Dr. Frank Roach Provides 4 Professional At-Home Tips for Cleaner Teeth

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Dr Frank Roach Dr Frank Roach

Dr. Frank Roach is one of Atlanta’s top dentists, providing local patients with sophisticated procedures and state-of-the-art tools that improve overall dental health. He helps his patients keep their teeth clean and healthy in between dentist visits with a few expert tips. 


For decades, Dr. Frank Roach has been one of Atlanta’s premier dentists as well as a leader and champion for improved dental procedures and resources. He’s a role model to his peers, having practiced dentistry since 1998 to immense patient satisfaction. 


Over the years, he’s developed a reputation for improved procedures and upgraded equipment, such as the CEREC Omnicam and the Moonray S 3D-printer. This dedication to the latest technology he offers coupled with his dedicated care has set the offices of Dr. Frank Roach far apart from the competition. To help patients everywhere take better care of their teeth in between dentist visits, he shares a few professional tips with readers. “Instead of coming to dentists when there’s a major problem, patients can learn how to properly care for their teeth so they only require periodic checkups and cleanings,” says Dr. Frank Roach.  “I like to share a few helpful tips with my patients before they leave the office to make sure they’re doing all they can at home.”


  1. Brush at Least Twice a Day


“In a perfect world, everybody would brush their teeth immediately following eating snacks or meals to remove any residue left behind,” says Dr. Frank Roach. “This isn’t always easy to do, so at the very least people should brush their teeth twice during the day.” To help keep food off teeth, he suggests brushing in the morning after breakfast and again at night before bed. 


  1. Avoid Acidic Foods Where Possible


Some foods like oranges, lemons, and limes provide vitamins and nourishment, but they also have high acid content which can erode the enamel on our teeth. Other acidic foods to avoid in excess include pickles, tomatoes, and pineapples. People who do eat these foods should eat them sparingly and inside of a meal so the acid is blended in with other ingredients and have less contact with your teeth. 


  1. Use Toothpaste that Strengthens Enamel 


Regular use each day, eating acidic foods, and drinking liquids that stain our teeth slowly wear out the protective coating on teeth’s outer layer. At home, Dr. Frank Roach suggests using products like Pronamel toothpaste which actively strengthens weakened tooth enamel and protects it against erosion. 


  1. Avoid Over-the-Counter Whitening Kits


“Some whitening kits aren’t too dangerous for your teeth, but most aren’t,” says Dr. Frank Roach. “You should discuss whitening options with your dentist and only use over-the-counter products that are certified by official dental groups.” These tips can help anyone take better care of their teeth and eliminate the need for major dental procedures later. However, Dr. Frank Roach still suggests scheduling at least one or two cleaning appointments a year to protect against cavities and tooth decay. 

