Russell Reconstitution

Pinpoint change with precision.


The Russell US Indexes are designed to reflect the ever-changing US equity market, and the reconstitution process is critical to maintaining accurate representation.

During the reconstitution, the breakpoints between large, mid and small cap are redefined to ensure market changes that have occurred in the preceding period are captured.

Companies are also revaluated to determine where they lie along the investment styles spectrum. 

Preliminary Russell Reconstitution Communications Begin on May 23, 2025

April - ranking month

April is "ranking" month when the largest US companies are lined up to form the preliminary Russell US reconstitution portfolio. In 2025, the rank day falls on Wednesday, April 30

May and June - transition months

May is the month that the preliminary reconstitution portfolio begins to be communicated to the marketplace. Begining on May 23, preliminary lists are communicated to the marketplace and updates are provided on May 30, June 6, June 13, and June 20. The newly reconstituted indexes take effect after US market close on June 27.


April dates for Russell Reconstitution
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30      



May dates for Russell Reconstitution
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31



June dates for Russell Reconstitution
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30          


Russell US Indexes Moving to a Semi-Annual Index Reconstitution Frequency

Following market consultation, FTSE Russell has announced the reconstitution of the Russell US Indexes will change from an annual to a semi-annual schedule in 2026. Find out more information.

2024 Reconstitution Commentary

Read our overview of the changes made during the 2024 Reconstitution.

Frequently asked questions

  • A: FTSE Russell believes indexes are designed to represent the entire investable opportunity set. Because markets continually change, there must be a systematic procedure in place to keep the indexes’ representation of the markets or market segments reflective of new market information. Fully reconstituting the indexes annually plus adding eligible IPOs (initial public offerings) quarterly and applying daily adjustments maintains the representative nature of the Russell US indexes while avoiding the unnecessary turnover a more frequent full reconstitution could cause.

Market capitalization ranges

Index membership and rankings are determined using total market capitalizations as of reconstitution rank date.

Market capitalization (USD as of reconstitution rank date)

As of April 30, 2024

Russell US Indexes

Russell US Indexes
  Number of Securities High Low Medium
Russell 3000® 3,023 $2,893.6B $150.4M $2.1B
Russell 1000® 1,013 2,893.6B $2.4B 13.8B
Russell 2000® 2,010 7.1B 150.4M 869.6M
Russell 2500 2,515 18.0B 150.4M 1.4B
Russell Midcap® 813 51.8B 2.4B 10.6B
Russell Top 500 508 2,893.6B 10.5B 38.1B
Russell Top 200® 200 2,893.6B 42.1B 94.0B
Russell Top 50® Mega Cap 51 2,893.6B 152.7B 288.0B
Russell Microcap® 1,478 1.4B 30.0M 240.0M
Russell 3000E 3,538 2,893.6B 30.0M 1.4B

Russell US Indexes - Historical

Russell US Indexes - Historical
  RUSSELL 3000® RUSSELL 1000® RUSSELL 2000®
  Largest Smallest Largest Smallest Smallest Largest Largest Smallest
w/banding w/banding
2024 $2,893.6B $150.4M $2,893.6B $4.6B $2.4B $7.1B $4.6B $150.4M
2023 2,684.7B 159.5M 2,684.7B 4.2B 2.4B 6.0B 4.2B 159.5M
2022 2,545.6B 240.1M 2,545.6B 4.6B 2.9B 6.4B 4.6B 240.1M
2021 2,172.9B 257.1M 2,172.9B 5.2B 3.6B 7.3B 5.2B 257.1M
2020 1,400.5B 94.8M 1,400.50 3.0B 1.8B 4.4B 3.0B 94.8M
2019 974.2B 152.3M 974.2B 3.6B 2.4B 5.0B 3.6B 152.3M
2018 926.9B 159.2M 926.9B 3.7B 2.5B 5.0B 3.7B 159.2M
2017 813.9B 143.6M 813.9B 3.4B 2.4B 4.4B 3.4B 143.6M
2016 549.7B 132.9M 549.7B 2.9B 2.0B 3.9B 2.9B 132.9M
2015 750.5B 176.7M 750.5B 3.4B 2.4B 4.3B 3.4B 176.7M
2014 545.3B 168.7M 545.3B 3.1B 2.2B 4.1B 3.1B 168.7M
2013 422.1B 128.9M 422.1B 2.6B 1.8B 3.3B 2.6B 128.9M
2012 540.2B 100.7M 540.2B 2.0B 1.4B 2.6B 2.0B 100.7M
2011 411.2B 130.3M 411.2B 2.2B 1.6B 3.0B 2.2B 130.3M
2010 283.1B 111.9M 283.1B 1.7B 1.3B 2.3B 1.7B 111.9M
2009 338.4B 78.3M 338.4B 1.2B 829.2M 1.7B 1.2B 78.3M

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