complications. Dr Allen’s Devices helps to alleviate pain and other symptoms of different health conditions without any complications.

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    Avoid medications & their side effects

    Taking medications for a long time can lead to experiencing nasty side effects. In contrast, Dr Allen’s Devices treat health conditions naturally and safely.

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    Free worldwide delivery!

    Fine Treatment prides themselves on providing top-notch customer service, and deliver therapeutic Dr Allen’s Devices around the globe.

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    Dr Allen’s Devices

    Dr Allen’s Devices are comfy to wear. Since 2010, they have helped thousands of men and women across 100 countries worldwide.

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    Thermobalancing Therapy

    The thermoelement in Dr Allen’s Device works all the time, while it is applied. It balances the temperature in the affected organ locally, stimulating capillary blood circulation and assisting full recovery.

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    The Origin of Diseases

    Our pioneering medical research shows that different health conditions are united by the same cause at the capillary level. So they can be successfully treated in the same way – with Thermobalancing therapy and Dr Allen’s Devices.

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    Cost-effective solution!

    Dr Allen’s Devices can help you to dramatically improve health and save thousands of dollars in medical fees.

So how do Dr Allen's Devices work?

On the market since 2010, Dr Allen’s Devices are regulated, patented, well tested and clinically proven to work!

Thermobalancing therapy and Dr. Allen’s Devices offer a unique, natural, life-changing treatment for common chronic health conditions. Totally risk-free, this therapeutic treatment method is highly effective and very easy to use at home.

Dr Allen’s Devices provide a safe, natural treatment option.

Dr Allen’s Devices provide a safe, natural treatment option. Their unique design does not involve batteries. They consist of natural thermoelements, and a comfy supporting apparel, such as a soft belt or a T-shirt. The thermoelements will typically last for as long as needed for the treatment. Dr Allen’s Devices can be worn comfortably underneath your everyday clothing.

They are worn on the body, and integrate into the daily life of their users perfectly.

Dr. Allen’s Devices are highly effective, harmless, and easy to use. They are worn on the body, and integrate into the daily activities of their users perfectly. The natural treatment with Dr. Allen’s Devices and Thermobalancing therapy is achieved through improved blood circulation locally at the capillary level.

This therapeutic treatment is highly effective and very easy to use at home.

The range of Dr. Allen’s Devices is designed for the treatment of prostate conditions, including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and chronic prostatitis; coronary heart disease; for dissolving kidney stones; treating lower back pain; easing upper spine stiffness and knee osteoarthritis; relieving chronic headaches and supporting brain function; and for prevention and recovery after a heart attack.

Improve your health and the quality of life in the comfort of your home.

By choosing this exclusive therapy, you can confidently treat enlarged prostate (BPH) and chronic prostatitis, as well as chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS). You can ease angina and coronary heart disease, and help your body to recover after a heart attack. You can dissolve any type and size of kidney stones; terminate sciatica and lower back pain; ease upper spine stiffness and discomfort; and improve the condition of your knees. Dr Allen’s Devices will help you to achieve excellent treatment results – effectively and safely!