Top Fast Food Rankings

Fast food ranks 12th in our rankings. Top brands include Krispy Kreme, Costa Coffee, and Starbucks.

Industry Performance

Fast food’s average Brand Intimacy Quotient score is 33.6, which is below the cross-industry average of 36.8. Industry performance declined 4 percent since our 2021 study.

Archetypes & Stages

Indulgence remains the dominant industry archetype, and fast food ranks fourth for indulgence. It also ranks third overall for nostalgia. The category declined across all stages of Brand Intimacy.

Head to Head

In comparing Krispy Kreme and Costa Coffee, we see mixed performance. Krispy Kreme is stronger across fulfillment, identity, and nostalgia, while Costa Coffee ranks higher for enhancement, ritual, and indulgence. Krispy Kreme leads in fusing, while Costa Coffee is stronger in sharing and bonding. Both brands are closely associated with the emoji connoting delicious 😋.